The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1965

Library Fun·d Drive Full Swin.g • 1n The Library Fund Drive at Cedar– , ille College continue in full wing \\ ith the total in gift and pledge approximately over $90 000. Even the tudent body has re ponded with a project to rai e $1,000 for the Library Fund. Two Go pel Tea111 , a Trun1pe 1 t ·rr io and a Girl Trio, have been ,elected to tour the Ea "' t and Mid– ' We t during the u1nrner n1onth" . Application for the Fall Sen1e ter are now being received a,t the rate t)f two to one over la t year and even wi·th increased faci litie .the "tudent body for the coming year \a. 1 ill have to be limited to 700, which will, no doubt re ult in many young people being turned away. Recent chapel speaker for a erie of me sages have been: Dr. Merle Hull , Executive Director of Publica– tion for the GARBC Dr . Hall Dau– tel, P astor of First Baptist Church, Henry, Ill., and Dr. Hugh Harner, pa tor of Calvary Baptist Church, Sandusky Ohio. At the present time Cedarville allege i busily engaged in ·the pro– duction of a 30 minute ound, color movie entitled, "Higher Than Higher Education' ' to be r eleased in the fall of J 965. A five minute trailer at the end of the film will announce our ten year Campus development plan . Our pre ent Church Ba ketball Tournaments were a uccess, with Emmanuel Baptist of Xenia , Ohio, walki ng away with the trophy in the Senior Divi ion and Fir t Ba,pti t of Bl anche tcr , Ohio, winner in the J un1or Divic;ion held at the College Gym. The Music and ' hri tian Educa tion Dcpartn1ents were the pon ors of a hurch Muc;1c and hri c; tian Educa- tion Jin1c . Workc;hop were ched– ttled throughout the day and Rev. Robert Me5sncr, As ..s1slant Pastor of f-- ,rst Baptist hurch, Mishawaka, ln<.J . was the gue t speaker . ' J"he ixth Annual M 1 sionary on I erc11ce was co111plotcd witl1 the lol– lowi,1g 111 issio11aric~ prcsonting the Wt)rk o f tl1cir respective fie'ld of , arvic e : J{cv. Berna~d 13 ancr flt , Ad 111 ir1 i· tra t1vc ccretar)' of the A ocia ted Mi ss1011~ of the A. . . . ; I e\'. ~ ta11le)' Prittain , Baptist Mid– l\1i ion ; l{e,,. Jan1e3 Morgar1 , A.B.– \\l. l . · Re,,. arl A1~derso11 , Bar1tist 1 i tl-1'1 i i ns; J<. e,,. 1 ar t i J 1 ~ l rt) 11 c, Hiawatha Land Independent Bap ti t Mis ion . Coach Don Callan Yellow J acket captured the coveted Mid -Ohio chan1- pion hi.p ·trophy for the fir t tin1e in the hi tory of Cedarville. Thi yea r ' ba ketball tean1 f ini hed with a perfect record of 8-0 in the Mid-Ohio Conference and had an over-all record of 23 win and 4 lo e . A Mid-Ohio Confer ence chan1pions, the team wa entitled to play in the N.A.I.A. Dis·trict tourna- 111ent for the econd tr aigh·t year. ' 'Our Baptist Faith" is conference theme De Plaines Il linoi - "Our Bap– ti t Faith" i the theme of the 34th annual conference of the Gener al Association of Regl]lar B,apti t Churches at Des Moine , low.a. Dr. Pau 1 R . Jack on, National Rep– re entative, said , "Our Baptist Faith i a great Biblical faith! It i full orbed and preciou . It in·cludes great area of truth often neglected or rejected. Do we know this great body of truth? Can we adequately ian wer thooe who ask What do Bapti sts believe? "Gra p this opportunity to be built up in our most ,holy faith! Come and hare ·the mini try of thi great con– ference. Attend every es ion and you wi ll return home pr,aising our wonder– ful Lord." The General A ociation of Regu– lar Ba,pti t Churches repre ent near– ly 1,200 local churohe united to accon1pli h mutual concern on a na– ti onal and interniational level throL1gh the chaplaincy, r ad io broadca t , mi - sion , educa tion and ocial respon– ~ibi lity. The annual nation-wide Bible conference is ·for piritu aJ edification and cha ll enge. It afford to all a f or Ltm for per on al ex pre ., ion and fcllo~hip . DECATUR FOUNDRY CO INC. Division of J . L. Johnson & Sons In c. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illinois Manufactures Annealing Pots for Malleable Foundries Students from Ohio tour Caribbean is lands Thirteen young men were cho e11 11)' the Admini stration of Bapitio!' t Bibl e emi nary to participate in an jn- er– vice training pragram which took them to Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Haiti. and the Dotnin ican Republic. During thi trip the tudent , with Mr . Hope– well and Mr . Kem,pton, toured the islands, poke in variou churche , engaged in mi""' ionary evangeli n1, and helped in the con truction of bL1ild– ing . They were granted a personal aud ience with Sir Campbell at the King ' Hou e in Jamaica. They al o played basketball again t the .tea 111 wh ich repre ented Jamaica in the Olyn1pic~. Steve Curtis, of Novelty and Gar)' Moosey of Wickli ff were in the group. Dr . Ketchan1 recently con1plete<l a hear,twarming devotional ministry on can1 pu . The four-day chapel erie wa an expo ition of P alm 23. Rev. Heber Van Gilder pa tor of the Grove A venue B~pti t Church in Racine, Wi . wa the speaker for the Baccalaurea,te Service. Speaking at the Commencement Servjce wa the Rev. John Lineberry, pa tor of the Sanford A venue Bc\pti t Church in Alton, Ill . Thi year·~ graduating cla nun1ber 58. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 61 st Ye ar A taff of eighteen fu]J ...time or .part-time worker witne ing to our Lord 'brethren" in Ohio, West ViPginia Birazil; and other area by radio and the n1ailing mini try. Our policy to cooperate with local New Te ta111ent churohe in the accepted n1ethod of Spiritural evangeli n1 , and the placing of new convert . We expre our appricati n t the ,pa tor and friend ., in our Ohi A. ociation hurche wh in th pa t year hav helped 111ake thi. n1ini try po ible. taff n1en1ber are happy to vi ' it cht1r he in the pirit f ct 15 : 4 tc.) \hare report an<l in piratio11al 111c,\ ,tg concerning the n1ini ~tr) . Write 1or fr ee op '-H rt1111pct er tor 1 \rac l" a q ttarterl) Llcvotetl tt) Je\\ t"ih J>r pl1e ic , w·rent C\\ \ abottt tl1e J \.\ ,111J tl1r1lling rcr1t)1 t, f10111 1111 ionaric (,era] l . 111cl r , tt,pt. 1~.o Btl 18056 ' le, el,lnll , Oh1 tl 441 18