The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1965

Hon,g Kong: Land of opportunity~ By Carson K. Fremont ABWE, Hong Kong One of the greate t challenge we have faced in our work with The As ociation of Baptist for World Evangelism ( ABWE ) here in Hong Kong ha been that of getting jnto the home of more than 800 tudent on our mailing and contact li t. When I faced thi s challenge with n1y deacon it eemed that it would simpl y be "vi itation' a we know it in the USA. othing i imple here! I learned, for instance that there are 90 Mormon worker from the USA a igned to Hong Kong for two to three year . The Jehovah ' wit– nesses have also made determined efforts to pread their teaching hou e to hou e through years. People have learned to ,peak through the keyho le.; to see if American·3 are standing out ide the door. Thi make it hard even to get in ome of the home . Then, once we get inside, we are confronted with the full impact of the paganism of Far Ea tern religion•3 Buddhism and ance tor wor hip . . . with their idol s, burning incen e and offerings of food. We under tand more clearly the per.,ecution and pressure our student member face in their homes. However, here and there, a we have patiently and con i tentl y con– tin ued to "k nock on doors," we have ·,een ,peopJe listen attentively to the Go pel being pre en ted through an interpretor. Some have been saved . l~eturn visits have been welcomed by others. ome have attended OL1r rneeting~. We are encouraged by these ign of response. 'J'he Harry Ambachers of alvary Baptist ( hurch, Ashland , Ohio, have JUSL arrived under ABWr.J to work with us. With their cor11ing, we an– ti ci rJate the broad expan~~1on of thi s • • n11r11stry. One part icL1 Iar ' ' ho Lisi 11g est a le ... with more thar1 33,000 persor1s Jiving in it, is tl1c special object of OL1r 1>rayer ar1d 1lan11ing. Many of ot1r co11 tac t live tl1erc. We J lan to enlist our I aco11· and as t11a11 y of >Ur otl1cr hristia11s a~ JJ si lll e i11 n dc>or- ll>– door tfort . Will } u pra)f for t>JJe11 <loor in t 11 c o k I~ ta t e? THE OHIO INDEPENDENT HAPTISl Every store front . 1s a n opportunity . The witness of a faithful deacon. Witnessing in a governn1ent housing e:>t ate. JULY 1965 PAGE 5