The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1966

(Continued from page 8) ring to P alm 22: 1 . But let u notice a new High Prie t with a garment not rent. Turn if you will back to E. odus 2 :31-32 and notice ome \vord Iike tho e here in John 19. I thi an accident? Hebrew 7: 12 "For the prie thood being changed... " 13 "For He of whom these things are ~poke perta1neth to another tribe of \\ hich no man gave attendance at the altar' 16H ... after the power of an endle life.'' o on goes God' 'A'Ord and tells us more and more of Jesu Chri t. But thi man, becau e He con– tinueth ever, hath an unchangeable prie thood. The three pieces of cloth have erved to identify Je us Christ a the ole remaining effications One. ..Wherefore, He is able al o to save them to the uttermo t that come unto God b) him. eeing He ever liveth to n1ake interces ion for them.' ' o man can today know where the e erved their purpose. Every child of God can tell where hi High Priest has gone. How grateful we hould be for God's complete provi ion for u in the person of His preciou on. Parma Calls Pastor Rev. Wayne M. Baldwin of Eden, . Y., has accepted a call to The First Baptist Church of Parma, Ohio. Rev. Baldwin assumed the pa torate on August 7, 1966. He has had a very successful ministry at his present church, having served there for a period of l 4 v2 year . The folks of the Parma church are looking for– ward to the con1ing of their new pastor for they believe that it is of the Lord. ' '... With The Lord." As we were prepari11g copy for the . epte111bcr issue, we received word o1 the "Hor11egoing" of two of God's ~er, 1 ants . . . Mr. B. D. Zondervan, r. . 110 witl1 hi s brother founded the l l nder va11 JJrir1ting 0111pany son1c 35 year ago. He \\'a 111ost acti ve as a l1ri t ia r1 la} 1 1111.:11 . Also, Dr. l-:lar\'cl JJr111ger , J)Hstor o l the l~i rst Ti aI)List }1L1rcl1, I 11g l " d, oJc,rado. Br tl1- e1 p11nger, under tl1 gt1 i<1a11ce of th I o rd , led a111 a t i, e li te. J 1~ "''a a s1at11 cl1 d fe 11cler f th~ 1ai t11 a11d \ as in tru11 11t al 111 tal)li h ing , • JJJl)lc Sci10 J, a 'i"o trtl1 a 111JJ, a en101 111ze1 1 J 11 e a11d a 1111 t ia1 ] cl} cl1 J. Jl1s 1111, i tr} d a 11 ,a111gel1 t d 1 d ts d i c cuti, 1 1 111l, 1 f b tl1 t l1e ... "' d tl1e 1. . . . tJ d 1111111 to 111 tl11s la1 d c111d 11il tl1 I gm 11s be J d. " Th is is a ministry t hat God has given me and I find joy in helping families to a better understanding of the Bible. Working for John Rud in and Company has given me real satisfaction, plus financial security for my family. " Richard Oostra came to Canada from the Netherlands in 1952 and later enrolled at Pra i r ie B ible Institute. His Christ ian concern brought him to the John Rud in Company in 1964 and in only six months he was promoted to provincial manager. • ' • • • A YEAR AND UP $75 to $100 A WEEK PART-TIME There' s no investment, nothing to buy, and you can get started in your spare time. This can be your open door to Christian service and financial independence. Act now and you can enjoy the sat1sfact1on of working for a company highly· respected ~Y evangelical leaders since its founding 1n 1923. OUR MEN AND WOMEN ENJOY EARNINGS LIKE THESE 1.. Rev.. J. H. averaged 11 hours a week the last 13 weeks to earn $176.00 weekly. 2. Mr. H. M. working extra hard. full time. the last 4 months earned $6,040 00 3 Mrs. J. V • a housewife, earned $4 02 per hour part time the past six months working 12 hours per week 4. Rev A S , a busy mi nister . ea rned $1 ,921 00 his first 3 months i nvesting less than 10 hours per week MAl·L COUPON TODAY! IMMEDIATE OPEN INGS No experience necessary. Chris· tian n1en and won,en needed– both full-time and part·time. Find out how you can enjoy the satis– faction of ervice, plt1s ecurity. This opportunity is for laymen, housewiv s, te chers nd 1nin· i ter . Act today, n obl ig tion! John Rudin & Co., Inc. • Dept. 01-96 22 W. Madi!>on St ., Ch icago, 111. 60602 Plec:1se send n,e con1plete 1nformat1on on this car er opportunity 1thout cost or obl1g t1on Name Address St te or Pro ,nee ~-~~-~- L.-----------..------ - liiiii li,iil 'iiiiil .... - - I I I I I I I I I I I I