The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1965

,----~- ------ -- -~ • ... I,; - ·' • VOL. 37, NO. 5 The Ohio MARCH, 1965 Independent Baptist YOUR STATE MISSIONARY West Indian Interlude have been on St. Lucia for only 16 years and on St. Vincent for 18 years, we could not help but be impressed with the inroads of the gospel in the lives of people who had never before heard the message of salvation. In the heart of Cas– tries a city of 30,000 people i a flour shing Baptist Church and around the outskirts are two other churche beside many ,teaching and preaching points. It wa a thrill to meet the believers in church to meet them again in po itions of trust and re- By Ea rl Umbaugh It was our happy privilege to vi it ome of the I slands in the Carribean during the month of January . In one of the fellowship mee tings, one of the m issionaries 5ugges ted that when we got home we might write an .articl e for the Ohio Independent Baptist en– t itl ed "West Indian Interlude." Al– thou ah the remark w a·:; m ad e in je t, we f:el it might be well to share with you some of our experiences . Mos t of our time wa ·., pent with the missionaries. We spent four day wi th R ev. and Mrs. C . W. W. Cook, doing transla tion work for Regular Baptist Press, under Baptist Mid-Mis– sions in Puerto Rico. On Tuesday even ing, Brother Cook invited me to 5peak to a gr oup of Chris tians who have r ecently or ganized the first In– dependent Baptist Church on the Is– land. This is an enthusiastic group of believer s, who love the Word of God and who are thinking in the d i– rection of pur chasi ng property a nd building a place of wor ship . We al o met Brother and Sis ter Starkweather who ar e engaged in the printing min– istry. On 1 an. 2, we wer e met at the astr1es, St. Lucia, airpor t by Rev. Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh H OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST and Mrs . Eugene McMillan and 1 their family Mis Marjorie Michell, Miss Iri Castle Mi s Audrey Finkbeiner, Rev. and Mrs. Richard O Neill and some of the St. Lucian Chri stian--- . This was the beginning of a de– lightful experience with the Mission– aries serving in the Windward I - lands. Their ·hos pitality and red-car– pet trea,tment mad,e u s feel more like royalty than just sinners ,aved by grace. Alfter having a w,eek of S,piritual Life ,Conferences at the Fir t Baptist Church, Ca trjes we were invited to par,ticipate in the An– nual Field Conference s ession the following week. On Jan. 16, we went on to the I land of St. Vincent with R ev. and Mrs. Edward Schlegel, Rev. and Mrs. Evan Gough and Rev. and Mrs. Holmes. For the next four d ays, we vi sited the churche , preach– ing point , Bapti t Bible School as well a many .points of s cenic and hi storic importance on St. Vincent. On J an . 20 we returned to St. Lucia, for five day , went on to St. Croix for three day and then home. Al,though we saw new cenery tes ted many new ,food and m elt new odor , the mo t impres ive thing was to ee n ew evidence of .the power of the G ospel of our Lord J e u hri t. Although the mi ionarie pon ibility in place of bu iness and government throughout the city and then to ee them again in Street Meeting-- in Castries and out in the fishing village of Gro Ilet. We said to our elve again and again tha t thi is New Te tament Ohri tianity this is a dupl,ication of fir t century Chris– tiani,ty . Bible School on St. Vincent for the training of native 1 pasitors, i an e sential and nece ary part of the work. A we met the e young men a t ,the churche ,that they are p a tor– ing, who are graduate of rthi chool , we felt that they would be a credi t to any Chrisiti an training chool in our country. We can b e proud of our mis ionari e o n ,the Windward I land . They are doing a acrificial, efficient , effective and la ting work for the .Lord. They are worthy of our prayer and fi nancial upport. Our "We t Indi an Interlude" wa a d e– lightful experience and we trust that it m ay enrich our own m ini try for our Ble ed S aviour. SCRIPTURE SUPPLY SHOP 6453 Monroe St. Sylvania, Ohio ..1nref1cll;' \elected, Clzri t ce,1terecl n1atetinl 1 b b f ( .,1\RB cl111rc7z. ()tt 11ed (111c l (>11erc,te( y 111e111 e, o · a 7 Bibles, Books, Gifts and Awards One entire floor devoted to CHRISTIAN MUSIC Teaching Aids: FOOTSTEPS Ofi FAITH, SUEDEGRAPH VISUALIZC:D SONGS AND STORIES PICTOvRAPHS, WE MAIL ORDER - send for free catalogue today. MARCH, 1965 PAGE 3