The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1965

eart to eart mong t e omen The m.onth of harvest l 1 , 1, tllt' n,l,nth t l Jar\ t ,l T 1, .,1.1, lngatl1cr111g,. l l1,111k.,g1, 1ng - n11ci tl1c 111 ,ntl1 l1l: t(lr~ ( 'hr1,t111.1, .11,t), ,1 t it'! l l1.111k"g1, 111g l \\ h,1t a k.1r1tl ... .... ,, c..'rti it 1, a ,, .1r111 t ct: I 111g ,..1111e" lC) .... t l1c t1rt .. 1 'C ,, hc11 \\ c .1rc In l<.1ttc h ,, tth ".1ne ,, 11'-"1 c pre""c' gent1ine grati – ttitic - tl1.1nk. g1, ing! 1 h1" ,,ot1lll n t .... .... cn,crgt: frc 111 nc \\, l1c) 1 Ii, ing a llc..,uhl~ ,t.. 1ntiard life. fro111 l)ne '" h i, t:lfl' 11 .. nd tillen. o. Thank. giving 1, tic t rth frl)nl one '" h really c - pcr1en e •thank. -living' and real thank -11, 1ng c 111e fr n1 the one ,-. hl) -e , urce l'' d. Je u hri t i. our life and jo 1 in thi life and for all eternit} - '"Chri t in u the hope of glor) ·· . ·Ia)· Thank giving Da)' thi year be a pecial day of the 365 da} of Thank giving, for you and \ OUf' ' . Commentary on Ruth By Walter L. Wilson, M.D. (Continued from last month) TEAR I MOAB E limelech, aomi and the two boy reached i\f oab afel)' , but tihey forgot that there \Vere grave down in Moab. The)' forgot that death talk in Ioab. and that there ar e tear there. Folk think they can turn away from G d and tart living a worldly life and have nothing but plea ure, noth– ing but joy. nothing but happine P. The) hou)d remember that there are graves 1n Moab. There are tear there and heartbreak . heartache and trouble . Within ten year Elimelech ~1 ahlon and Chilion all died. And three \\.omen are left: aomi and her daughter -in -law. Ruth and Orpha. There are plenty of tear now in Moab. but there i no one to wipe them av.'ay. Remember that when you are tempted to go a tray and to turn ~ our back on God. there will be no one to comfort 1 ou. The world will not love )rou . It doe not care any– thing about }'OU. All that the world want i to get what ) ou have. I t doe not care anything about }'Olt. When it get what you have. it i through with }'OU. I have seen it over and O\'er again in my practice of medicine through the years. that when folk ~ turned their back on the Lord NOVEMBER, 1965 PAGE 8 .1ntl Qc)l in tr c)til))c ~lnll l1ccn11c ~,c1'. ... • lntl tlc,1th can1c. tl1c\ ~ ere lei t high .t11tl <.Ir) I here ,, One. ho\\ C\ ct. who '-t<..)e care. nnli \\ ho llt)e\ lc)vc : ht1 t He I not <..low11 1n 1oah H e '" u1 1n Jcrt1\,1len1. Olt c.1t1ght le) wa lk wi th the l rlI . B "K T C,OD - ftcr the three w n1cn \.\ ere left widow . aon1j .. aro e with her li at1ghter -in-law, that ·,he 111 ight re turn fr n1 the coL1ntry of foab: for he had heard in the c Ltntr} of Moab how that the Lorti had vi ,ite(i Hi · people and given then, bread' ' ( 1: 6). There never i a famine very long in the thing of God. Ther e n1ay be a dry pelJ. There may be a drought for a little whil e. But God a lway ha plenty for Hi people. David aid . "He makes me to lie down in pa ture of tender gra , ' not on tick and tones and and and ci nder.-- . HWherefore ( aomi) went forth out of the place where he wa . .." ( I :7). That i , he did omething about it. And that i a good thing to do. You know it i not alway a far coming back home a it i•"' going away from home. The Lord will let you get back home quickly. YoL1 do not need to take three year getting back to God. Y 011 ar e not compelled to sob and weep and beg and plead and a k Him to take you back. H e i looking for you to come back. H e want Hi shee,p on Hi houlder.3. He want Hi child in H i arm . H e want tho··e whom He died for and aved by His grace c lo e to Hin1. The mint1te you tell Him that you are coming, He is running toward you. Wa it not o with the prodigal on? A oon a· "' the prodigal jumped over the fence and tarted home his father ran toward him. But remember, the prodigal did not take any pet pig with him when he went home. The two i trr now decided that they will go with their mother-in-'law back to Jeru alem. o doubt aomi told them ·"'omething about J eru alem. he told them that God wa giving the people bread back there. She mu t have al o told them about the beautie that were there. the Jovely thing that \.Vere there. And the 1 aid. "We're Mrs. Inez Milner, Wome n 's Editor gc)1ng witl1 l)ack WI I h <)lt •• he two girls startcc • aon11 to J crusalcn1. Helpful Hints Bcfore the ·,crvicc hcgi ns chec k yottr cht1rch calcnc.1 ar or bt1llct1n for the or<.ier of ser vice. 1 f the cr i plur~ pa~'iage i l15tcd , Jocatc a1ne, and you wi ll he ready to foil w your pa5to, a he read it, or to read in unison wi thout a h Ltrricd "crambl e to find it. KOOK'S KORNER Fancy Bread (3 loaves to serve 50) Apricot Nut Bread "(i cup ugar J egg 1 1 4 cup or ange jL1ice 3 cup Bi quick 34 cup chopped nuts 1 c11p chopped dried apricot Heat oven to 350° (mod .). Mix ugar, egg orange juice and Bi - quick. Then beat vigorou Iy for 30 econd . Batter may s till be lumpy. Stir in nut and apricot . Pour into well grea ed loaf pan, 9x5x3". Bake 5 5 to 60 min . until toothpick in– "erted in center comes out clean. Crack in to,p i typical. Cool before licing. Cu t ea"' ier ,the econd day. Cranberry-Orange Nut Bread Follow reci pe for Apricot ut Bread - except add 1 cup chopped cranhe.:rie ( fre h or frozen , if frozen do not thaw) in place of chopped apr icot . To bake in cans: Heat oven to 350° . Divide batter between 3 well grea eel 1 lb. 4 oz. cans or 5 well grea ed oup ca n~. Fill lightly more than half full. Bake 1 lb 4 oz. can 45 to 50 min . oup can abou t 40 min. These breads are delightful for cof– fee or tea par tie . Slice them thin. butter ]ightly or pread with softened chee e. Deliciou a an accompani– ment to ·alad , too.-Betty Crocker, 'The More The Merrier . Does thi..:- remind you of something? Ye , we are till happy to receive Betty Crocker Coupon for Cedarville ollege. Thank you! THOT: ' Kindne i Love in its working clothe ., . M. R . DeH aan. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST