The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1965

Ann mortgage is burned • It \\ ,1, a h,tpp\ ca i n rccentl) '"'r 111cr11hcr uf Ber a Bapt1 t hL1rch \\ her, the 111l rtgage n the an ne of the ~ht1r h \\a , bt1rned. ,~Ltgene Fa) ,1nd (... laren e J andecka. t\\ o of the lrtl 'itee-, ,, h 1gned the n1ortgage, are ho,, n htirning it. ooking on are P J tor Earl \. . \ illett . and . ong- Cla rence H. Townsend ca lled to Minford, Ohio Clarence H. Townsend The Grace Baptist Church, Min– ford. 0.. extended a call to Rev. Clarence H . Townsend, formerly of the Fir t Bapti t Church of Bowling Green. to become its new pastor . H e follow Re\i. John L awhead , founder of the church. who is now minister– ing at Firs.t Chri ti an Bapti t, Co hoc_ ton. Grace Bap t1 t Church will be the third Ohio Regular Bapti t Church '>lhich Re\ Townsend ha pas tored . Jn 19:2 he began a ministry in Am– brose Bapti t, Fa 1 ette. In 1958 the Fir t Bapt1~t Church of Bowling Green extended him an invitation to become it pa tor. .. '"ow he minister~ to tho"e of the .. f inford congregation. JULY 1965 PAGE 12 leader J ack Willett . The 1965 graduate~ of the local high chool , a graduate of Cedar– ville ollege, and a graduate of An– napoli·" aval Academy were hon– ored by the church at a covered di h upper recently. Gue t peaker wa Robert Devine of WCRE-FM. North Bethel Graduation Banquet is completed "Onward Christian Soldier ' was the theme of the North Bethel Gradu– atio n Banquet held at Dean Re tau– rant Hoytville. Eighty-four young people were in attendance. Decorations were in red, white and blue with the central figures of a Chri tian oldier clad in the armor of Ephe ians 6. Greetings to Enli tee were given by Sgt. Richard Snavely, North Bethel Youth Director. Food consisted of a three course dinner. William Teeter and Mi s Rosi– Jynn Byrd from Calvary Baptj t Church, Bellefontaine were selected a enior king and queen for the banquet. Mike Sike of Emmanuel Ba,p ti t, Toledo, and Martha La ey of Calvary Bapti t, Bellefontaine, were cho en as junior attend,ant . John Shouf and Cherrie Hankin of Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo, served a ophomore attendants. Song3 of Christian ervice were led by Sgt. Bruce Snyder of Emmanuel Bapti t, Toledo. The Conqueror' Quintet from Cedarville College gave forth the challenge in ong and testi– mony after which marching orders were given by Captain John Reed head of the Speech Department of Cedarville College. Sunbury A week of evangeli tic meetings with Rev. Leland Arntz were held a t Grace Bapti t Church, Sunbury. One deci ion for salvation wa made. J\ ll 'tlicntic,n ,., llnlla Jur1c (l eel , ~,rnll' tl ll1 · ~" i th an11iv·rsar t1I thr htll'l: h . Specia l meet ings concluded at Calva ry Baptist, Findlay l~vangclist Warren f>crkins of ,rccnvillc, S ( was with the al- vary ll nptist ( l1t1rc h, Fi11tllay, ., in ·..; r>cci af 111cctings. " 13ec,1t1·-,c c1f the 1- t>r<.l's n1arvcl<Jt1s <>u lpourc<.I hJc,\1ng t1pon the cvangcl - 1\l1c crtt\adc," J>astor l{tchar<.l ,navcl y \aicJ, Ht hc meeting was cxtcnc.lcd three c lra day<., ." HThcre were I I firc;t -t1mc c.lcc i·.,ions, three re-dedication\, and 12 others who came to follow the l..or<.l in he] iever 's baptism," he said. On the unday following the cvan- geli tic campaign, a new unday chool record of 341 was attained in attendance. Bowling Green Dr. Kenneth Good of FBHM brought a erie of me ages from Roman during a three-day Bihle onference at Fir.-- t Bapti t Cht1rch, Bowling Green, 0. Dr . Good poke , ix times during three days. The Sunday Bible School held it ' 'family day" program during thi time. The Sunday Bible School wa combined with the morning \\'Orsl1jp hour. Moody Colportage booklet were di tributed to each f amity pre– sent in it entirety. Dr. Good mini - tered to the entire Sunday Bibl e School. Toledo Dr. R. T. Ketcham, National Con- ultant of the GARBC, was speaker at a father-son banquet to Toledo area churches, June 5 also at Lewi , Avenue Bapti t, Toledo, June 6. Wheelersburg Before Pa tor and Mrs. Donald Groll imund moved to the field , the Wheeler burg Bapti t completely re– decorated the par onage including in ta]lation of aluminum torm sash and wall-to-wall carpeting. A reception was held at the church welcoming the new pa tor and hi3 family and an open hou e wa held at the par onage. Later Pa tor Grollimund led the church in revival services re ulting in 11 profe ions of faith and two other deci ion for church member- hip. A record attendance of 363 wa made in Sunday School and then con– tinued at a record high with an average of 278 per Sunday. Gue t peaker recently at the church were Rev. Fred Alexander of the Bapti t School of the Bible, Cleveland, and Rev. Earl Umbaugh, - tate mi ionary. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST