The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1965

e Contributions to Home and Camp lnc. Leland G. Howard, Treas. P. 0. Box 3 Rochester, Ohio As treasurer of The Ohio Regular Baptist Home & Camp, Inc . I would like to remind e ach church and each member of our churches that we have an indebtedness on our Home & Camp, Inc. of $29,000 . In the past year we did not pay any on thi s amount. The Trustees have spent several thousa nd dollars on the Camp on Kelly 's Isl a nd, but we have not been a ble to pay any on t h is indebtedness. The Home is as much the interest of the Trustees as the Camp, and it is our formost interest that this debt be paid as soon as possible . February Gifts to the Camp First Ba ptist, Gallipolis .. .. ... ............ $ 15.00 Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. ........ .. .... 5.00 First Baptist, LaGrange . .. .. ........ .. . 50.00 Imma nuel Baptist, Columbus ........ .. .... 10.00 Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland ........... . 5 .00 Be rea Bapt ist - (1st gift) .. ...... .. 10.00 Mrs. Arthur Dear, Bellefontaine . .. .. .... 16.00 Emmanue l Baptist, Toledo ... .. ..... .. ... 18.75 Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland .. .......... 10.00 Evan sv ille Baptist , Niles . ... ............. 10.00 Be rea Baptist, (2nd gift} ... .. .... .. .... .. 10.00 Trin ity Baptist, Lorain .. . ... ... ... ... . 5.00 Whipple Ave . Baptist, Canton .... .. .. .. 5 .00 Me morial Baptist , Columbu s .... ... . 15.00 Bles se d Hope Baptist, Springfield .... 10.00 Hinck ley Ridge Baptist .. .. .... .. .. ... . 5 .00 Tota l .... ........ .. .. ....... .... .. .... .. .... .. $209 .75 Gifts to the Home ''Hill Top House' ' Sha ron Ba ptist , Sh a ron , Pa . .... .. .... .... $ 5.00 10.00 50 .00 10.00 15.00 l 0.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 25 .00 Pe nf ie ld Jct. Ba ptist, Lorai n .... .. .... .. First Bapt ist , LaGrange ... ... .. .... .. ... . Calva ry Ba ptist , Cleve la nd ........... . Imma nue l Ba ptist , Columbus ... .. ..... . Northf ie ld Ba ptist ... ..... ... .. .. Ca lvary Ba ptist , Pain esv ill e ... .. .... ... .. . Be rea Ba pt ist , (1st gift) .. .............. . . Immanue l Ba pt ist , Arca num •t• ........ .. First Ba pt ist, Gowl ing Green .... .. ..... . Emmanue l Ba ptist , Tol edo .. ..... .... . Memo rial Ba pt ist , Columbus ..... ..... .. Cedar Hill Ba p tist , Cle ve la nd .... .... .. Berea Ba p tis t, (2nd gift } .... .. ............ . Trinit y Ba ptist , Lorain .. .. ........ . Cedar Hi ll Ba p tist, Clevela nd, s p ecia l First Baptist, Ga lion ........ ............ .. First Ba ptist , McDonald ..................... . North Royalton Baptist ............. .... ... . Huntsburg Baptist .. .. ...... . ........... .. Faith Bapt i~t, Amherst .. .. .. Hinckley Ridge Baptist ............. .. Total • e I • • I ••• I I I •• • •I • • • • • • • 5.00 200 .00 25 .00 10 .00 10.00 10 .00 10 .0 0 S 00 $510.00 Wt1ere tie pt:=11d l1ere. <Jilt:= goe· l1 erea ftt:r largel)' UJ)On wl1at l1 e go\;s after •• i, ru l , >cl \\ 1 l1ere ) ' OU c, nnot 1rac li 1111. J o 11ot tr)' t J en tratc tl1e cloud li e b1 i11g~ O\'cr } u1. ,.. l1e 111~'– s ter) j J d' ; 111 J)l 0111i e j,:) ot1r • - !\ t acuufJ Prayer answered at LABC On March 6 the Board of Trus– tees of LABC learned that inadequate income had re ulted in an accumula– tion of bills ,totalling $30,000. Dr . Robert L. Powell was authorized to end out a night letter to over 100 churche . Pa tor on the Pacific coast pre ented the need to God' people began to pray and to work. Within ten days gift of over $3,000 had arrjved a well a $20,000 in Joans. We are rejoicing in thi an wer to prayer. An Open Hou e for the Newhall– SaugL1 area wa held March 28. The ht1ndred of friend in our vi– cinity that have expres ed intere t in the chool were given a personal expl anation and te timony of the work of the Col lege a well a the graduate Seminary. Staff facu lty, and ~ tud ent were pre ent to help our gue t make their way around cam– pu~. Bible study . . . Someone ha aid: ·"There are three .,. tages of Bible tudy: Fir t: the cod-liver-oil tage, when one take it like medicine becau e it i good for you. Second: the shredded-whea t-bi cuit The intercollegiate track team un– der the direction of Prof. Grus won an impres ive econd place in a meet at Palm Spring . Freshman Arnold Rio<; ran the half mile in 1.59 and in the relay, while coming in econd the LABC boys broke the track record by eight ~econd . In ba eball Coach Starr is having on1e difficulty having dropped his first two ga n1e . However, the 4-3 lo to Life wa not too bad and pitcher Dick Jone and catcher Garv - Dean are proving to be superior con1 peti tor . The Gospel Tean1 with Dave ich– hola ha been o bu y th at the:y have been calling upon the girl ' " inette" to hel p then1 ot1t. Mu ic director, Mrs. H ild a Blower , i,:, doing a splen– did job with the choir which hoL1ld provide a spiritu al challenge in the spring concert. tage dry but nouri hing. Third: the ,peache -and-crean1 s tage, when it i weet to the ta te.'' Ah, ·ti a grea t thing to have reached the third tage. 'Ti wonder– ful to have real Ta te for the tudy of God' Word. THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV Now on WSPD-TV Ch. 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8 :30 a .m. P·RAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Write A Card Of Thanks To WSPD-TV The Children' s Gospel Hour 1s now on 40 radio and 20 TV stations each week Pray th at more stat ions will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Write for further information. Henry C. Geige r, Execut ive Di rector LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE NEWHALL, Dr. John R. Dunkin President & GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CALIFORNIA A CHRIST CENTERED COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES C. Lloyd Button, M. A. Dean • Six Maiors (A.B. & B. S. Degree) • Outstanding Faculty • Good Employment • ' 'Come and Enioy The Sun' ' • Lovely New Campus Write for Catalog Today LABC. Newl1all, California. ---------------------------------------------------------~ •