The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1966
eart Among t e omen Mrs. lr1ez Milner, Women's Edito r VACATION ) , i111 t" 'lg.1it1 - tilt' l111rr, . "ct11·r) ti111t". t",cr,")1lt" l' L'tlCt1 .,l._l,ttt gctti11g tllt' Ill\ t ll( "' '· l)[ J'lll(ltlg tht' tlll)\( i11t") tllt' ti·11c l?.l\l'tl l1i111 l1c1 t,\ tl1c1r ._ t:lllJ I'-' ~1. "'Ille t1111c ~1g,.1 \\ hale ,, <.'1rk– ir11,. i11 tl1c t.1tc ,t llltnt't" I lc.1r11cc.l if , '-"'l' .1 "L'CJ)lctf ~1r1l1tl1c1 J'-'l1 c111 ) ttr \. l" · 1 'tl ltlllC \ 1.)ll .:1llt()ll1Ul1C, l(\ 1<.) l \\)lJI .. ,.1 .llll)Jl \\llh J),l)." 1) Cl11- t11"'\ t' t.:, J"l ,1111ed. \ .. 1c ,ll 10 n, \\ere gi\ c n t, 111 .. 1"e \()tl 111L1re fit ft,r )l)tlr joh. L'tl r1eeJ.t'Li a rela,a11on. a re.. t. a t I n 1 e of , ~1 at 1 ) n t t) • et a 11 \v J) acc. ·1·h .. 1t la\\ n1t1 t he <.)ff the book., nO\v. H L\\ n1 .. n, \\ or"- t\\ o j b the year rL1und 1 oe~ th .. 1t n1ean t\.\ o vaca- tion ' tl r ~ I a k. er kn o\\ . ur Ii n11 t . He kno,, .. ,, e need ·· topping tin1e." Tin1e to rela\.. to think. to read, to tudy, to pra\'. to re. t a-while. ' ·Con1e ye ,ot1r el,e, apart into a de ert place, and re. t awhile:· (Mark 6: 3 J ) The place \\ here \\ e take our re t' ' 1, qu ice ignificant to what we receive fron1 it. 1a 1 1 I relate a part of n hurried ..\ acation·· n1y hu band, Rev. \\' ilbur Rooke. had a few weeks ago - the place being the Holy Land: the pot. the Garden of Geth emane. He ro e earl,· in the morning with the intent of pending tho e hour alone ,n the Garden. Upon reaching the Garden. the gate were locked. Ho\\ d1 appointed he wa ! A pa er– b~· related the opening time a 8 o·clocl. It wa now 5:30 o'clock! But here comes a man down the creet: none other than the Keeper of the Garden. -o, he wasn't going to open the Garden Gate at thi time but "hen he learned of my husband' di appointment he unlocked the gate, allo\\ ed him to enter~ then locked the gate again! And was on hi way. There the pri, 1 i]ege was his, as he had longed for - to be alone in the Garden and even the Keeper on the Oltt ide. There he could walk where the a,,iour trod ee the tomb \\- here He lay. Calvary s Hill Vlhere he died. There he could open The \Verd. per– hap he read from Mark 6: 31 - ·come ) e your elves apart into a de ert place (but tl1is Vlas THE GARD El 1 .) and rest av.,rhite." AUGUST, 1966 PAGE 8 \\ 1 hc11 flt' rclntcll th,, flrcci()ll'-. cx– J1l'r1cncc (() ti, i11 ()ttr ()fa)CJ Cl\tcc ll)lll)\\ tng h1'i rctt1rn - \: c l() (l, felt c l1atl .. C()tllc a11drt n,\h tlc'', \\C 111ct the I )rti t l1c r c. \ h,1t a "41cal ion! he 11lacc ,, c la1' <.)tJr ' 're t " is qt11tc "1gn1ficant le) \Vh,it we receive. ( Mark 6 : J I ). - t1l1111ittc(i h', rcqt1c, t. Mr. . \ ill1ur R J..c. r:uclid- ottinghan1 B,lJ)ti,t ht1rch. le elanc.1 . KOOK'S KORNER Fr 11 it C <> c 1'. t r1 i I Cc, A. e I cttp all-pt1rpo, e flol1r 1 ct11) t1gar 1 lea p. oda J pinch alt I n1ediun1 ize ca11 Frt1it ocktail (well drained) I egg Mix dry ingredierJt and egg to– gether. Add ivell draine<l frL1it. Mix well. pour into greased 9 x 9 pan. prinkle well with a brown ugar and chopped nut mixtt1re. Bake 40 n1inute at 350° or until done. erve with ice cream or whipped cream. garni h with nut and/ or fruit, if de ired. Deliciou ! ub- mitted by Mr . Gerald Mar hall , Cedarville, Ohio. Commentary on Ruth By Walter L. Wilson, M.D. ' 'CO CER FOR OTHER otice in ver e 8 that Boaz ays to Ruth 'Hearest thou not my daughter? Go not to glean in another field. neither go from hence , but abide here fa t by· my maiden . That re– mind u that we too ought to give a royal welcome into our fellowship to those who come seeking God. We hould not simply say 'How are you and how is the baby?' What are we going to do vvith the information after we get it? We hould ay omething worthwhile to tho e friend who come to unday chool, Church or Bible Cla s. For example, we might ay 'We hope you find ome grain here, ome thing for your oul and heart and life: and if you have any trouble, let me know. I'll come to your home and help yot1 to know how to study \<)llr R1l1lc . hc,\v I() get the crca n1 Clllt ()I tl1c C)l(I, f)rccil)US Wor cf c)f , clcl, h(l\V t<) ftn(l the fruits of I Ienvcn and the ()lc\,ings <)f C1L)CI . 1' 11 he gla(I to heir) you. I \Vant to hclJJ you! In vc , ,c 12 we react: ,... fhc J ... ord rcco111pcnsc thy work, and a full rcwarcl l1e given thee of 1hc J... orcl {jocJ ol l ,racl. t1nclcr whoc;;e wing thou art conic to lrt1 t' - as thot1gh Rt1th were jt1. t a baby chick getting tinder the mother' wing. If I hacl ~pace l wotlld talk ahot1t chickens. It i wondcrftil what yoti can 1car11 fron1 baby chickc; getting t1ndcr the n1other' . wing. .' ' Report on Meetings The pring Meeting of the We t Moriah Women' Missionary Fellow- hip wa held May 10th at the Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church, Reynolds– bt1rg Ohio. Mrs. Umbaugh, wife of our State :tv1i ionary, poke and howed fi lm of all the new churche<; that have been tarted in Ohio during the la t two year . Mi Rt1th ephew, mi ionary to the Central African Republic gave a challenging me age taken from I aiah, 6th chap– ter on the three vjsions - a vision of elf, a vi ion of the Lord, a vi ion of the needs. ew Officer elected for the com– ing year are: Pre ident - Mr . Gerald Fields, Pataskala· 1st Vice– Pre . - Mr . Erwin Towle, Pata - kala; 2nd Vice-Pre . - Mrs. Ga1logy, unbury; ecretary - Mrs. Billy Badger Columbus· Treasurer - Mrs. Paul William , outh Canaan. Berea Worrz en's Missionary Fello~i'- slzip - Sept. 20 1966 at the Calvary Baptist Church, 5971 E. Walling Road, Broadview Height . An excellent program and time of Fellow hip i planned from 10 a.rn . through 2: 30 p.m. ot1t/1 Betlzel Won1e1i's Missionar)' Fel/01,vship - Sept. 27, 1966, o detail received. ortlz Betl1el Worr1e11's Missionary Fello1,vsl1ip - Nov. 3, 1966. o detail received. KEEP I MI D OUR A UAL ME T I G HELD O TUE DAY. THE WEEK OF THE OHIO AS . MEET1 G. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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