The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1965

airman's orner B Ed ,a , d Morr· 11, Jr . Ch ir111a n , Cour1 ci l of T n \ 1r1l 1s tllc 1111.11tl1 ,f lirls. tl1.\ \ ,ltl l I r111g. 111 )ttr ,lrc.1. it i .111111. st tll '.\ Ill\ 11tl1 I 11, 11ti11g • It 1, ll1.'llSC– 'l ',llli11g 11111 '. g,1rd 't1i11g t1n1e. l t 1, ...., ...... ._, ,l ,, el 111' '11, 11g' fr 111 thf· 1.lrlit.l - g 'rit' · ,f \\ i11ter. l t , .1 ti 111: 1.)f nc,v ...., l gi1111i11~, ....., ... It .1,\, tlll' f l ~-1 '\)11\ C'llt "' ' ' · l ,l,tltl~ . '. - 111 ,11tl1 tllC (. ('\lltlCtl t(,r 1t, \1 tli ,c.1r e, t,, (' ti a, , . thc Brct h- r '11~ 111\.'l't1r1g 111 r~ .. 1nt1111 th 1, , car. ,, ill . ... ~ 'l'r11e ,er tL'll 111attcr rcla t– ir1g :", ~ 1c \ 'L) 't.1t1(,n. Directors meet l 'he Trt1,tce )f H o111c "1nd ('a111p ·1nd the '\ ot1th Director. n1eet \.\ ith the l ""ottn1...1J to 1n1plen1ent the \,\ i he )f the oc1at1on \\ 1th re pect to their pre ' ent re pectt\ e mini trie and. at th a111e tin1e. di-"'cu wa)· and n1ean to co-opera te mutual l} in the e'\.pand1ng opportunitie tha t are cro,, ding u from ever )' quar ter. ""' an1p P atmo and 1t offer ing to the , outh of our ociation mu t be ~ ~e,\ ed objecti\·el). T he pr e3 ing need of H illtop H ou e \\hich include per- onnel and additional r e ident m11 r be con 1dered. T he apparent oppor– tunity facing the churche in the outh \\'ith re pect to Camp fac ili tie cannot be ignored. The e are pr es ing detail - and the Brethren eek ing the ··\\-i dom tha t come th from above '" determine al\\'a\ to r ender deci ion ~ 1n keeping \\ ith H i·3 wi ll a the 1' u n- der tand it: and in a '3pirit of unani– min.1. - Of maJor ignificance at thi tin1 e i the tate of the A ocia tion trea - ur,. -~ ha been cu tomary, the de– ficit in the ~f agazine F und is izable. COVER PICTURE: Edward Morrell , Jr. l t ha al~ ay been thu . Thi ') pu t a ver , · r ea l tr a in on the G ener al F ttnd \.\> h1ch i a l o having a truggl e ho lding it own. To the~e re pon- ibiliti e . the A ociation ha a urned a further obliga tion in the ':alling of a Sta te Mi ionarv . Thi , a will be J r emembered was a ' ' tep of faith." A ye t, the upport of our mi ion ar y ha OT been underwritten by the C hurche . A furth er problen1 ari·--e . Occa ion– ally, when the Mi ion ary mini ter in a chur ch upporting the A ocia– tion project , the u ual honorarium i omitted . This limit the mi ionary opportunities for contributing to hi upport by hi pulpit n1ini try . It i my purpo e in i u ing thi~ r e– port to alert our fellow hipping churche to the ituation the Council confronts. Ju t a few dollar monthly ·.;upport from our churche co-oper– at ively would care for the entire pro– gr am without undue strain on any . May we invi te your participa tion - e pecially a t th i.:- t in1e? Our front cover pictures ome of the students at ch apel time durino e\ening chool at the M ahoning Valley R egular Baptist e ...... B.ble Inr'.' t1tute held at F ir t Bapt i t Church~ ile , Ohio . Some 1 -o tudent re2"i tered for the chool with 13 cour e offered. ..... T\\'el, 1 e facult, member . a ecretar)' and the chool' d ea n com,pri~e - the Jeader . (See tory in thi 1 ue of the OIB ). The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each 1:1-onth in X_enia, Ohio, U A, b}' The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. I t is a magazi ne devoted to Christian fello,, 1 ship and faithfulnesc;, to _the truth. . . . ubscription rate: $2.00 per )'ear. ingle copies, 20 cents. Special rates gi,ren to churche~ that sub,cribe for complete membership. The Ohio Independent Baptist . •• Published Monthly bv • •. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenie, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Return Requested Editorial Off ice : Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF EditoBo~· · 1 s4;. ·c~a;~nI::noht Johnson C irci, lati01i 1"\ Iariager . . ~Irs. Charle Cunn1nghan1 602 \\T. George St., Arcanum, Ohio Women'~ Fditor . 1\1rs. Tnez l\1ilner 2665 Canterbur,· Rd. Cle\ 1 eland H eights, Ohio 4411 8 Mission's Editor Rev. Donald 1\1oFf~t Cedarville, Ohio Y 01. ,t li Editors Mr. & 1rs. S. L .. Ch~ffe Cedarville, Ohio Cliristia11. Edi,1.cation Editor . .. .. ... ...... .. ...... ...... Mrs. Earl D. U mha1tgl1 Council and Officers Chairman Dr. Ed,vard :\1orrell , Jr . Arcanum, Ohio S ecretary . Re\'. Clarence T ownsend 115 E. Oak, Boi\'hng Green Treasurer . . . ... . .. . H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio Missio1iary Chr. llev . J)ona Id t\ loffat Cedarville, Ol1io Youth Director Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden, N orthfield, Ohio Ed11catio1i C1ir., Rev. \\ 7 oodro,v l\IcCaleb El)·ria, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. George Huffman Rev. T. Fred Hussey Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser