The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1965

VOL. 37 , NO. 9 YOUR STATE MISSIONARY The qLt e tion i often a ked , "HO\.\' n1uch doe it co t to tart a new ~h Lt rch?" Thi i· -- a good qLte tion. It i a qu e tion that mu t be faced reali .tica]ly. o matter where you begin in the di CLI ion of the tarting of a branch church, ooner or later, the que tion concerning co·"' t mu t be rai ed. The an wer i not real ly a dif– fi cul t one. It w,ill co t o much for Sunday School literature. There will be the cost of rental and, po "' ibly util– itie for a temporary meeting. There will be the co t of an adequate alary for the fir t pastor. When the e and other co t are added up, the figure i $540 to 650 a month. At this point, there are on1e folk , 'A 1 ho began well in the planning tfor a new church., and now are ready to quit. They look at thi figure and, in utter desperation, conclude that thi is an impos ible ta k . But, before giving up, we ought to go one tep further. We ought to explore the The Ohio Independent Baptist po ible "Ource ' L)f incon1e. We ought to a k our elve the · n<l obv,ioLL quc tion, · Where could thi n1uch 111one 1' co111e from?" The fir t "'Ource of incon1e i fron1 the tithe of the peo ple who compo e the nuc leu of this embryo church. The me111ber of thi. new church OLtght not to expect any out ide help u nle ,.. th ey are w i ll ing to uppor,t it with their own tithe , unles the nuc– leu of 11en1ber are willing to accept God' method of per onal finance laid down in the Word of God for them elve . The econd ource of in– come i from the pon oring church. An y churcl1 that pon~or a new church wiJJ want to jnclude that new church in it mi ionary budget. Not to do o, violate all the rule of naiture . A norn1al parent i concerned about the material needs of hi·-- chil– dren. A pon oring church, wjth any sen e of per onal re ,pon ibility, wi ll want to help with n1oney, for a few Hilltop House has ''New 11 look Elton C. Hukill, Supt. 303 E. Tuscarawas Ave. , Barberton, Ohio Hilltop Hou e has taken on a "new look' ' with the coming of war1n da) 1 S. The grass is green, the trees are full of shade and flowers are bloon1- i n g. TJ1e 1 ad ies Auxi Ii ar)' Hot1seh0Jd ( 01n111ittee - Mr~. Weber anu Mrs. ollyer of orton 'enter - 1net with Mrs. Hukill and n1ade plans for beautifying the interior of the Ho,ne. Mr. and Mr<i. Har ley Ten1plc of the orthfield Bapti. t hLtrch vi~1ted us with the purpo<;e of preparing a 11cw serie-; of ~)ides of 1hc Ho111e. ' f~hcsc were delivered to LI~ by the ..en1ple . hey brought a projector arid creen and showed thc111 to tl1e re ident " 'ith '.'.)Jides of r. ' Clllpl\; ' flower garden and piclt1res takc11 in alifor11ia. '"f'hese " 'ere e11jo)' ctl ver ' J11 t1c 11 by all . .. fl1a11ks to 1 r. ,tnd 11 rs. 1 n1p]e . 1 "'}1e)' ha, 1 c l)c 11 , l)l "' i11g to u . 11 l,irt l1da)' of M11r.'.> . 1 argar t t\1cine11 \\' &; re111e111l>er l l)) tl1 In li~s THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST l)f the or ton ( 'enter Bapti ·t hL1rch wi th cake anti i.ce crea111 . A trio fron1 the ' ame church. Mr . anc.l Mrs. Wil ey and Mr ' . Patton al o pre ented a program of ong and te 1 ' tin1ony the evening before in Mr . Mei nen' honor. A grot1p of Jet adet fro111 the Graham Road Bapti t ht1rch , ' Lt)' a– hoga Fall en tertainetl u\ with 'ong ,. An adL1lt la,~ fron1 the ~uclid- o t– l1ngha111 Bapti\ t hLtrch vi')it d ti', and l1 IC'>')Cti tt\ \Vith a fine devoti onal pr - gra111 . There were three car load \. Rev . antl Mr~. W ii l Ian1 H arr1~. nc\.\' pa·') tor at rir'>t Bap t1 '>t ' l1t1r h of R1tt111an. Mrs. H ttftr11a11 a11<.l '-1011 l_ar1 . Cl)t1 - Llt1ctctl OJ1C of Ollf I llC',tfay CVClltllg l3 tl)le Jassc-~. We apprcctdte tl1\.! sac- 11i1ces thc ' c folk. ttrc 111aking t)t1 ()ttr l1el1al f . tl))t. 1 ltt kill 111a}' be rcacl1ctl ft)r l' LtlJJit Sttf)f))) at al1()Vc atllh css, l)r 11 l,;Hlli11g ll arl)l:rl 11 7 .1--~ 75. JULY, 1965 Rev . Earl D. Umbaugh 1nonth , until the church can begin to ·see co11e nun1eri,i:.a l growth. How– ever, i1t ought to be under tood that there will be a terminal point too. Other ource of income are tho e churche who are not in a po ition to pon or a church but who are will– ing to help by including ome new ohurch in their mi·" ionary budget. In thi way, every church in Ohio, can have a part in the new church pro– gra111. Without thi we will hav a n1ed iocre new cht1rch program in Ohio. With thi , we can have a thriving, aggre ive, new church pro– gra111 that we will all be proud of. I woL1lti like to chal lenge every chL1rch to con ider with your 111i i nar) bLtdget. B) this, we n1 an to h lp one cht1rch, until it i self- upp rting and then leave that n1oney in yot1r hL1dget for the ' tarting f a11oth r church 111e plac within the tate. In doing th 1 , 01n feel that. ince ever) ne\\ cht1rch ad pt a 111is ionar, l1L1dget, we 111a} be tak.111 g ot1r gr ate ' t tep forward in helpi11g forcigr1 1111\– ~10n\ fht'i ,, ill he the st1bje t of a tutt11 e article . I h,l\~ l1ccn tl1 i11k.111g al1l)tlt tt1c s 1Lc of tl1c l1t1tlgct °'ittggc tcd ,tbo, c. l tit) n )t ,ce ,ltl\ \\ d\ ot redt1c1ng it . If tllL' 111011c) J<)l:'\ 11c t Illt; f10111 tl1e ,ot1rc\!s Sltggc,tcli ab , t.'\ it \\ 111 c o111c frl)t11 t 11 ~ 11a~tt>1 car11111g 11art t)r all of l1is salnr , a11J tl1c l1t1r ·}1 ( ( 1 cJ111i1111erl <J11 11r1ge l i ) JULY 1905 PAG 3