The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965
Th church .... and the pastor .A.. service of dedication was held at First Baptist Church of Parma Sept. 12 A mission project of Calvary Baptist Church, Cleveland the cliurch began when four families met in a school in Sept 13, 1960 to organize a church. Rev. Samuel Elliott is pastor. First Baptist Church, Parma started only six years ago Fi t Bapti t Church of Parma \\ a tarted only ix year ago, yet toda) 1t i· .. a thriving church with n1an) member and ha ju t com– pleted a ne\\ building program. Dedication ervice were held Sept . 1_ ,, ith the addre brought b)' Dr . Jame T. J eremiah. president of Cedar,·1Jle College. Other who took part were Arl ene Harrier. organ prelude: Rev. Elliott H orton . in\·ocation: Rev. James God– le)·. r.. cripture reading: Paul Schu– n1acher, olo : Jame W. Day, greet– ing from the Mayor of Parma: Hof- From our churches GALLIPOLIS - A full afternoon and evening of in piration fellowship and recreation wa enjoyed at the enior High Y outh Rally Sept. 18 at Fir t Bapti t Church. Gallipolis. The e\ 1 ening featured the film ' 'God's Countr)r," emphasizing the role of Chri tianity 1n pre erving democracy in a \\iOrld threatened by communi m. Church groups in the area attended. * * * BELLEFO. 1 TAI...E - Pastor John S \Vood of Calvary Baptist, Belle– fontaine. recentl} 1 baptized four mem– ber of one family, also a young man in ervice at U.S. Air Force base. F ifteen ) oung people held a retreat a t Hocking State Park. R ev. Willi am Large and h f arnily are on furlough from Equito . Peru. and are occupy– ing the mi ionar)' apartment for the next , 1 ear. ., NOVEMBER, 1965 PAGE 6 tetter Con truction o. pre entation of key : Ro -- Mallaliet1 and R obert comment by a repre entative of the architect ; and R ev. George Gib on , prayer of dedication. The church began a a mi ion pro– ject of Calvary Bapti t Church, Cleve– land, (R ev. George Gib·--on, pa tor) when four families met in the Thoreau Park Elementary School Sept. 13, 1950 to organize a church. R ev. Jame E. Godley, Sr . was called to be the fir t pastor. A year later a small church build– ing at 5994 Ridge Rd. wa purcha ed with ome a f'.' i 1:ance from the Bap– ti, t Builder Club (FBHM). The Maranatha Baptist Church completes remodeling Maranatha Baptist Church, Spring– field, ha-=- pent over $10,000 this la t year in it church completion program, P astor C lifford Lones an– not1nced. The program started several month ago with purchasing new pews and decorating the auditorium. During the pa t two month·-- the church has completed the ba ement by in talling a suspended ceiling, modern-fold folding doors and tiling the total floor area. A beautiful bapti try ha been built in behind the choir area. With thi COfT\pletion program Maranatha Bapti t now has modern facilities and equipment to more efficiently do the Lord'c; work in teaching and evangel- 1z1ng. Rev. Samuel Elliott work pro~pered and soon it was ncccs– ary to enlarge the at1ditorit1m. In Augt1 t, 1955 P~tor Godley resigne(I to enter full time home mission work. f R ev. Elliott Horton was pa tor of , the cht1rch from 1955 to 1962 clt1ring which time a par onage was purch– ased also 6.7 acres of land. In September of 1962 the present pa tor R ev. Samuel Elliott wa called. Under hi in piring leadership and faithft1l n1ini try of the Word of God, a new place of wor hip was er ected. * * ••• ... God get Hi greatest victorie ot1t of apparent defeat . ,t.. ,!,.,, Q ...... ... ~ If we look only to Chri t we will not ucct1mb to di~appointment in otlher . There have been 26 deci ions since J ant1ary at M aranatba Baptist; 16 of the e have been for salvation. Three yoL1ng men left for school tbi fall to prepare for the Lords services . Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr., chairman of the Council of Ten, held Revival meeting at Maranatba Bapti t from Oct. 3 through 10. ''POEMS FOR PATRIOTIC AMERICANS'' By Ralph T. Nordlund 72 pages with 50 poems and some prose reminders of the history that inspired or provoked them! Beautiful binding makes them attractive gifts. Price $1. Discounts for book tables. Order from: R. T. Nordlund, · 586 Maple St. Fostoria, Ohio THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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