The Ohio Independent Baptist, May-June 1965

Beams from the Lighthouse Huntington City Mission 1030 Seventh Avenue Huntington, W. Va . "A Christian Lighthouse'' - Romans 1: 16 By MRS. W . H. KEISLER HGreeting , dear friend s in the name of our wonderful Lord!', We've had a buy Winter and are looking forward to a bu y Spring and Summer. Our heart s de - ire i 1 that we may ee more soul accept our wonderful Lord than ever before. Everything points to the soon return of our Saviour, o we mu ,t u e every opportunity we have to win the lost. You will be in1terested to know that we have had another "first" in our Door of Hope. (Recen,tly I ·told you about the first Negro girl we had helped in the Home.) One of our girls gave birth to twins, a boy and a gir 1, and this is the first multiple birth we have had in ·the Door of Hope. Because many of you have told me how much you enjoy the ietters I receive from the girls who have been in the Door of Hope, I am going to share another one with you. First of all, leit me tell you some– thing about thi s girl who wrote the letter. She had been with us for six months . She did not finish high choo], and thi s has made it difficult Letters to Editor On the Radio ditor, OIB: I thought you might be interested in knowing that four of our churche are nov. 1 on Radio Station WTOF-FM, anton ( 98. l f m ), which js a Chri - ti an l{ ad10 Stati on that r eache all of ortheast Ohio as well ac; parts of Western Pennsylvani a and W. Va. Here is the schedule our cl1urchc·., l,roadca t : Bible M i sion Baptist, Rcyno}<.f5burg f Pa~tor I.Jewe ll yn fho111pson ), Mo11- da)1-Fr id ay 7: 45 to 8 a. rn .; rund a- n e r1tal Ba pti :) l , I al Ibadge ( B. . a te, pastor ) Ltnday 6 to l:30 1,.n1.; a l var )' Bapti st, Mass ill on ( l.iOLtie Dtl'lacido. pastor ) Ltnd a)' 1: 3(J t ...:. p.111.; . "' art, I~ oad 13a pt ist ( 1 l: I , i n 1 or c, J) a lo r ) un d a)' 8 lo 8 :3 U a . 111• for her to get a job. But God h a an wered prayer for her and she is going to work in ·the children 's home of the Charleston, W. Va. , Mission (where Mr. Keisler and I started out jn mis ion work over 27 year s ago .) She say she know,:. thi i ithe place God want her. She wi11 have many opportunities to witnes for our Lord. Pray for her. Here are ,part of ·the letter he wrote to us while we were on our vacation and while r:-he was till in the hon1e. ' 'Dearest Mammy and Pappy : I received your card and thought Id drop you a few lines to let you know how thing are going. Hope you and Pappy are having a nice time on your vacation and not overdoing it. You 11 never know bow grateful I am to you for letting me stay here. I don ' t know what I would have done otherwise. I'm so very glad I came here to stay. ,I know God sent me here. Before I came here life had no meaning. I didn t even care if I lived or died , bu,t now I have a wonderful new life rfor I have Chri t walking beside me each day. I can Any church intere ted in a broad– ca..,,t can con tact n1e at the following addre . Rev. Louie J . DiPl acido l 1776 Sinclair St. S. W. Ma illon, Ohio Article enioyed Editor, OIB It i almo t furlough tin1e for the Durham family and , o I an1 hereby reqtie ting yot1 to change ottr addre a of May 15 o that we will not n1 i. •' any is uc of the Ohio Ind cpendent Bapti \ t. We think that Ohio has ·the very bc~t fellow hip of Ba pti t cht1rc h– c·.,. Our 11 ew a<ldre _ luring our ft11 - lot1gh 1 ear t\ a foll ws: 22390 We t– w o<.l Road , Fairview P ark , (' le\ c.. h10, 441 26. W cnJO)'CU reading the article t1, ar~on rcn1ont in the F eb1 uar iss t1 e. We (.;an l!c l10 h is sent i 111er1 t s '"'' l1 11 we~~•)' tha t \Ve \\-1':') h tl1at so1 lc– J10,-v it ,,vottld l)e 1)0,s1l1lc for l'\ er)' truly r.:-ay "The Door of Hope' ' is the door of hope, for after I walked through rt:hat door I opened my eyes to a new life. I found God and mo t of all , I accepted Him into my heart and gave my heart to H im. Now I have hope of being hap,py in the Lord. I wi ll urely hate to leave here for I 've grown to love each and every– one of you. Miss Cook has seemed like a mother to me. o one could ever be as understanding as ,3he. She i a wonderful per on and the mission will profit by her . And Glenna. bles her heart, I 'll certainly miss her and her funny little joke and all. I 'll 111i s everyone here, for I feel like one of the family. And Mammy, although I didn't get to be with you and Pappy much I love you both deaTly and shall never forget you and all that you have done for me. You '11 always be in my prayer . Pray for me. Take care of yourselve and hurry home. We miss you loads. One of your girls, love, C." We have another new girl in our D oor of Hope. She came back in to fellowship wi·th the Lord the day before she came rto us. I had an interview with another girl -thi week. She i in her econd year at college. She i coming jn the last of the mon·th. I felt so orry for her parent as they told me of their need for help. Both of the parent admi·tted they h ad not gone to church with their daughiter , but had ent her when he wanted to go. Our other de,partment are going along well. Soul are being aved fron1 time to time for which we prai e Him. one of our pa tor to vi it the field their church i e pecially intere ted in. I think ·that would do more to pron1ote mi·" ion in our fellow hip than ju t about any other factor . l t i not the n1i ion ary diet ot1r church ,people get once or t\ i e a year at a n1i ionary conferenc bt1t the con tant , ervice-b - "ervic bt1rd n for mi -- ion th at a pa t r with a i ion can in1part to hi .. p opl , that can ptir on the pr gran1 f n1i i n of the l cal hurch. e hope to l1 tloi11g a lot of llc– ptttalion \\ or l in h 10 c.lt1 ri ng otir co r11 ing tL1 r lot1 gh ) ear. e trt1 t tl1at \\ C ,vi ii l1a \ C the pri\t lege f r11ee t1 ng Oll the fl. R t hard D. D t1r h a111 B 1 a 11 il a, }l}1i l i l) fli ne~ ... ..a. • 'l> ll l l! J1l!l) r) l l' li ke l1t),tls, ll)\)l lt)lh.1 - e t \\ l1c11 t ll C)' a1 e 111 a fL>g.