The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1965

• ,( brl\pi~r \ tl tt t\ll \l f l1.,. .. o,ce o ~- Donald Moffat (center) registers two persons fo r youth ra Ily. Youth Ra I ly attended by 1200 Young People from Ohio area Approximately 1200 people pas– tor and 1 ·outh leader attended the annual Ohio As ociation of Regu lar Bapti t Churches ' 'Youth Rally · Nov. 27. at Cedarville College. P a tor A. Donald Moffat, regis tr ar for the group. aid ther e wer e 850 regi tered for the evening b anquet erved in the new field hou e with table et up on the gyna ium floor . Local high chool tudents helped to erve the large group of young people. The day itself wa pleasant with no no\\· and with temper atures in the 60 making a very enjoyable day for the outing. At 2 p.m. work hops. led by Dr. John Balyo, pastor of Ced ar H ill Baptist Church. Cleveland, were held on the subject of "Creation ·and Evolution" and ' 'Your Emotional Re– lation to Yourself and others includ– ing the members of the oppo ite ex.,. During the evening service there \\'ere ongs and te timonies and a mes– age b1 r the Re, 7 • Don Jennings of Fenton. ... f ichigan. JA UARY, 1965 PAGE 10 The fir st Baptist Ohtrrch, Niles, won the fir t place Travel Trophy and will now be able to keep it ince thi is their third year to win t·he award. WHAT IS A REAL HOME? A r eal home i a gynasium. The ideal of a healthy body i the fir t one to give a child. A r eal home i a lighthouse. A lighthouse r eveals the breaker ahead and hows a clear way past them. A r eal home is a playground. Be– ware of the hou e where you "das en' t frolic.,-ther e i mischief brewing for someone. A r eal home i a work hop. Pity the boy without a workshop . They haven't learned the f un of doing thing -and ther e is no fun like it. A r ea l home i a forum. Hone t, open d iscu ion of life' great prob– lem belong originally in the f amily circle. ·_:_ ~~'- _ ..... -_ G irls a ttend yo uth ra ll y . Trustees of Home & Camp planning important meeting Becau e of the many matters con– cerning both Hon1e and Camp that need con ider·ation and cry for im– ,perative action, ,the chairman has called for an all day meeting of the Tru tee on Feb. 15. Tihis meeting will be held at our ' Hilltop Hou e" in Barberton at 10:30 A.M. Our Superintendent and Matron have ho - ,pita 1 bly offered to serve dinner for the tru tees at 1 P .M. at the Home. Meetin,g will again be called at 1: 45 and will continue a long as necessary. Trustees will receive notice of aid meeting from our ecretary Rev. or– man Hoag. - Donald H . Beightol, Chairman Shine Lamp do not talk but they do hine. A lighthouse ounds no drums, it beat no gong· ,and yet far over the waters it friendly park is seen by the mariner. So let your actions shine out your religion. Let the main ermon of your life be illustrated by all your conduct. Cha . Spurgeon. * * • * The church needs le advice on ' 'How to do it ' and more Christi an who are willing "To do it. " THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST