The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1965

Not 11he least of the blessings of hi vi it were the meetin,gs with the mi sionaries. Brother Ernest Loong of Baptist Mid-M,ission was wiith u for one of these . Being bu y with the work, we have little opportunity to listen to the preaching 1 and– ing of fellow-.worker s, an1d o were much refreshed. Dar1ine ,and I al o bad many personal contacts with G]enn during the six day , beifore he left for 2 ;h months of furtJh,er travel. I cannot emphasize too strongly ·the potential blessing, ,both to ,the mis ion– ary and to the pas,tor , of suoh vis~t . Having known Brother Greenwood ~or many years, Darline and J e pecial– ly anticipated his coming, but all of our mi ion 1 aries were likewise blessed. A s he left, Glenn commented on the value of what he had seen to h,is own ministry as a pastor. We as missionaries would do everything to make a visit prof~table for any p·astor, with ,the sincere desire to learn ·and experience, for the building of a tronger missionary program rin the local church at home. The voice of a backslider "I can be just as good a Chris.ti ,an and not go to churoh. Our church is falling to pieces. I 'd go to churoh ·if we had a dif– ferent ,preacher. Sunday is the only time I have a t home with my f,ami1y. God doesn 't expect me to rtiithe. (Then, who ought to rt:itbe?) There isn ' t any thing wrong in a Christian h aving a good time, is ther e? I 'm no wor se than a lot of p eople who go to churc h maybe even a littl e better. I 'm active in o ther organizati on th at are just as impor tant as the churc h . The o ld-~ashio ned idea o f a Sunday night service and prayer meeting is a thi ng o f the past." Q I:STION "Who is peak ing?" A SWER-"A Backslider." ---CIi ppe<l . * :jc Faith does not triu1 1ph except under rial. Need Your Comments! V\' .. AR .. alwa)' s glad to get letters fro111 reader v-1ho have an idea or an 01,inio11 )' OU \\'ould like to sl1are \\ 1 itl1 tl1er IB (fe,ad'"r. '"nd )'Our co11111:ierlt to ; ~i t r, l1io J 11dep nd nt B, pti t 1 agaz.ine, ~lo · 184, edar,,ill , l1io. • • eac e 1n app1 • t{1 I .. , ~ b MARILEE AND JOAN By Marilee Seewer On .the picture on ithis pag1e, yot~ see jus t .tw-0 of us single girls here at Taiwi. However, wi,thin the next month or o , Joan and I e:xipec.t Rosa Lee Albrecht, .a new appoin.tee, to join us. She will be a real iteaohing help, as he begins a mission ta.ff chool. Sinc,e this School will ,be here ait Tappi, he'll ,be ,another re iden.t of our "Prospect Pala,ce. " T·he Howard Streets ,from Congo h,ave arrived in Li1beria now and were flown in to our Tia ppi •t aition. They'll be pending a few d .ays vi it– ing each of our taitions before plung– ing into their new resipon ibilitie in Monrovia. The Lord und1ertook for them in a marvellou w,ay in brin,ging them ou,t of the C ongo. They will be r e;pl acing ,the Dunn who will be fly ing home the fir t par,t of D ecem– ber . Pray for R ay Dunn who ha had quiite a prolonged eige of hepa tit i . Our mis ion will ,be helping to en– ter•tain school Teachers iand Officer of Liberia's Depar,tment of Educa– tion as they come here for a work- hop. When ,the e work hop are held from .time to itime, o ur mi s, ion sc·hool per onnel i expected .to take part. Pray ithat we might uphold the banner of J esu Chri t before the e teacher . A few day following the work hop will be a two-and-a--h alf week eminar for our ,pa tor and evangeli ts. About ,the time you r ead ithi we will be in the mid t of giving f jnal tests, ave r aging gnade and practicing for our clo ing program and ,gradua– tion. The e last few week of ohool can be a real trai n. Pray t hat we "might be trengthened with might by Hi Spirit in the inner m an." We are till a king God for a doc tor and a ho pLtal for otrr fie ld . o do n ',t forget t h·at reque t. Plea e continue to pray for ur need for chool teacher . LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE NEWHALL, Dr. John R. Dunkin President & GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CALIFORNIA A CHRIST CENTERED COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES C. Lloyd Button, M . A. Dean • Six Maiors (A.B. & B. S. Degree) • Outstanding Faculty • Good Employme nt • ''Come and Enioy The Sun'' • Lovely New Campu Write for Catalog Today - LAB(. Newt1all , Cal ifornia.