The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965
~ (, rot1 r 1 catler~ a. fhc .. ' pon. or anti officer shall llivi<.l c the 'A- hole BYF into equal group two or more according to the size of your BYF. b. They ee that the capable member are equal– ly placed on the group and that new or in– experienced member are equally divided on the group to give balance to the program . c. A groL1p leader OC'hall then be appointed to erve a. the one to M. . the n1eeting and ee that all ,participan~ are ready and pre– pared for the ervice. Arranging for the special mu ic, the ong ervice the quizz and and the Bible me age parts to be well prepared and • given. cl. The Group leader hall call a n1eeting for preparation before the week that hi . gro11 p i to conduct their meeting. Consecration service for B.Y.F. officers L.ea (ler: Read Roman 12: J 2 (Officer tand with back~ to the congregation ing '·Where He Lead Me".) Cl1arge to Officers by leader (May be the pa tor) : To you, officer , ha been given a call to erve the Lord a officer of the Junior High Bapti t Youth Fellow hip. To each ha been given hi gift that the church may be perfected in ,love and ervice. To you d given ,the ta k to make the youth group function with unity, purpo e and progre s. Your leader hip will do one of three thing , ( l) Remain in a talemate po ition; (2) Go backward in lo of membef"S, pirituality or enthu iasm or (3) Go forward v.rith intere ting meetings which ·are spir~tual and have an outreach to win other youth to Christ and your group. We tru t you will pray and pu h forward to attain thi third goal. PAKISTANI MILLIONAIRE By Ralph T. Nordlund In Tipperah Land, near Chittagong, There dwells a mil1ionaire; And angels looking down mu t Jong Hi s trea~ured wealth to share. An ari is thi rich man's name, Who1n worldly men count poor; 13L1t he is rich in un ought fame As Christ's amba ador. He clain1s no mansion here on earth, A hovel is his home; ]jut open doors proc]ai111 hi~ worth Wherever he may roam. A weeping 111other n1ourns her child; He l1a te in hri Lian Jove o tell l1er of the avjoL1r mild, And oJ od' Hon1e above A fa 111 ine tri cs his floe anti fold, li ut 11 ar t1i fait}1 e pres d: As ire l, i igl1t 11 1ar11ished g ld, , ant \•t1ill 111, kc ti ble t.' ' I) t I}} An ri· Ul 1) II J~e i ,i]I go t w ltll t 111 j (j 811 n1illi ir iJ)J)eral1 l~a11<J, ll flf ? u1n lc:1 tan I I ( rn1en after r ad1ng Dr . Donn e1chanl' ~ article in the Sept. 0 18.) THI OHIO INDEP t, [) N BAP IST R e.\'/J<J11.\e <>/ ()ffi<'ers - (Mcn1ori7c or reat1 in uni"o11) We accept the call to .. crve a officer of the ( ,hurch . We wilJ by Hi. power faithfully perforn1 the ta k~ that are OLtr jn the Jr. High Youth Group and our Church. We will upport one-another in love and prayer. CJ1arge to Groitp Leaders: To you, Group Leaders, i. given the call to erve in our .devotion and tudy of the vVord of God. To you i. the great opporttinity of pre– . enting intere·-- ting and vital program . We urge yo11 to put much into each meeting in the way of prayer. preparation and programn1ing. Make each meeting dif– ferent and challenging and trL1e to Hi Word. Make the mo t of the talent you have on yotir grottp and encourage and develop further talent. Re pon e of Group Leader : (Memorize or read in t1ni on) We accept .the call to erve as Group leaders. We will plan and prepare ahead for each meeting for which we are re pon ible. We will work together for the advancen1ent of our Yourth Group and the glory of the l ~ord Je u. Chri tin our meeting . Charge to tl1e M e111bership: To yot1 a member of the J t1nior High B.Y.F. we is ue a call for faithful and regu lar attendance faithful and ub tantial giving, and faithful and helpful co-operation when you are called Ltpon to participate in ong jn prayer, in the pre entation of progran1 and at the ocial function remem·bering that next term may be the ones to be placed in leader hip and al o remembering that the Lord will reward you for faithful ervice. Response of M e111hersl2ip: ( tand) Qt1ote together Ephe ·ianr.:, 2: 10. DEDI ATION: (Officer turn •and face the congre– gation) All tand a a prayer of dedication i given b the Leader. Thanksgiving O prcciou Father, as we bo\v Before Thy throne t day- We c Ltnt the n1any bl ing" Thot1 ha l ~hower'<l 11p n 11r \ ,:l}. ,.f'hc c 111f rt f ot1r hLtn1ble h 111e'i, Ot1r hea ltl1 a11Ll happines , ·r·11c ~tre11gth p1ovitlcti f r cnch tla)' 1 o 111l:et the ·train ,1ntl ' tr ~. \ l! thank. l1ce for 'T ll\i 111 cct<)Lt "on Who 111 t1gl1 t s,11 at 1011 f rel: , 11<.i J<)r this 111igl1t)' Ian I )f ours - 1\ 1 a 11 LI f I i l1 cr t ' ! S l , I rtl l1t:l1J tis lt> giv ' l l1e' ll1a11ks J-. >r all tll ,ll ,v 11 11 d ,r - l t l 11 l) 11 l 1 an k g i, i 11 g l · 1 l1ut ''l 11 1·1 1 tl1c ar! NOVEMBER 1965 PAGE 11
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