The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1965

e airman' orner B, Dr . Ed r·d Morr _II , Jr. Chairnt n, Cour1cil of T n l t 's designate a month of prayer 111 tl1\.' l111,11n11t1cl l1 aptt t l1t1r 11 ,, l1 i('}1 1 l',.l t r. J .1nt1,lr,, 1, tiC "tgn ..1tctl , 111l1r1tl1 "t pr,,, er. Tlit.: entire 11 'Tll "'1..'r }1111 1 lit, 1Jc(l ttf, , 111 ng th \1C,\: 1 "1 ,l(l i It l\ thctr fC~p n 1l1iJ1t) t , h ' .. 1 r t 1 pt) 11 th c 1 r h cart, th e 01 c n1- " 'r ,, l1'- ,c n.1n1c, ,lr a ~igncd ,then1. ~ Dt:r1ng the n, nth ial ladie.. · - pra, er gr t1p Jre organized and the 1 11cn. t • 111ect ,lt ~tated tim to ,re~ent their plea, before the throne \,f Lrra e e1ther the , ·outh nor child- • ren ..1re t rgotten in thi.. all-church ef- - tl rt . The lo 1ng ,, eek i pent praying arot1nd the clock. and the fin al d ay f the n1 nth i gi, 1 en over to fa ting and pra)er. Special p raye r effort \V1th the e plan fr e h in my mind, I ould not e cape the conviction tha t a pecial prayer effort on behalf f the \\ hole a ociation could h ave ome re\\ arding re ult . Let•s bathe the ,, ork of the A ociation in prayer. \ ith 141 churche we will be able to to include five churche on our prayer Ii t dai1 1· for 28 da, 1 with an addition– al one on the 2 th dav. On the 29th ., da}· let· remember the pecial A - ociational projects. Pray for the Council of Ten. the State Mi ionary, the Tru tee of H ome and Camp, the :r·outh Department and the Magazine and it Editor. On the 30th day we hould remember Camp P atmo Hill– top House. Cedarville College, a pro– po ed new camp and mis ion chur– che . Thu . five projects for each of 3 0 da}· could be included in our prayer COVER PICTURE: Dr. Edward Morrell , Jr. time. If 1000 people in the A ociation could be thu challenged I am ure we would see victorie won "exceeding abu ndantly above all ,that we a k or think." ( Eph. 3: 20) ' Fellow-laborer in Hi vineyard , it i qui,te evident that our Ma ter de ire us to ask and to a k much. H e tel l us we glorify God by doing o: othing i beyond the cope of prayer which i not beyond the will of God and we do not de ire to go beyond Hi will." So write the ' 'Unknown Chri tian., , in the volume, "The K neeling Chri - tian ' ' concerning the Eph. 3: 20 and related pa age , Then, he proceeds to ask, "What bolds us back? What seal our lips? What keep u s from making much of prayer? Indeed we aver, ' 'WHAT?" During 1965, as we ee the shadows lengthen and dis– cer n the face of the sky, let u s engage in piritual wrestlings that will replace defeats with victories, trageclies with triumph and barrenness with fruit- (Continued on inside back cover) Our front cover picture hows ome of the young people who attended the Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t Churches annual you th rally a t Cedarville College, ov. 27. More than 1200 a ttended the evening e!"\' ice v..hi le 850 were served during the banquet in the new field house on the college campus. • The Ohio Independen t Baptis t is pubhshed on the first of each month in enia, Ohio . U i.l\ b)' The Ohio Ac;sociation of Regular Baptic; t Churche . It i a magazine de\'Oted to Christian fe1 lo,,rship an d fai thfulness to the truth . · ubscription rate : 2.00 per ) 1 ear . ingle copies. 20 cent . pecia l rates gi ven to churche tha t _ub cribe for complete membership. The Ohio Indep endent Ba pt ist . •• Publ ished Monthl y by ••• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xeni•, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Tho Ohio Inde p ende nt Bapt ist Bo x 184 Ced a rvill e, Oh io Re turn Re ques te d Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Add ,.ess : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Ma rhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor .. .. . . ... . James R . Johnson Box I 84, Cedarville, Ohio Wom en's Editor ... . Mrs. Inez M ilner Cleveland Heights, Ohio M ission 's Edi tor . Rev. Donald Moffat Cedan 1 ille, Ohio Youtli Edit ors .. Mr. & Mrs. S. L. ChRffe Cedarville, Ohio Christia1i Ediication Editor .. . ..... . ...... .... ... .. ....... .. Mrs. Earl D. Umbaugh Council and Officers Chairma1i . Dr. Ed\vard 1orrell, Jr. Arcanum, Ohio Secretary Rev. Clarence T ownsend 1 l 5 E. O ak , Bowling Green T reasiirer . . . . ... . . H. R. Davison 23 I ves ter Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio /\lissionary Chr. :nev. Donal<] Moffat Cedarville, O h io Youth Director . .. Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden, Northfield, Ohio Educatio1i Chr., Re\?. \,V oodro,v 1\ le Caleb El)Tria, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. George Huffman Rev. J. Fred Hussey Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser