The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1965

• • • IVI ua ism • regimentation versus soc1a I t',tl' R ,n . lt ,, !?'-llllf ll' Ut'l ~ ,,tar h:tll't' . I ,, l til'-1 kt' l"' J'r'-'~'C\.'''-1 t , ,\11,,, c, it ,, itl1 ··11) 11" l t, l1a11 t'll.' ' 1 a111 like , ll i11 tl1at l l1k"-' t, ~"' :, t it ,, 1tl1 .... i llt' i..?e111 ~,c 'l'lc. ,, l1" 11 .. 1, c ,c11,c l' '"'l11?}1 tl get ,, l11tc l1,.1t 111 .lrgt1n1cnt .,11 1 , ct n,..'t get t1c,ttctt 111"1tlc' 1 t , i t tr c , , t hf t 1 l t }1111 k i n g t 11 at ·'-'' c 1tuall, ,)111c ,()rt \._)t .. 1lljt1"tn1cnt ' '"• 1,, 111 .. 1llc l,ct,,cc11 1nJ1,iLlttal1t> :i 11" c ' l t r I t, 1 f r cg i 111 c n t .. 1 t Io n . .. h 1, ..\ h ~,c l)f ct1ur"c an"'i nothing ,, rl,r1g 1r1 th .. 11. httt k.n ,, ing hL1n1a11 11 .. 1tt1rc ..1nJ pa t hi ~cor) hould 111ake ll t".._1r ..1nL1ther "'dark. age .. dnd erf– JL 111. if ..1n~ e'\i tence at all. ( o'Vt ..l , ot1 k.n \\. I peak in the natt1ral her~. 1 t an1 not dealing \vith rcl1g1on c1t th1 point nor 01)-'– I doe of the ft1tt1re a een in the ::, \\ ord of G d.) I belie\'e 'v\ hen one ~ drifting fron1 the n1ooring and lo 1ng that. for \\ hich n1uch ga in ._ ha. 1 been made. then we hould fight the rt1 t. barnacle or cancer that .1tta he it elf to 'v\ eaken and de. troy . Our freedon1 and pri\ ate enterpri c been . o prec1ou . Sheets of forms Let me illu trate \.\. ith an e perien-:e th1 pa t unda). I \ i ited one of the farn1 of m, church. The fellow # can ·r get to church at all. He got out the heet of tuff that had to be filled out and kept each month and ,lnd I couldn't believe my eye ! 1 ,aiJ. ' 'how can an ordinary far111er ~\ er keep uch record ?'' I an1 cer– tain man\ of the ordinar\. farn1ers ., ~ could ne\ er fill out uch report . Yet thev are a mu t. He •"aid. ' th at ., • • • I l t. '!\1anv farn1 . a ~:e ha\ e know11 ., them are going ot1t of bu ine . Thi man at thi moment i a Jave to the go\ ernment. pJu the fact th at he can't ta,,- where he is much .. longer and then what? What i the ... sen e of all of that. when he -vv ant lo ·-- ta) in h1 ..private enterpri e" and Jo\ e h1~ farm? At lea t there i nothing -v.rong with m) heart ach– ing to . ee Individua]1 m and Private Enterpr1 e going dovln the drain and to be concerned "ith Federal and t1l timatet,, one-man rule . Yol1 a, to tho"c of Lt·, \vht) ., talk abou t ·· reepi11g osial1'>111:· 1t JULY 1965 PAGE 4 Thi-. is «' lotter in an~wor to a lotter from a Post-graduate studont by a Pa,tor dealing with the subiect . " In– dividualism versus Social Regimenta – tion ." The student defends the later position . •• • 1, .. <)11 -~cn,1cal." ~l''hat ,tatc111c11l i, t\ pical t)f d fre,h -ot1t-of-collcgc n1inu . I ha\ c ,, rk.ed with a nt1111hcr of t rc·,h- lit-of-college fellow.. and that i \vhat ,,c get . o often. Yot1r egoti ti – cal n1ind, n1ake , t1ch weeping tate– n1ent to veteran of the i ue and if 1 cottld jt1 t get yott pa t the next ten yea r~ in the next ten minute , you will be far ahead of your cl.a of today·. Be 1 ie\ 1 e me, ) ' OU won't make ltch brazen taten1ent·" further along. H ere i what I did by the help of the Lord when I wa tarting out and I pa it along for what it i worth. od gave n1e enough en e to know that wi don1 come with time o l a ked older n1en to ave me fron1 going around the barn of experience and help me cut aero lot for