The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1966

Litt I ( I ro111 " I, I>'' I \It,, I uncl: \ r:thln Pi, Ct11,••I tor h lrlrt'n.'' h, ~n,11111.•I 1. z,,,•nu•r n11tl \111, l z, t'llll' • • • l lllt l1tlh.•: 1111ss1,,11ar1l'S c~1n1c 1,, \ 1.llt,l ,l fl'\\ \l' '.t, l)1..;t,,rl' a,,, <'I 1t1~· \ 111t'l t ,111 1111,,1"'11artl' ' liitl. :tnti 11.1\t' lt'l'll \.' 'llli11c l'\l'I ,111c~ . t'\l,),t I llll'lll \\Cl"C t, ,r,1 1n ,l c:,,lltllf'\' Jlt l 1.11 Ir 111 \ 1\11 i:,. \Ct ,,,,t, ,,,c c,f tlll't11 ,i itc J \ r.\l,i.1 l"cl(\JC i\t ",11.1111- 111t'"'I ,, 1, ' '-' ··n. 11') '"-'l' ,,,1tc tt:J'('tt l,t tl1c1r ,,,, ,, illt J'·J)Cr. \Ct I h,l\c .cc 11 :1 fc,, I" cr1tiici .1cc"-1l111t, (,f their ,,0rk ,, ritt~11 , 11 t.1l1ll't, t ftc, l1 ,, itl1 tc,1 r, f(,r ink. l~cc.1t1,e their \\<)rk 1, ti 1ne f' 111tt 'l1 ,n ccrct a11ti 1n ot1t-of-thc– ,, a\ r,1.1cc". t lie) are generally <)\ cr- 1,,(,kCLI. ar1Li l""'ftcn ttnticr-e tin1ateti. I he\ rect: ,, n, ~al.1r 1 and get al,"'ng 1n the n1 .. t elf-den) 1 ing \\ a 1· '"' \ ; .1 t 1 ng "1 n <l I i, ing n11 together. i1,.1c1'.cd lik.e herring . in a dark. clo. c fl)t1n1. e cept \\ hen the 1· go ot1t into he "'t1n~h1ne on their journey . \fo t f them came to Arabia in the teerage of the big hip from l (\ndon. hut none of them v.:ere ea– icl at a11 throughout the entire \ , age. - .... The\ ne, er con1plain of being tired l1f di co11raged. and never get t e\ er or cholera. al though I have talked and lept \\'i th then1 when I had fe\ er 111)· elf. ever yet ha one of them died on a ick-bed. On one or t\\ o occa ion I have heard of a n1all compan)· of them being burned at the take. but I wa told that not a groan e caped from their Ii p . nor \\ ere their companion frightened the lea t bit. \Vith m 1 O\V n eye I have een one or tv. o of them torn as– under and trampled upon by tho. e \\'ho hate J e tl Chri t and Hi king– dom and H1 little n1i ionarie . Yet the onl~ ot1 nd to be heard \\ as the b a phem1e of heir per~ect1tor . who co11ld not an \' er them in an\ other .. Bound by Love It i very trange indeecl that \\ hen once one or t\\ o of them learn the language the)' are bound to their , ork b) o n1any tin)' cord<; of love that the., t: do1n fa11 apart from their ,, ork. or :tall ot1t one \\ 1 ith the other. There are more than ixtv different ~ nan1e and age among them. \et .. the) all ha,,e one fami]y accent. Son1e of then1 are n1edical mis ionarie, ~1ntl A UGUST, 1966 PAGE 10 ,Ill s,,, ,1hc &1lll l he. ii 1,,,,k~11 ht'ct rl ~ •, , 1\ I I l rc, ct l I 1 , l, kc, 1 I 1 \!., l Is. I '1 ' , l' • 11 l' l\\\l l.,"lil's ant,lng lh · 111 . lltll ll1c sclll,l111 g,, :tl 'h)ttl ,l)llll ', Htlll lh" Ill ' 11 ll,l 111,,s1 ,ll 1l1c I r 'd hi11g. cs Jl inll\ Ill f \t\ tJ,i,1. J,,s t llf th ' 111 ~ll'C t'\ :111 1 , , .. ists t'I' a11,,stll's <ll' 1~,1cl1ers. 1\ 11,I their •nt cr11ri sc a11tl r1,1 s l1 ! ()11c <)I tl1cn t,,l t l 111e th' t)lhcr tla,, that l1 c ,, ant~c.f 't,l 1>rcach 1l1c (,c.l\(Jcl in tl1c rcgic.ltl~ t,l'\llllc.f' lt:cca. S() tl1a1 "'-' t'\l'l1 thcrt: .. C\CI'}' "flCl' \hOtt lcl 11()\\ t l, J c,u ,:· \ ()tt t,cg, n t() sec 1 hen, ._ c, c,, '" hct c 111 the f>c, ,i,1 11 (,td f anti •1r(111ntl 1t1~c.1t anc1 tlcn. l a t year a fc,~ c1f tl1cn1 \\C11( (O Jitltl ~th ~' ilh t l1c 11i lgri 111 . Void of Pride Thcv drc \Cr)· pl ai nl y, httt often in l1right Oriental co]ors (one jt1st ca111c all in green): on one or two occa ion I have <;een t hen1 wear gold \\hen vi iting a rich 1nan. ht1t there wa no pride ahot1t then1. and the) put on no air in their talk. How many of these little mission– aric are there. do you a k? Over three thot1 and eight ht1ndred and forty vi ited and left the three tations of the Arabian Mi sion in the Persian Gt1lf la t year. But, a I told you they are o modest that only about a core of them sent in any account of their work and that even came through a third party by word of mouth. I have heard it whispered that a faithful record of all their journeys and speeche i kept, but that these are put on file , to be pt1bli hed all Dundee Pastor OrdaDned Rev. Gene R. Solberg, pa tor of the Bible Mis ion Bapti~t Church, Dun– dee was recently ordained at the Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church Rey– onld. burg. The examining council ex– pressed itself as being we]l pleased with our brother' presentation of doctrinal truth. They commended him for hi "preparation. presence of mind and freed om of expression during ex– amination.'' USE BIBLE TRACTS ...... By Evangelist Paul J. Levin. .. =· Write for samples needed to win souls. Tracts are ap– pealing in color, art and printing. Ask for "God and You," a tract for the deaf, " Hi Jo, Whattaya Know" and " Liberty." BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508-0 Waterloo, Iowa d i (lllC\! t)ll H C l lt1111 gt ',11 llH • \ J, cn llll SSlll ll t\ 11 'S cdl ge l lhcit j1CI flldllCl11 (l1~cl1u1g •. \Vh :,t a tiui · 1. r,a1ic nl , lt1ilhlt1l. '" v i11g l1 l1ll) lll \Vlll'k ·rs lhc Hrel J ·n \Vh ·n it is ' '" t' '. v~ry hell the , n~ve, g · t t)ttt Llf' lcn111 'I' ~,s ll her n1i ss ion– aril'S scl111ctin1cs tit, , aft ·r ~· l1ar{I tfa ' \V<lrk. \ hen in ~, h<,t tli scussi<1n ,vith n t1igt)lelf !Vf(lslcn1 . ntl ycl 11<..l\V 111ain1} 1 they tell the trt1th' ~lhcy ti< f1Cl( C\. C 11 fca I' a .. ru rk ish P cl\ha : (111 I 1 hat '" l1cc, use tl1cy l1 avc all of1tainell a "' f''t1rk1 h passpc)rt an<I a 11cr111it I,) preach anywhere t1nn10Jcstctl . nlc yot1 have gucssccl n1y ridcllc. YC)tt wtJI want to know what these r11ic;\ionaricc; co<;t ancl why \.VC do not cn1p)oy 111ore of then,: and who sent ther11 ot1t. and to what Board they helong: and who htty<; thc111 ne\v clothes of leather and cloth: ancf what happen to then1 when their back<; are bent with age ancf their face ft1rrowed with care. The Answer is Here! But urely by this time yo11 have guessed that the Little Misc;ionaries are the Book of the Bible. Th.e two Jadies are E ther and Ruth, and the four who go about the most are Matthew, Mark. Luke and John. . And now may I ask you to pray tor the Little Mi sionaries? Pray that they may prepare the way of the Lord all over this dark penin ula. from the palm groves of Bu rah to the harbor of Aden, and from the ea of Oma to the t1nh0Jy cities - Mecca and Medina. A Contest for the Ladies We would like to have a contec;t among the women of ot1r cht1rches • • seeing who might be able to get the mo t number of renewal and new sub criptionc; to the Ohio Independent Bapti t. Tentative plan call to have the conte t start on November 1 t and run through Decen1ber 15th. We hope to have a first prize a beautift1 I $35.00 Scofield Bib]e. Other prize wi ll al o be offered. More complete word will appear in next month· i 11e. o one . hall he considered a conte tant llntil the, ~ \end in at lea t five ( 5) renewal. or ub cription . A record will be kept of each conte tant. They will he credited with one point ( 1) for each rene~al and two point (2) for each W ub cription. . et' begin con1b– i ng the bl1 he ! THE OHIO JNDEPENDENT BAPTIST