The Ohio Independent Baptist, May-June 1965

airman' orner B, d, rd Morr 11 , J,. Ch irr1,an, Coun if of T n tll 13 \l I I\ I lll l l 1 1 1''11' 1,ns ,\ rel!t1l.1r lt,llllrt' ,,l,i l, al,,.\,, i11- trigt \." lllt 1( 1, ('.l f't 11.. '11l"l..i. I { \ \ I 1 1--1 ·\ l \ I I l 1\ . l l1c <. 1111,t1a11 I t'l ·,)1, , \ r .1r\. l1 \., ·11 l 11 , , \.' 111 t l c..' I )t 1tr l l1tu (' l1c..', • I,') l1a1..I ., ,i1111lar ·• , \ Stt ggc,t u.111 ·I\) ...... l I11tic..'r th1, l1c.,1..l111g .... llJJt'atclf a J,ltl· J)... tltlCll l)\ t11c pl,, t r ('I 1.. 11... c..,t c..1t1r h11..1 ( ~l,t1rcht.:, It f')t,11 1c~1c,1t111g. "l r C('Ct\ cc..i qtttlc a thrill ,\nli a t1rr\rt ·\. L.1,t ,, eek ,, hc11 a l,Jli) l t 1..)Uf ... ht1rcl1 ·r,1rtcd a ft1nd- r .1i 1r1g .1111p.11gn t ,enLi thi·, J',l"tl1r tc..1 the 1n fer nc t he h ,1J in ,, itzerland. 1 had n1adc a ~ast1al ren1ark in h r pre ence ,lPOLlt rene, a h \\ I \\ Ollld like tl ate nd u h a conference and fron1 thi r n1ark thing got under ,, a~. Th ne:\.t t1nda 1· the teacher of th dt1lt la n1ade rnen– ri n of thi·". aying that ina - 111u h a I had never received a rai e and in recogni tion of the fa t that \·ery fe\ pecial gift had been given me during my n1ini tr)-' of 13 year . he felt that they hould pon or thi trip. Perhap·". Brother Mcintire you an appreciate what a thrill it I to me ju t to be thinking about it. Whether the amount that i needed \\'ill be rai ed, only the Lord knO\\' , but I feel that thing \\ill \.\Ork out all right. My faith i trong enough to make a re - er,'ation for thi trip. I would like to have all the information I can gather. ·, Pa tor H . W. Carpenter - fou nd– er. I believe. and only pa tor of the Grace Bapti t Church. Young town, ,, rite of the "thrill' ' that came to COVER PICTURE: Edward Morrell , Jr. hin1 when he learned that n1ember of hi church were rai ing fund to end him to Geneva to attend the ixth Plenary Congre of the Inter– national Council of Chri tian Church- e . Thi meeting wi ll be preceded by the International Baptist Congress to be held in France. No doubt our brother will be able to include thi conclave in hi itiner1ary too. WHAT A PROSPECT. Many of the pa tors in our fellow- hip have labored long and faithfully in their respective vineyards f or nearly a decade. (Actually MOST of our men h,ave been in HIS service for thi length of time - or more ye t not alway in one vineyard.) What an in piration it would be for them to participate in such international gatherings. Cont'.'iderate 1 action on the part of boards and / or con– gregations could a sure their presence in both of these assemblie . (Continued on page 8) Supt. Elton C. Hukill conducts a Bible clas ordinarily on Tue day evening in the living room of Hilltop Hou e or gives the time over to a group that may come to the home. Special music group come 1n to pre ent programs at variou time but are reque ted ·to con– tact the Rev. Mr. Hukill fir t. Shown (left to right ) are, Mr. Hukill 11argaret Gro mehr, of St. Peter burg, Fla.: Margaret Meinen, of Akron. Be... sie Wenger of Akron· Lida F ike of Talmadge, 0 ., Anna Caulkin of orth Royalton, O .~ and Alice Mowen, of Akron, 0 . NOTICE: Th is issue of the Ohio Independent Bapt ist combines the months Mav and June into one issue. Reason for this is to bring our date of re ease uP to a correct month. The next issue will be the July magazine. Every subscr ber will be given one month ,ext~nsion of 12 full issues. The Ohio Independent Baptist . .• Publi,hed Monthly by •.. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTI .ST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xeni,, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to Mrs. Charles Cunningham 602 W. George Street Arca num, Ohio Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editllo~ .. is4: ·· ec;d;r~nI:~ohr~ Johnson C ircitlation Manager . Mrs. Charles Cunningham 602 W . George St. , Arcanum, Ohio Women 1 5 Fditor . . . Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland H eights, Ohio 44118 Mission's Editor flev . l)onald J\1offat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Editors ... Mr. & J\1rs. S. L. Chaffe Cednr,ril]e. Ohio Christian Education Editor .. .. .... ........................ Mrs. Earl D. Umha1~gJ1 Council and Officers Chairman . . Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr . Arcanum, Ohio Secretary Rev. Clarence Townsend 115 E. Oak, Bowling Green Treasurer .... . . .. ... .. .. H. R. Davison 23 1 vester Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio Missio,iary Chr. ..... l\ev. Dona ltl Moffar Cedarville, Ohio Youth Director .. .. Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield, Ohio Editcation Chr., Rev. Woodrow McCaleb Elyria, 0 hio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. George Huffman Rev. T. Fred Hussey Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser