The Ohio Independent Baptist, May-June 1965

A bird's eye view • ux1 1ary prov1 By Lois E. Todd, president Women's Auxiliary of Hilltop House After much prayer and thought, here is a "bird' eye view" of the work of the Women's Auxiliary of Hil1top House. The Women's Auxiliary of Hilltop Howe is made up of women appointed by ithe affiliating Ohio Regular Baptist Churches. There are no less than two from each church and may be more de.pending on the number of members jn the church. Some of the activitie3 of the Auxiliary have been to ready the rooms and provide necessary ar,ticle ( uch a preads, drapes, throw rug , dollies, paint and varni h) to ready the home for 'God's Senior Children" ·who would be coming in to the home. There have also been Betty Crocker coupons, money and gifts which have been sent in to help supply ~maller needs for the kitchen, bathrooms and other mall need of the home. There are officers appointed annually who take care of the business end and committees that help with the :;piritual, social crafts, publicity and promotion, house and management of the home. It is the aim of the Auxiliary to be of help in any way possible to make the home more comfortable for those who are servjng ithe Lord there and al o "God' Senior Children" who come there to live. Note: If there are any churches who may not be represented that would like to be, would y·ou please end a note to Ohio Association Regular Baptist Home, 303 Tuscarawas Avenue, Barberton, Ohio, 44203-at– tention Women's Auxiliary. We would be most happy to have you help us. The plan of the Auxili,ary is to .continue ,to help in any way possible to be of assi3tance to ithe home, the ones who have the responsibility of it, the one in it and the ones who will in the future be coming into it. In John 17: 9, we read: ' I pray for ·them ... for they are thine, (,the Lords ). Three residen ts enjoy the beaut iful fV room for re laxa1ion a t Hill top House. Shown (lef 1 to right) are Anna Caulkins of Nor1h Royalton, Claire Coverdale of Columbus and Margaret Meinen of Akron. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST es many com orts A side view of Hilltop House. The Lord burdened my heart that I wa praying for "Hilltop" as a home and not praying for the re ident and staff member a individt1als which each one ha a different need. Each of the e 1folks come from differenit background and many walks of life are represented. A we pray, may we pray for each one ( even though we may not know each one ,by name) that God in Hi grace will upply their need at that particular time and I'm ure that the Lord will bless them, the home and u a we pray. We celebrate "Mother' Day" during May. Let u e pecially remember the ' Mother " who are living in the hon1e. May we clo e with Matt. 21 :22: "And all thing whatsoever we hall ask in prayer believing we hall receive." A neat and invi t ing room of one of the res idents. MAY-JUNE 196 5 PAGE 5