I thought it would be fun to "get ahead of the hounds. It ha been ure enough. I think later you wi ll withdraw ' 'non - en ical" when you ee that author and speaker O·n the ' 4 Right" or fundamentalir t have real rea on for what they write or ay. I have een "over in the hill ., a people it down and eat their free peanut butter and let their lazy mind drift becau e the governn1ent upplied it. What can ociety do to get thi •' tream of humanity n1oving and mo– tivated again? You write di ·paragingly of Hwe American alway pin our hope on ab olute ." Sound like eed of John Dewey and the educational ystem of the past half .century. Education ha placed you in the cloud of the etherial, nothing absolute and the argument of relativity. I can't get awav from "Ab olute " and of cour e, ., when it comes to the Word of God I am firm on the ab-solutes. Too many preacher have aid, "thi doe n't mean thi and that doe n t mean that" in dealing with the preciou fundamental of the Bible. T love the fact I have ome 'rock-ribbed" foll nu ation5 and the be·3t of a ~l i'i, l a111 0 11 the RO('K. C' hri t Jc Ll . By R. Keneth Smelser ) <lllr letter ·a, 1 s. ,.. hi s n1cri ca n " lcn<.Jcnc\ to ' ' ... tcJ sketch <Jtat a 11 I ac k an LI w h i t c, cl 11 or not h i n g 11c.1,1ti(1n on 1·,\ucs. has haJJpcncc.l all t<.10 often in ht°'\tory an(I alwa)'S to the tlctrin1cnt of a reasonable ~djt1st- 111cnt <.)f the prohlcn1 . Then yotJ illtis– tra l c \.\ j t h l hc B Ir cher 'i h I a111 i ng thc "("0111111t1ni~t for the oc1al1\l Worlc.f ( ' c.1n~pirac 1·." At lcac;t 1 ot1 ot1ght to l1e glad for ·· ru adc " ac; they arc nece sary to keep the pcndt1Jun1 fro111 winging too far in the opposite tl1rec– tion. Ren1cn1ber that men in high place can be wild tlreamcr . oVv we <lo need a vi ion to be ·~ure. Bt1t when hun1an ouls are regimented beyond the HJine of no return" then it n1ight be too late for tho e who have the vi ion for freedom capita– J i n1 and individualism. You peak of 44 fanning hatred." Ye , we are ""Off)' for hatred but remen1ber Trt1th i often hated. Je u" aid, "the world will hate you for my name ake. ,. ow are we going to turn F ROM Je u becau e of thi hatred? To a degree I am intere."ted in the political and ocial matter of our day but I am far more intere ted in the religious matter , the souls of men and eternal values. Therefore, our thinking along the former line can affect our po ition on the later. I an1 willing to be called a "Right– winger" and an "Extremi·' t' because it i great to be on the "R' ' and 4 'Extremely right.· You ay, "A char– ac teri tic of Ri ght~wing propaganda een1 to be completely negative. never n1ake po itive ugge tion for bettcr– n1ent and it thinking much too •' hallow to ever come up with any– thing po itive.· There you go again horribly wrong for you have forth– rightly bla ted and placed all of u in a mold by your "fre h-out-of– college'' tatement. I for one have erved for a number of year and travelled all over America with the American Council of Chri tian Churche (27 year ) and have been on a number of committees for Re o- 1ution . I a ure you, after being negative and critical, we offered man}' po itive ugge tion and remedie . Hope I get you going and you ht1rry to a n1orc mature po i tion . M tich I..ovc J>a tor Kenneth S111cJ<.,cr THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST