The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1965

Lin,a church is de dica te d Dr. Jame T. J eren1iah pre ident of edar\·ille College, wa the peak– er at a dedication ervice Jan. 3 at Grace Bapti t Church, Lima where Bernard E. Horn i pa tor. Walter _ lei ~ner, as i tant profe or of mu ic at the college. led the inging and \,\ a the featured oloi t. Rev. Fred Crown pastor of Fir t Bapti t Church, Findlay and Rev. Clarence Town end pa tor of Fir t Bapti t Church. Bowling Green, a·-- - i ted in the ervice. The church building with 8 000 quare feet of floor pace has an auditorium which will eat 250 and area for 20 Sunday School cla ses plu choir loft nursery, toddler' room and large re t rooms. The building was erected at a cost of $60.000. MARCH, 1965 PAGE 10 1a .... lhc l1c I\\,\ l > gc.::t <ln ot,r l cc t 1, Ill ~,,e ncl tirtl l~ ,.,n \ 1H11 kn c " J>i()llccr nrc tl1 lS \Vho blaied the trail. .. rl1cir clcsccncla11t s no\.Y l1urn Llfl the roat('~. * Our re ponsihility is not how ll1ng we live hut how we live. * hri ti ani ty i·.) not a new start btt t a new heart. * * * Every man i either a victor or a victim. -- -- - Walter Meissner and Dr. James T. Jeremiah of Cedar– ville College, Pastor Bernard E. Horn, host, Rev. Fred Crown, First Baptist Church, Findlay, and Rev. Clarence Townsend, First Baptist Church, Bowling Green, are shown here during the dedication service at Grace Baptist Church, Lima, Jan. 3. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST