The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965
r -- ---- .... VOL. 38, No. 1 The Ohio Independent Baptist NOVEMBER, 1965 Your State Missionary '' here are you worki,ng no 1 w?" Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh The que tion i often a ked, as I travel aero 5 the State of Ohio, '·Where are you working now?" Thi s que tion terns from a genuine in– terest on the part of the people of our churches in the outreach of the new church minr-- try. I have pent omc time in the East Liverpool area. The Height Baptist Church voted everal week ago, to eek to e tabli h an– other 1ndependent Bapt1 t hurch on tl1e northea l · ide of- -the city. There is a natural geographical d1v1s1on be– l\.\1eer1 thi and the Pleasant Heights ectior1 and over I 0,000 people to be reached \.\ 1 ith the go pel. ewspaper ad · eel'ing to reach new famili es in tl1at area produced ver)' little result . 1 spent unday through ~rid ay with J>a tor D >nald Rel tger and his f an1iJ }, can ,a 1ng. n two aturda)' , Jla - Lor.) -and so11J1e Ja) 1 111en fro111 he 13eth– an) A ociaLion co11t inue<l tl1e can– \'a . f-1 ,,angeJi t harle Boren ca1 11e for a11 eight-da)' ... ,,angelistic M et- 1ng. l\fiJ] )'OU pra~ v.1itl1 u tJ1at a 11evl cl1urcl1 n1a}' lle e abli l1ed b)' ot1r llo\'\ l1ip ii that 11eed)' , rea? J111e ef;f r r are being J)U l or tl1 111 l111e l rtag 1 a area 11 tl1e ou tl1 id of A ro1 . hi l1u1 ch ,,,J lJ be 1> n 1 11 tl1e churcl i11 tlie A r n I a ~elJo -.., J ip. ra1 an1i- l1 1 a c pi e 1, inter· t in be- H OHIO IND ·P ND N OAP IST con1ing a part of thi new church. A place for the holding of SLtnday Service i now being soLtgh t. Rev. Dean Henry, Rev. Herbert White an<..f Rev. D . E. Luttrel form the exten- ion committee in ·the Akron area. The new church in Dundee i be– coming a reali ty and i now holding Sunday Service and a mid-week Bible tudy and prayer meeting. A church covenant and s tatement of faith have been adopted. They are now prepar– ing a con titution and by-law and will oon be ready for formal or– ganization. The permanent location of thi church ha not yet been de– cided a they will be drawing from everal mall communitie nor·th and Services held Show11 above is Ohio tatc 1i"- sionary, l{ev. l~,1rl n1bat1gh, rc111ov Jng a l1ovel full of groL1r,d at the groundbreaking ·:)ervice"> of han11J- i(>n Baptist l1ur h. h w11 1 king 11 i W jllia111 tu11, 1111 actor left) , a ncl Pastor csle\' l . 111i th. ., , h )ltll' J1 \\'H begttll i11 1H)' a11cJ l1rt 11 ,, 11 t a I)' i11 r 'asc and ltl a,,ed \Vi tl1 a11 attc11 la11c c1\ 1 eragi11g 70 i11 ~ t111cla) S l10t)l and 8 i11 Ill rnir g ,,, r l1i1l ,vitl1 J1i gl1 110. ca ·,t of the Dover- ew Philadelphia area. A lay111an fron1 Bible Mi ion Bapti t hurch Reynold burg along wit 1 h Pa tor Llewellyn Thomp on and Pa tor Albert Kin ey h,1ve been guid– ing thi new church. New churches welcomed into Ohio fellowship Nine new churches .and pa tor were welcomed into the A ociation of Regular Bapti ,t Churohe and wer extended the hand of fellow ihip at the annual meeting at Fir t Bapti t Church, iles, Ohio, October 18. P·a tor and churche taken in,to the A ociation are Mt. Vernon Fir t Regular Bapti~t Church of Amity, Ohio and Tiverton Regular Bapti t huroh, Brinkhaven Ohio, bovh pa - tored by Jame S. H11nter ; Schwartz Road Bapti t hurch, Akron , Ohi , Rev. M. E. Moore. pastor· Highvi w Avent1e Bapti t ht1rch. Akron, Ohio. Rev. D . . LL1ttre], ,pa tor; Abb Road Bapti t Ch11rch, Elyria, Rev. Don urti , pastor; H ope Bapti ' t h11r h. olumb11 , orman B ·w rth, pa tor: We t t1burban Bapti t ht1r h, Oln1- tcd Fall .. . Rev. ernon J ne: . pa'-1- tor ; Grace Bapti "' t hLir h. WilloL1gh- b). Rev. George Gib n. pa t r; and Betl1e I Ba pti t h11r h, T l io, Re\ . ( ' l 1f ford Boe\ 1, pa t r. ' I w c l1 t1rche\ \\ere re1110\. t: Li fr n1 thc a,'> i '1 ti 11 ; Bi l1 lc Bapt 1 t h t11 h, "e \ c11 t ile. htl), touk acti n to rt: 1110\ C it,clt ilnJ Bible 11 100 Bap- ti t 'l1u1 cl1 of ale\\ rll h~1s dt\ l 'ill lcli . 1~11 r ·tr:. lll>\V I -o l: l1t1r "l1e" fel- ll)\\ sl1i1>JJi11g i11 lllc: llil J s t) tdti 11 t 1 l{l~gt1l,tr .Ba1 ti st l1t1r h ,_ Mor r1ews next n1onth on the 11nual n1eeting NOVEMBER 1965 PAE J
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