The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1966

Ne G mna ium for L.A .B.C. hl ,, n ,1bo, e i the architect' model of the HRobert K . Bro s Gym- 11 .. 1,1t1n1·· L f l o, ng I Bapti t. ollege. ewhall , California. 1 ht1, 1 the greate, t ad, ,1nce in the phy ical development of the Lo Angele B.. 1pti t liege .... and n1inar)·. ince it move to ewhall five year ago. The .:h )t)!', pre idcnt J hn R. Dunkin tate that the . deci ion of the Board_ of ru tet; 1 to pr ceed in1n1ediately with con truct1on of ~ new gymna 1um ,, hich i, being financed b) a gift f ron1 the Bro Foundation of ~ver ~250 - OOl).00. The Brad ley Con truction ompany of herma n Oak , Cal1forn1a ha b'""c n e le ted a the general contractor. . . . l ~he g\ n1na ium play ing court \\ ill be full profe iona l 1ze with the optio n ot l\, o pr';;ctice court . The bleacher will eat approximatel y 1_000 pect~t?r< l the tructure \Vill include a lobby. locker room coache _o_f~1ce . a tra1n1ng roon 1. team roon1. weight room. laundry a nd torage fac1l1t1e . Two l~rge clc. 1 room \\ ill al o be provided for the academic a pect of the physical edt1cation n1inor offered by the college. . . The building, cheduled to be completed in December of th1 year will be n, 1 n,ed the ' 'Robert K. Bro Gyrnna ium' ' in h o nor of Mr. & Mr . Rob~rt Bro , of "i ta. California. Mr. Bro i a tru tee of LABC and together with ht . \\ ife ha been -vital}), intere ted in the growth of the coll~ge. ~e Board of Tru tee ha been informed that thi i the larg~ t known si ngle. gift to be gi, en to a private Chri tian college for the con truct1on of a gyrnna 1urn. ...... (Concluded from page 4 ) thi ··follo\.\-Up' ' work they become "f 1rn1lv planted" oul for Chri t. The, ~re more able to tand again t the ., mooth talk of f al e teacher ,i. ho eek to poil their unfeigned faith in the Go pel of Chri t. If a Jeep con\ iction or the de ire to ee \ oung Chri tian exercise piritual j, ce;n111ent in every area of their 11, e i our . the hour pent in "fol– io\\ -up.. \\: ork \.\ill be done with love a nd care Tho e involved in uch work , i 11 be f 1r t to te tify of the rich ble 1ng enjoyed , a piritttal growth ·~ een in the live of young Chr1 t1an'). Developing D e,,e!oJJ1i1e1zt of new Christian in– to n1ature Jife for Chri t i the goal et b) the Scriptures. and of cour e i the ai n1 o f e, er) true pa tor and C hri t ia n ,, o rker engaged in th i "fol– ]o\\ -up.. \\ o rk . In C'"ol o ian 1: 28 AUGUST, 1966 PAGE 14 P au l peak to u in the e word , ' ·. . . that we m ay present every man perfect in C hri t J e us. ' Ano ther tran lation of thi phra e i . "we may bri ng every m a n up to his full ma– turity in C hris t. " This wa the con- ta nt aim of the Apo tie P aul a he dealt with young Chri tian . In fact he tate in Colo ians 1: 29 (Phillip Tran . ) . "This i what I am working at al l the time with all the trength that God give me. ' ' With t he evera] young Chri tian that are being fol– lowed up in our field we can te tify that a definite piritu al growth i be– ing produced by the Lord through the hour spent with them in tudy of the Word. For in tance a you ng man \.\, ith a Roman Catholic background aid, " If I h ad known that these thing were in the B ible, I would not have experienced the doubts that fol lowed n1y conver ion to Christ." It i~ verv .. ea y to teach the e !en ,·ncr f < l 1)1':t y as < ti 111~cl \ it h thc111 i11<.fivit lu nl ly. ski11g rO(I I J.! liillc an,1 cnlighlc 11 u y( ta lLt(f y J Ji • \\ <'I'l l as l)sa l111 s I I< : 18 Sltgges ts , a g<)l)l l \vay Ill l)cgin . .. , hen. us 1J1 c sttt<.f , J1J'<lCCctls nntl JJoi nt s up ll lll' rcs1 ()t1silJi lity tc1 w1tncs to <llll' lust fric ncls, we ca 11 pray tc,gclhcr fc r the sa l\rntic)n <)f their lovcc l c)ncs ancJ l ric ntl s. We ha ve fclt tncl the Na vi– ga tc)r's Btl1l c \tt1d y se ri es very hclp– ft1 l a ncJ ,trc u~1ng the111 in a ll our "'foll c)w-t1p·· BilJlc stt1 c.i1cs jt1s t nc)w. I c,tn rc1Tic111ber hea ring Mel 'J~rottcr te ll ti c; o1 the irnportancc of 111e111or- 1L1ng vc r C5 of cr1ptt1re, many yc,trs ago. And it 1s JLI\t ,1s important . to– day. His Word i~ a lamp and a <;htcld to the C' hri tian,~ pathw,ty. As the p a lmi l 5ay in P aln1 119: 11, "l 'hy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might no t in again l thee. ', I al– way ugge t a good edition of t.hc Bibl e for Bible students . o ne wtth large enough print to allow le train in reading. I u e the cofield Bible, and well remember the great help it wa to me when I w as a new Chri - tian. A ystematic method of record– ing the learner daily Bible _reading will al o be helpful and points up to him the progres or neglect that i · being h own to this important matter. George Muller said, 'The po~er of our piritual life will be according to the mea t1re of the room that the Word of God take up in our life a nd in our thoughts . Directing We al o ugge t that a li t of tho e he de ire to contact for Chri t be drawn up and remembered regularly in prayer. o that a more effective testimony may be oiven to the e contacts, we follow the O ugge tion of writing out what they are planning to ay to these friend of their for Chri t always u ing som e Scripture. The plan is working and will work for anyo~e de iring to help e tabli h new Chr1 - tians in Chri t. The di cernment ex– pre sed after a few weeks of Bible tudy i very gratifying and marks a development toward Christian m a– turity that will greatly reduce the number of " piritual Drop-outs.,, May I add that it would be a joy t o a i t any pa tor in etting up a "Follow-up , program or to h a re the titles of ource materials. * * * 1 ,here i ometbiog you can do to n1ake thi world better. Yott can co n– tribute one con ecrated life. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST