The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965

(Concluded from page 5) eternal life; and they shall never peri h, neither hall any man pluck them out of my Father' hand. '' ow, Im certain, fellow pastor, Chri tian worker, Sunday School Teacher, oul-winner that a.::- you ha\'e dealt with individuals regarding their oul' need of a Saviour, you have met many who attempt to put a third road to God diagram of life' pathway . Thi they do by stating ..Well . . . perhap I 'm not a good a ome folk , but on the other hand, I'm not a bad a ome other I know; o 1·n1 not o bad after all. ' Thu , che)· place then1 elve on an in1agin– ar\' road between the two road in- ., J icated in Matt. 7: 13 anc.l Matt. 7: 14. 'fhey believe them elves, their way, to be all right o they proceed to go r ight on a they please. The Word of God deal.:- with thi iine of rea oning, however, by stating in Prov. 14: 12 that ' 'There i a way which SEEMETH right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Yes, two road , only two, and two <le tinies. Every person i on one or the other ... there can be no mid– dle ground. k you read thi and tudy the diagram you need to answer the question, ' Which road am I on? ' If you f.ind that you can assurredly answer th at you are traveling God' pa thway - how thankful you should be. Perhaps this will be helpful in helping you to clarify the matter for an un aved fri end or loved one. May od he1 p us all to be concerned about the pathv. 1 ays of life and burdened for the multitude "''ho are doomed to a hri tless etern ity unlc they cease fol lowing the circles in whi ch atan lead the111 and repenting of their s in eek the direc tion that only 'hrist • ~a11 give. State Youth Ra lly Scheduled Nov. 26 at Cedarville '"I he A1111ual Youth l{ all y wl1cr1 ) oung ier fro111 all over tl1e -s tate 011,,erge i11 one area is agai r1 ched- uled 011 t11e ca111pt1 of dar\ 1 iJl 1- Jege. l1e date i ov. 26. ugl1 Hor11er wil l be in chargl: 1 t ,o \A/Or hop in tl1e afternoon, 011e 1itled 1 .. ocial I rinl";'' tl1c 1t1 r ' Are M rriage l ade i11 1-i a, ei ?'' 1h vlorl 1101.) \\ 1 jlJ take t f 1l e f I ll f , j CU j OJl . J 1 1 1e ,, ning, 13r t l1cr Ji r Jl I "111 br111g tl e me age l t 111t1l ur 1t 11 a1 tl1al J ca11 li, 1 e , ~ J d I l / 1 ; I 1 l l( I l e l d t ') , 1 I • The school bus bill The supporters of tax-paid bus ervice for parochial school pupils in Ohio may be celebrating too soon, ac– cording to an authority on church– tate relations. Gaston D. Cogdell of Washington D. C., director of organization for American United has pointed out that the recent victory of supporters of parochial schools may have been a hollow one because of an amend- 1nent to the o-called 'fair bu bill". The amendment pecifically exclude any chool which practices racial or religiou di crimination in regard to "pupil , teacher , or employee " from publicly supporited bus service. Supporters of the original legi - lation openly sta,ted that iits purpose wa to provide bu transportation to ,parochial school students, although the language of tihe bill is in term of "private" school . To skirt the church- '1ate i sue the original mea - ure called for a separate bureau ito operate bu es for all accredited chools, both public and private, un– der the title of public safety. Co t would have been borne by the Ohio general fund. It would ,have provided bu tran portation for ome 68 000 nonpublic school pupils in 0 1hio at an estimated annual co t of $2 million. The mea ure (Senate Sub titute Bill 365) pa ed the s,tate Hou e of Re,prc- entatives July 29 by a vote of 86-45, but not before the "non-di crimina– tion" amendment was added by Re– pre entative Thoma D. Gindles– berger (R ). "The Catholic Univer e Bulletin" publi hed in leveland, neverthelc reported in Jts Aug. 6 i ue: "More than 17,000 children in Cleveland d ioce an elementary chool will be eligible for public bu tran portation under the law pa ed la t week by the Ohio legi lature." Mr. Cogdell, how– ever, declare that •their enthusia m i unfounded. 'Since all parochial chool prac- tice religiou di crimination in the hir,ing of teacher and admini trator at lea t and often in the eleotion of pupil ·thi amendment by definition excludes such chool fron1 tax- up– ported bus ervice." He added that the Ohio bus bill i unique in the hi tory of thi kind of legi lation in thi country ina mt1ch a "no other legal ,provi Jon for pub– lic tran portation to non-public chool ever ha contained ti h a r triotive provi ion." A Christmas gift reminder Send a subscription for the Ohio Independent Baptist Magazi ne to : Name Address ---------------- City__________ State ----------------- Zip Code_______ Name Address --------------- State----------------- Zip Code ------- Nan1e Address S1ate Zip Code_______ Ohio Ind pend nt Bapti t Box 7 C d tvill , Ohio