The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965
ti 11 ti,ttl By Mr . Earl Umbaugh, 2150 Marhofer Ave. Stow, Ohio How To Organize 1n "'e tl1c ttn(ia\ C\cni11g grot1p.:) nre to 11 a place fl)r the tr~ 1ning of the ) ot1th of the cht1rch in lea ler hiJ,, er, ice Jnti C hr1"tian fellow. hip thi can be t be ac– c... ")r11pl I hcd if } ti have at iea t a imple et of By-Laws, r1 thing on1pl1 ated . t1ch as a con titt1tion. Part of train– ano 1-- t tea... h the 111att r of cloing thing ''<lecently and ::: in rder". l: \'tabli Ji 1J1e 11a11ze Bapti t uth Fell w hi,p - BYF or, Bapti t Training Union - BTU or some other name e -- pe iall)' uited to ou. Establi Ji ti111e of regular n1eetings unday evening at 6: 00 P .M. 11 Sunda,· ~ervice of the church. ~fid-Week prayer meeting. ( A youth es ion to them– el e ) ocial - Fir t and third Friday of each month. (It is be t to e tablis h a time and then change it when neces– ary r ather than have an undesignated time). E. tablis/1 111evnbership regulations (Jr. H igh BYF) l. Any per on who is 12 years and above or who ha reached the seventh grade in school. 2. Any per on who attends three consecutive Sun– day in a row may be a voting member. 3. Member receiving on the fourth Sunday by .... tanding while 'leader prays a king God to bless in this new association. 4. An 1 1 one who bas been absent for four consecu– tive Sundays shall be removed from the active membership role, but may b e reinstated by at– tending three consecutive Sundays. 5. Only tho e who are willing to participate will be placed on a grou.p to take part in the pro– grams. And if placed on a group he will be expected to prepare and give rthe part to the best of bis ability. Unwilling participation only di rupts and hinders the progress of the group. EstablisJ1 by-laws I. Elections 1. Elect from the active member hip of the B .Y.F. 2. There hall be two nominations for each office. 3. t; e secret ballots. 4. Officers shall be saved and living Christian lives Ythich are exemplary. ( I Timothy 4: 12-16) 5. Officers shall hold office for six months. (Oc– tober through March and April through Sep– tember.) This is long enough for an officer who does not do a good job and a good one may be re-elected. This also affords training for more NOVEMBER, 1965 PAGE 10 ' MRS. EARL UMBAUGH yoting people. (The Spon<;or carries the Llnifying lrai n throttgh the year.) 6. Jection shall be the thirc.1 week in cptcn,bcr and March. 7. Vacancie wi ll be filled L1y the appointment of the officer . I I. Officers: I. Sponsor a. Sh)al l be appointed by the ch11rch for indefin– ate time. b. Shall repre ent the young people before the church. c . Shall be a person or couple with a love for young people and an untiring zeal to serve the Lord in their behalf. d. Shall be a guide and a counsellor to them. e. Shall equip them with materjal for programs. f . Shall see that all social gatherings are in ac– cord with Christian conduct, dress and are well chaperoned. g. Shall see that discipline and order is main– tained in a11 regular meetings. 2. President a . Shall be a member of the church. b. Shall have charge of the Sunday evening meeting . (start on time) c . Shall moder ate the business meetings. (with advice from the sponsor) d . Shall make announcements, recognize vi itor and welcome new members. e. Shall appoint committees and see that they function . (with advice from the sponsor) 3 . Vice President a . Shall be a member of the church. b. Shall take the place of the president in his absence. c. Shall be in charge of all publicity. (Church bulletin news, record of attendance required by church and pooters in church building. 4 . Secretary-Treasurer a. Sba]l keep a record of at tendance offering and any business conducted. b. Shall give monies to the church treasurer jn a marked envelope for afe keeping. Thi avoids the temptation to "borrow' ' church funds for per anal use. c . These office may be eparated if the siz( of the group warr ants this. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT bAPTIS,
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