The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965
omp ete ew By Mrs . Jose ph Ca rey (Mernber Be thl e he m Baptist Church) Cl e ve land, Ohio I tl,an l t l1c 1 xi <. f , \.hr,1h an1, T~aa :,n~t J .\C:\.'h. t ) r tlt) \ \ 1 can trt1I, sa} tll,lt l ,1111 ..1 lll f)leted J C\\ . ur \\ 1..'t11..lerfl1l. all -kn \\ ing > d, thr t1gh H 1, 111.1r, c-ll)ll~ gra e. ren1 , cd the vei I fr )111 111, e, e."' and re\ ealed t n1e. throt1gh H t" preci t i rd. H i"' Love l11ft - the f e iah f I rae l, the One \ \ h :1 c,1n1e long ago and Who i. c r111ng again . 1 th ank Hin1 for help- .... - ,n,r n1c t ~ee n1v elf a an unw r th :::, _, inner, 1n need f an all-knowing and 1 , ing a, ' i r. and my prayer now 1, tha t 1 will allow H in1 to becon,e the l rd f m 1' life. l ooking back aero the year , how ,, nderful it i to ee how He worked in n1y life - gently patiently, lov– ino-1, · - to lead me to Him elf! e - f ~· parent had an orthodox Jewi h upbr ingi ng. In our home we ob erved the r itual"' and tradition of orthodox Judai m, but to me the cu tom and holida) were memorable largely for the traditional food as ociated with them or perhap for the new clothing 'A e received at the e time . Our fami ly con i· .. ted of four girl of which I was the third. Our parents were fair ly well educa ted, each reading and peaking fi \ e language . They in tilled in u the Cleveland Hebrew Mission begins its 62nd year The 61 r.- t annual meeting of the leveland Hebrew Mi sion was held at the H ayden Ave. Bapti t Church. The afternoon bu ines e .)ion wa \.\ ell attended by the Mi ion Counci l \\ 1 hich heard reports of the Lord bles:: ing in every department of ,the \\-Ork. The public rally in the evening wa ble ed wi th a fi ne attendance of friend from many churche . Pastor Donald Woodby of the ho t church extended greetings and led in the congregational ingi ng. Miss Dona Ander on in pired hearts with ap– propr iate vocal solos. As i tant Su,per – intendent.. A. Paul T idball , gave an excellent ummary of the past year ' mini tl} 1 • ew staf.f members were pre ented and responded with per - onal te t1mon1e as to the Lord 's NOVEMBER, 1965 PAGE 12 J)1,,11~1 11,lra l a tl l l s t1 ·i al a ltit,1,t e , n <. I I(,\ l'<. I tis , ·r ' lllll 11 . l1t1t 1}1c \ ncv · 1· SCl' l1l t',1 1,1 ree l it i n,11<.ll tanl lt1 tcac ll t t·, t11c l1el it' f " <.11 l l1,l ,,1,n1 c1r their ' I'" tlt1 ,1I sign,t ic,1n c. 1\ t the t'arl t age o f ,even , 1 re 111c n1hcr h~,, 1ng a gr nt f cnr f lcn th - tl1c t1n"11 ()\Vn . I t wa, a feeling of h<)pclc",nc~, hccatt,c there were o n1 ~tnr tllll'".;t1 n~ 111 111 111n<.I for which t<.1 n1c t l1 crc ,vcrc no an, wcr 'i. 1.,h i, fear wa, very real a1 ti ~ n1ot in1c~ O\Cr~) ering. he th ing of chil c.l – ht1 d and growing Ll p occL1picd mo t of 111 ti n1c. bt1t th i fear wa always in the back f 111y n1ind , e. pecially at night . t abottl eight year of age, a fr iend invi ted n1e to go to a place where he pro1ni ed I would have a good time. Thi pl ace wa o pl ea..... ant . Everyone there wa kind and friendly. We ang hymn , and there wa a feel– ing of Jove. I learned, year later , that thi wa the home of The leve– Jand Hebrew Mi·" ion. I remember returning to my home and ·talking and inging about Je u . When my mother heard me mention that name, the name we had been taught to hate, he forbid me to go there again. A I wa growing u,p I did not think er iou ly about God · however , when I did I thought, in a vague ort of way, that r eligion wa a wa·y of li fe with a God ..:-omewhere in the background . As my parent grew older they dropped many of ,the Jewi h customs, considering them to be foo li h and without meaning. A a r esult I was very lonely when the Jewish holidays came, and lonely at Chri tmas when ,the Gentil e wer e ob er ving their holiday. call to thi field . Mi s Lorene Brown came to jo in the Mi s ion "f amily" in January of this year from Mans– field , Indiana. She took busine cour es at Indi ana State College and had ome Bible training at Appa– lachia Bible Institu te. She will as is t in the office and do vi itation as t ime permi ts. Mr . and Mrs. Ronald Huth joined the staff in May after com– pleting their tr aining ,at Missionary Internship in Detroit Michigan. They come from Lancaster , Penn ylvan,ia where Ronn graduated from the Lan– ca ter School of the Bible. Hi wife Bonnie, i a graduate of the Lan– ca ter Gener al Ho p ital. They have three lovely chi ldren. They are par- ticularly burdened for Jewi h young people. Pray tha t the Lord will up– ply the needs of these new workers, and u e their te timonies to win Jew to Chri t. r I,, \t gh Ill }' 11arr n l s <.litl Jl t C()fl sitlc r i i i11111,,rt a 11t ltl c,l1sc1vc anti up hl)ll l l e \. ish tracliti<)ns. whc11 I n1Hrric< a c; c1 ti lc - a catho lic tl1cy wcr ve ry unh ,, pJJ ancl lec ply ht1n1ilia lctl 1~ro11 a worl cll y stantlJ1oi nt n1 y n1a r rage wa·., a goo<.I one. J had a fi nl ht1sha 11 <.I, who proviclc<.l we ll so Wl cou ld live con1f r tahly, and rny li ft <;cc 1111ngly wa\ ft ill. J appcarecl happy BL1t a\ we accL1n1Ltl atcc.J matcria thing . I rcali,cd the c <.li d n t brin~ the atisf,tc tion or joy tha t r ha<.f a n– ticipated. We were hlcs·)cd with three fi ne chi ldren, two girl s and a boy . I wa determined that they wou ld not he plagued with thi hopeJe fear of dea th, that till gripped me from time to time yet I did not know where to tL1rn for help . I became re tle and bored. 1 thank God now for th if;.\ re ti e ne becau e it led me on to a carch which eventu ally brought me to our preciou Me iah. I explored po itive thinking; tudi ed ome of the ea tern religion · delved somewhat into the tudy of science, and f inally I tudi ed applied ,p ychology. These all had ome good in them - they provided an explanati on - bt1t they did not olve my problem. (Continued on next page) CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 62nd Year A staff of eighteen full-.time or .part-time wor kers witnessing to our Lord's "brethren' ' in Ohio, West ViPginia, Brazil; and other areas by radio and the mailing ministry. Our policy to cooperate with local New Testament churches in the accepted methods of Spiritural evangelism, and the placing of new converts. We expre&s our appreci ation to the ,pastors and fr.iends in our Ohio Association Churches who in the past year have helped make this ministry possible. Staff members are happy to visit churches in the spirit of Acts 15 :4 to hare reports and inspirational me sages concer,ning the ministry. Write for free copy ' 'Trumpet– er for Israel' ' a quarterly devoted to Jewish Prophecies, Cw-rent News about the Jews and thrilling report fron1 missionaries. Gerald V. Smelser, SUJ)t. P .O. Box · 18056 Cleveland, Ohio 44118 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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