The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1965

airman's orner B rd Morr 11 , Jr . Chairn,ar, , Council of Ten ''1 )1( rt tl1er ,f ,rl', tl1at. first f • 11. lJJ I Ii" nti 1 I ra) t'rs i11tl't c ' ' , 1 ,\ll\. gi, ir1g f tl1a11k. ..... l1c 111 .. 1'-le l r all 111e11: r k.1r1g,. n11 i f ,r all .. tl1 .. t .. rl' i11 :1t1th"'• tl\. tl1at ,, l' t11 .. 1, lc.1<.I .. l i 'l .111 t J'C.l('(\1l,lc lite in all gt) i 1 1l' , • nt }1 ,nc t\ .. l 1111<.)th, _: I. 2 1 Ill' 11r, 1 t<.,lll ,t ar1 1nc1<.ic11t in .; 1c Jite <.'t tl'1c l 1r,t Prc,t<.lcnt of ot1r RlJ't1l".l('. ,, lll) c l,1rthtl.1\ ,,c rc111c111- ·"'c·- dt:1r111g the r11t,nth f cbrttttr\. ~ - ,, hi '}1 111ar1' • tht.: p1r1tt1al c nc f the c ..1licr )f ttr cottntr)· dt1r1ng it in- t a11c, 1 t 1, reported that cneral ;c :)rgc \\ .. 1 h1ngton pr J~ ed in the Ol\\ .. t \ -alle, F rge, "The e,ent . ... " n the hand ~ of od. H o,\ "'ill it enJ ." l,od ,, ill direct." An open Bible .\nother re,·ered Chief Executi, e , ,, ho ·e date f birth al o mark a national hol1da):' during thi month ha thi t r) related about him. ··1 had been pending three week \, 1 ith ~1r. Lincoln a hi gue t. One night - it \\"a ju t after the Battle of Bull Run - I \\ a re tle and could not leep . . . from the private room \\'here the Pre ident lept I heard lo\\ tone . for the door wa open. In tinctivel 1· I wandered in and there I a\\ a ight I have never torgotten. It \\'a the Pre ident, kneel– ing before an open Bible ... hi back \\ a to\\ ard me. I hall never forget hi pra)·er: ·oh thou God. that heard olomon in the night when he prayed and cried for wi dom, hear me. I cannot lead the e people I cannot guide the affair of thi nation with– out they· help . . . 0 God, hear me and a,·e thi nation.' ., COVER PICTURE: Edward Morrell , Jr. There i a heart burden I am ure on the part of the Lord' people every– \\ here that God may be given hi rightful place in the affair of State. Could not thi month, with it na– tional recognition of former honored ieader erve to challenge u to ac– cept the admonition of Paul to Timothy a recorded in our text? Mo t of u are guilty of openly ex– pre ing our entiment pro or con, when i sues of national importance ari e on the horizon. Do we take time to spread these matters before the Lord in keeping with the Scriptural injunction? While we gladly acknowledge, and rightly o , that God is on the throne, we need to recognize that • The King' heart i in the hand of the Lord, a the river of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. ' Proverb 21 : 1. We mu t al o remem·ber that 4 the effec tual fervent prayer of a rigbte- (Continued on Page 12) The annual meeting of P enfield Junction Bapti t Church wa a pecial b1e ing thi ')'ear . Approximately 80 per on gathered for a CO\ ered di h upper which wa followed by the annual election of officer . With the inging of the doxology the people watched a the pa tor.. orman Hoag. burned the church mortgage. Dr. Kenneth Good. Promotion Director of Fellow hip of Bapti ts for Home 1 I : ion sho\.\ed a film trip entitled ' 'Mi ionary Per pective.' ' The Penf:eld Junction Church hope in the near future to begin con- truction on a ne\.\ education unit. Tho e p ictured on the front page are George We t. chairman of the Board of Deacon ; P a tor orman Hoag: and Robert H all. member of the original buildi11g committee. The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, U A, by· The Ohio -~ssociation of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Chri tian fello,,rsh1p and faithfulness to the truth. Subscription rate: $2.00 per )rear. ingle copies, 20 cen t~. pecial rate gi,·en to churches that subscribe for complete membership. The Ohio Independent Baptist . .• Publi1hed Monthly lty ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p•id at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Ple11e send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Return Requested Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarvi Ile, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Edi~o~-.. I84; .. ·o;J; ;~;nJ::nohf d Johnson Women's Editor .... . Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 4411 8 Mission's Editor Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Y 01.~th Editors . Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Christian Education Editor ... . ....... . ... ......... .. .. .. ...... Mrs. Earl D. U mhaugh Council and Officers Chairman . . .... Dr. Ed-ivard l\1orrell, Jr. Arcanum, Ohio Secretary .. .. .. . Rev. Clarence Townsend 115 E. Oak, Bowling Green Treasurer . .. . . . H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio Missionary Chr. ... Rev. Donalcl Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Director . . ._ Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden, Northfield, Ohio Editcation Chr., Re\r. W oodrow lcCaleb El}'Iia, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. George Huffman Rev. T. Fred Hussey Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser