The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965
A. Donald Moffat appointed editor of 0.1.B. • magazine Rev. and Mrs. A. l>onald Moffat .- Bapti t Churc·h Bunker Hill, Ill . Re,·. . Donald Moffat, pa tor of Don and Loi Moff ait left the mi - Grace Bapti t Church. Cedarville, ·->ion field of Brazil upon completion ha been appointed editor of the Ohio of Don ' training at Moody Bible Independent Ba,pti t magazine ifol- In titute located in ,the city of Manaos lO\\ ing the r ignation of Jame R . and ho,ping eventually to be found John on \\·ho has erved four year." working among the Indi ans of the in thi capacity. Brother Moffat's upper R io Negro section of the dense term \v·ill begin with the J anuary Amazon Valley. i ue. They were forced to r eturn to this Rev. Ir. 1offat will erve as full- land, however, due to the serious ill- tin1e editor conduct evangeli ·tic ne 3 of Mr . Moffat. It became iim- ~er, i e . and Bible conference in po sible for them 10 return to their Ohio and other tate as the Lord missionary endeavor because the ill- Iead . In thi manner he will be able ne was of such a severe nature. to , ·i it with pastor in their churches It was during their second pastor- and have a wider mini try than here- ate at Bunker Hill, Il,l. that t he Lord tofore. opened the door for them to ser ve Brother Moffat ha,s resigned his with the A oc1ation of Baptists for n1ini try of the Cedarville church to World Evangelism. Mr. M 1 offat work- Je\ ote full time to thi new mini try. ed a D eputation Direc tor and Field ' 'The 1offats·' erved in two Repre entative for nearly 13 year . churches prior to their ministry in Mr . Moffat for part of this time Cedan·ille. For approximately two erved a"' secretary in the Mission's ) ear . Mr. Moffat wa as3istant pas- home office in Philadelphia, P a. Over tor to Dr. Robert T. Ketcham at the the year , little by little, Mrs. Mof- \\-'alnut Street Baptist Church, Water- fat ha regained health and trength , loo. Io\\ a. For a s imilar length of so that today he i able to enter into time he was pa tor of the Berean (Continited on page 9) COVER PICTURE: Thank giving is thank -living! And thanks-living i thank– ing God at all time for the many, many priceles ble sing of life and for all His benefit3. And mo t of all, we have the oreatest oif,t C\ 1 er oi\ en for which to be thankful J esus Christ. 0 0 0 Let ti rejoice and prai e the Lord for hi goodness, and for hi·.:) wonderful \\'Ork to the children of men. Turkeys are merely a S)'mbol of the pro" i ion of food for the body. God sati fie the longing ot1l. and fill the ht1ngr)i 5oul with goodness. The Ohio Independent Baptist . .. Published Monthly bv ••. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xeni, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 t Mrs. Charles Cunningham 602 W. George Street Arcanum, Ohio Ed1tor1al O ff ice: Cedarville . Ohio Box 7 Deadl,rie for News : 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor .. . . . Tames R. Johnso Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation Manager . Mrs. Charles Cunningha , 602 W. George St., Arcanum, Oh Women's Editor . . . Mrs. Inez Miln, 2665 Canterbury Rd . C leveland H eigh ts, Ohio 44118 Mission's Editor Rev. Donald Moff1 Cedarville, Ohio Y Otlth Editors .. Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaff Cedarville, Ohio Christian Education Editor . . .. .. .. .... ... ..... . Mrs. Earl D. Umbaug Council and Officers Chairman Verne L. Dunha1 1326 Euclid A, 1 e., Lorain, Ohio Secretary Darrell Bic 511 H errick A,,e. E ., Wellington, G Treas,z,irer . . ... ... .. ... H. R. D aviso 23 I, 1 ester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio Mi ssionary Chr. B. C. Jennin~ 223 Pierce Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, C Y 01Jth Directar L1rnn Roge1 7854 _ . Boyden Rd., 1 orthfield, C Ed · Ch 'l.Xloodrow IcCale 1ccat1on r. .. . vv . First Baptist Church, El}'Tia, Ohi Council of Ten Chair,n1a1i .... ............. Verne Dunhan ee1·etarJ 1 John Bal)·o Vernon Billington 1 Torman H oag B. C. Jennings W oodro\v i\ l c aleb Lynn Rogers Donald Se\vell Earl \i\' illctts . . .. Darrell Bic
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