The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1965

15 . SPRI GFIELD Maranaitha Bapti t Sun et and Beacon St. Clifford Lones 1628 S. Fountain Ave. 24th day 16. STREETSBORO Bible Baptist · 9528 St. Road No. 14 Jesse Howell 1126 Gaynelle Rd . l l7 . STRO GSVILLE Fir t Baptist Box 8975 R on1) 1 ne Strickland 5212 Boston Rd., Brun wick, 0 . 118. STRUTHERS Struthers Bapti t Tabernacle 4th and Elm Sts. Andrew J. Marsteller 299 Elm St. 119. STRYKER First Baptist W. Lynn and We t Streets Douglas Stacks Box 181 120. SU BURY Gr ace Baptist Church Marti11 E. Holmes Box 233 25th day 121. TALLMADGE Fundamental Bapti t 848 Southeast Ave. B . F . Cate 848 Southeast Ave. 122. THURSTON F airf ield Baptist Clerk - Mrs. Charles George Box 102 J 23. TIFFI Calvary Bapti t orth Washington a t Hall M) 1 ron Williams 156 Greenfie ld 124. TOLEDO Emmanuel Baptist 4207 Laskey Road ( 13) D<Jna/{/ 1. Sewell 3705 Mowen Rd. ( 436 t 3) 125 TOL - 0 0 Grace Baptist 5612 W. Bancroft P t1,\t<Jr l:11ule 5612 W. Bancroft 26th day 126. 1 OL I DO L .. c:\>\ 1 Ave. 13aJJtist 4 4()8 l.,e 1 vvi s l,arles I-<ee<I 41 13 . l ...ock\A.'ood 127 . TRO ,race Bapti t 1c ' aig at Ml 11r()e l ~r11e\' t J. i1) .:i111 525 1 1cK dig A 1 e. J 28. TWINSBURG Fir t Baptist hurch l 0204 Ravenn a Road Paul Scher1ck 1903 We twood Dr . 129. UNION Un.ion Bapti t 110 S. Main Clerk Carole Arnett Monroe Duffy 130. URBANA Gr·ace Baipti t Church 236 Bloomfield Ave. Ra)' Kaffenbarger 27th day 131. VAN WERT Faith B1apti t 603 Airport Ave. Marvin L. Engle 1026 Glenn St. l32. WARREN Bethel Baptist 1244 Tod Ave. N.W. K enneth T . R omig 747 Roosevelt Ave. N.W. 133 . WADSWORTH Fellow hip Bapti t 5026 Ridge Rd. R .R . No. 1 (4428 1) Harold G . Winter R.R. No. l ( 44281 ) 134. WAUSON First Baptist 224 S. Fulton St. Gerald Wagnitz 1 24 Superior 135. WELLINGTON First Baptist 125 Grand Ave. Darrell Bice 511 Herrick Ave. E . 28th day l 36. WHEELERSBURG Wheeler burg B8ipti t Box 224 Vacant Clerk - Mrs. Golclie Davis 5720 Wil on Ave. 137. XENIA alvary Bapt i t 58 W. Harb ine Ave. ~V. A. Herzog 749 . Ga lloway 138. WARR N ( 'hampion Bap ti t Wesle)' 111itl1 "Jer k - R z1t/1 R<>lvlc,11,ls 119 XcNIA 111n1at1L1el I 12() ' . Detroit t. } tJ/111 / ) l eete, .,. 2(17 An1\tcrda111 Drive J 40. YO ( , 1OWN 1race Ba1>t1sl ~ 36 tJ Oak t • ( - ) I J ,11·,,/cl c1r1Je111er l I::?. l )L1n an l .a11c 14 1. Zi\JNESVILLE Clavary Baptist 536 MoXJahal a Ave. Walter G. Yeager 536 Moxahala Ave. 29th day Council of Ten State Missionary Trustees of Home and Camp Youth Department 30th day Magazine, Editor and staff Camp Patmos Hilltop House Cedarville College Proposed new camp Mission churches {Concluded from page 9) Church of Akron led a group from the Church in ervice of ong and me sage ,from ,the Word of God on the 20th. Cooki es were er ved. Ladie from the Calvary Bapti t Church of Salem vi j,ted us on ,the 24th with gifit tfrom the or,thf ield Bapti t Church. Altogether th i ea on wa a bles ed time. Mi Mabel Walker of the Calvary Bapti t, Cleveland , ,came to live with u a hou ekeeper ov. 15th. S,he i f itting ni cely into our family group. Supt. Hukill wa privilged to min– i ter the Word of God three Sund ay in the F ir t Bapti t Cht1rch of Rittman wh ile they are pa torle, . Al o we had the pr ivi lege of uppJy,ing ,the pLtl pi t of the Fir ,t Bapti t httrch of Medina and the Ca lvary Bapti t C'hL1rch of Tiffin. I t wa a bL1 }' n1on,th, hLtt a happy one, inde d . (Concluded from inside front cover) ft1lne\~ tirel,. '"'t ot1r '65 n11t1al 1 ect 1 n g \\r c o l t g ht to h c ahIc t re– p rt tt greater ,in "re'"1"c throt1gh ·ot1l– \i\ inning than \\C <ltd 1n 19(14. G ti gr ant it! ' l'o ,otl } ot1r e, er} \\' a11t In 111~t,1n·t l)l it, '-=r t-l1~plt1,, J>ra)' '"ti\\ <1\"' 111,,, a11tl t1t:\ t'I fa i 11 t J)ra) ! \\' itl1 )Lil l.cdsi11g, J) r il '.