The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965

eam By Mrs. W. H. Keisler Hur,tington City Mission 1030 Seventh Ave. Huntington, W . Va. ' ' It ' \ I tllc l rti'. tl\CfClC" that \\C I c n",t "")" \ltllCli. l1c ,1t1,c Ht, c n1 I'·' ·1"111 t,111 tl\)t T"hc, ,,re r1c,\ ~\CT} 111 r 1 ng : g1c~1t ,, tl,, fn1thft1ln~s.'' ... .... l an1cntatit111" i · _2,. J H\1\\ \\C rr,lt"C H i111 fl)f tlail) 111rr~1c,. l rttl\ tt1c) arc nc,\ C\ er) 111"1r111 n g, ... ln t11,r L1"t arti le. I told) \tab tit a retarded girl ,vc have in the Door .... Llf H ope \ e ha, e all need d c tra paticn . he i o pitiful. We all feel o orr, f r her. but there i ju t a • certain an1 tint we can do to help her . \\' c ha,· taken another girl into the D or of Hope ince I wrote you la t . he a cepted Chri t a her Saviour ju.. t a few day after arriving here . he i a ver)' weet girl and i a big h Ip to u .. in working with ithe re– tarded girl. he i only 16 and ,plan to fini h her education. She i taking a ecretarial cour e and i in the 11th grade. he i already very good at • t)'ptng. I al o told you, in my last ar·ticle about a girl we had that was uc h a ble ing to all of us. She ha been dis– mi ed and ent us the following letter. HDear Mammy and Pappy: I re– ceived your letter today and was glad to hear that the new girl had ac– cepted Chri t. I just wrote to her ) e terday about my experience at the Mi ion and how he could a~k the Lord to come into her heart Ye , it i truly wonderful to be back with my family. We are till celebrating. I pray for and write to ( another girl in the Door of Hope) often be– cause I know that she doesn't have anyone clo e to her. When I first went to the Mission, I didn't know how people would treat me and I thought it v.·ould be horrible if Mom didn't sta 1 r v,ith me. But when I bad stayed for about a week, I realized that this my mistake and that Mom couldn·t help by taying. It was -some– thing I had to do on my own. I ha"\ 1 e ne\·er met a finer, more loving group of people. Mi s Cook was such a dear. I could go to her any time \1,,jth an) 1 problen1 I had. But n10 t of NOVEMBER, 1965 PAGE 14 • rom e 19 all. ( 1l)tl \ ,ts the, c. 1 tlilln't k11ow HiJ11 l)cf c.11 c I went to tl1c Mi~\ion . l 11,lll a big c ha nee to grow up at tl1c 1 r,,1l1n anti to realize that 111y l1f c ,, ,,, ,n the 1 ... orti'~ ha11d fron1 then 011 I ill c nttnLtC n1y cdL1calion. thc11 go to a gootl Bible \Choo l, and l k11ow tl1e I rd will have son1cthing gl) LI in t re for 111c. l r>ray that tl1c I ortl will lca(I 111c to work jn the 1i i n r one Jike it so I can tell l)thcr girl~ with the 'San1c problen1 1 ha<l how Goel can help then1. ovc 'B' ''. cveral 111onth ago, we had a y ung n1an . aved in the eveni ng ervice. H e got a good job hi wife took him back and he i now happy with hi wife and son. The following i a te timony from him. ' I came to the Mi"' ion many times with no hope or intere t in this life, no hope for the future and cer•tainly no hope of being reconciled to my family. My only interest was to get enough change together for another drink. "I had been an inmate of five alco– holic hos,pitals, twice a victim of a terrible case of D .T.' . I certainly thought •there was no hope for me. But I thank God, I heard through Hi Word, that Jer.-u would save and deliver me if I would tru it Him and surrender my life to Him. 'I had tried ever,ything else and it failed, but on Oct. 14, 1964 I tried J e u , and He saved me and ha kept me . I was reconciled to my family on Christma~ Day, 1964, and it wa the first Chri tmas that I hadn't been picked up by the law for about 18 years. "The Lord made it possible for me to get a good, respon ible job. I now l1avc a J1,1p11y h(>111c five r<>Oni of ft1rnitL1rc paitl for an(I a car fu1 111y work ancl for my wi f c. ,c,d trul has hccn good to n1c a11cl ha( tl nc exceedingly, abu nd an tly ahove all 1 cott1d a~k or think." Hi mcrcic~ arc new every 111(>111 111g. Keep rc111embcring ti~ to 1 rirn. DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Division of J . L. Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Stre et Decatur, Illino is Manufactures Anneal ing Pots for Malleable Foundries Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Mission) 4486 Mayfield Road Cleveland 21, Ohio * * * PRESENTING CHRIST Through means of: • Literature Distribution • House-to-House Visitation • Bible Cl asses • Camp • Correspondence School • Radio WCRF Cleveland Speakers available to minister in your Church Rev. Alan C. Metcalf, Director THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Rad io and TV Now on WSPD-TV Ch . 13 - Toledo, Ohio - Sunday 8 :30 a .m. PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS Write A Card Of Thanks To WSPD-TV The Children's Gospel Hour is now on 40 radio and 20 TV stations each week. Pra y that more stations will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Wr ite for further information. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director · THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST