The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1965

Los Angeles Baptist College and Seminary The fa11 seme ter at LAB 1 C was one of the fin,est on record. The deans and dorm residen•ts reported sL1bs-tantial piri.tual progress in the lives of the students, 1the faculty reported improved diligence and more evident des.ire for learning and the campus it elif was va~tly more at– tractive. The ChriSitJnas concert drew a eia– pacity crowd ito Rutherford Hall. The program, under .the direction of Mr . An,gelen Shope, was in three ;par.ts including tihat of ( 1) the voca l and in– strumen,tal ensemble , (2) th e choir and ( 3) ithe Christmas carols sung on the patio. Hotchkiss Hall, the huge new dor– mitory, is almost complete, the men occupied ,their 1 W in,g earlier in t he Fall, the supervisor's apwtments were available before Ohristmas as was the lovely lounge, and ,tlhe wing for the girls was sohed,ul,ed for January . The facilities are just as pleasant and convenient ,as possible ·while the view of the moun<tain is 1breath-itaking. Athletically, the LABC mustangs have been enjoying an enoourl8lging season ( except for a 98-97 loss ito WBBC). Afiter winning their opening game with Upland, they h,ave lost to Biola and also 1 to Upland jn a rematoh, but narrow margins. Soccer has come ,to cam.pus ithis Fall and should advance suifficiently for inter- collegiate games by ,the Fall of 1965. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 60th Year A staff of eighteen full-time or part-time workers witnessing to our Lord's ''bretl1ren" in Ol1io, West Virginia, Brazil; and other areas by radio an<l the mailing 1uinistry. Our policy to cooperate witl1 local New T estan1ent cl1urcl1es in tl1e ac– cepted metl1ods of Scri1>tural evangel– ism, and tl1e placing of new converts. We express our appreciation to tl1e 1>astors and friends in 51 of our 01110 Association Cl1t1rcl1es who in tl1e llast year l1a ve l1el pe<l make this I mi11istry Ilossible. Staff 111eu1bers are l1a1>1>Y to visit cl1urcl1es i11 tl1e spirit of Acts 15:4 to sl1are re1>orts a11d inspirational 1 111essages concerning tl1e 111inistry. Write for free co1)Y - .,,.f'rumpeter for Israel" a quarterly devoted to Jev.•isl1 Propl1ecies, Current News about tl1e Jews and thrilling re1>orts f ro111 missionaries. - - - erald V. Smelser, Supt. P .O. Box 3556, leveland 18, Ohio - THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - New ,major to be added jn the 1965-66 catalog will include mu ic a nd rn 1 atlhematics. A minor in peech w.ill also be added. Several new fa– culty mem,bers are already being in tervieiwed for ,the enlargement of the teaching s,taff for the Fall. Western Baptist Bible College A Day of Prayc.r, Dec . I. w~') ~ real spiritual tonic to ·.!1e f tudent body at Wes,tern. T he Christmas Ban– quet, Dec 11, ,the s·ocial highli·gh,t of the s·emester, and .the great Stiate C hampionshi·p ,Ba&ketbaJ.1 G,ame be– tween LABC and WiB,BC, Dec. 12 the ·athletic climax of ·the new basket– ball season. A musi,oal ·feast was prov.ided stu– dents a ~td public allike on Decern 1 ber 17 1 th when the College Chorus and band presen,ted "The Son,gs and Carols of Christmas," ·under .the direction of Richard L. ,caulk·ins, Victor Hub– bard ·an1d Carroll True. Tihe annual Mission,ary C onference, fea·turing representatives of our GA– RB approved agencie , is planned for Jan. 25-29 as a beigi,nning to the Spr ing Semester. Further add iiti·ons to the situdenit body are forseen ,at ~pr,ing re,gistra– tion. Plans continue to relieve the already crowded cond,i,tions in most every quar,ter. Think about this article! The ·followin1g anticle js taken from ,the SWORD OF THE LORD paiper wri,tten by Evan,gelist Roberit L. Sum– ner. This .is a very 1i 1 mely article. "My attention was called the other day ,to an article, 'The Return of .the Beatles,' in the August 8 Ito Augu t 15 issue of the Saturday EvenillJg Post. The ar.ticle was cer,tainly revealing for the child of God and should force immediate ce satiion of any fo11111 of admiraition for the Beatie on the part of a Chri tian - whether young or old! "The R eturn of the Beatle " quoted a tatemen t by it.he Bea tie ' pre officer, D erek Taylor, that hould rai e ,the h air on your head at least two inche - may,be even ctirl it a little. And, remember, Mr. Taylor ough t to be in a position to know about the e n1atter pcrhap even better than any other living individual. ·Here i what he said ·as reporite<.l veribati,m in The Saturday Eveni ng Pos t: 'It's incredible, absolutely incred– rible. Here are those four boys from Liverpool. They're rude, they're pro– fane, they're vul,gar and they've taken over the world. It's as if they'd tounded a new religion. They're com– pletely an,ti ...Christ. I 1mean, I'm anti– Christ as well, 1but ,they'·re so anti– Ohrist they shock me, which isn't h . ' ,, an easy t ,1ng. . . . . Here is another quotaition , taken from the London Evening Standard: This was stated ,by Paul McCartney, one of the Beartles: "I don'.t rfeel I have to be reli·gious. I may need it as I grow older •to comforit ,me when I 'm dying. But now, as far as I'm -concerned, I can riot." Thi ought to settle the Beatles question once and for all for any ,one ·and ev,ery1one who even Claim to be a C hri tian ! .,, ... * •I• . .. We only have ,to explain £ailures; Success speaks for i 1 tself. Since ,tJhe ohristian life ,i a God– planned life, we oug,ht to live t·he life God planned .for u . The Ohio Independent Baptist CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP . . . Whether you are a pastor, mission– ary or church member, you'll find that this magazine gives you the information you need for fellowship. FOR STUDENTS AND MISSION– ARIES . . . Keep informed of your home church and its activities. SOURCE OF IDEAS . . . Methods successfully used by others will help your ministry. ORDER or RENEW TODAY! The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio D NEW O RENEWAL I am enclosing $ ... .... Please send me the Ol1io lndepende1,t Baptist for one year. Na me .................................................... . Address ............... .,................................. . City ............................ State ............... . Occupation .............................................. hurcl1 ............ ' ................. " ................... RATE 1 YEAR $2.00 JANUARY, 1965 PAGE 11