The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1966

K owr Your Counci l of Ten Rev. Ben C. Jennings ·· un1n1er i gone and o i vaca– t i n time: · I heard omeone say with ~ ·1gh. Bad p ) ho logy or not, I want to I.. , be ide that tatement the words - f God· brokenhearted, weeping pr phet J ererniah. Hi word in 8 : 20 are all but dripping with tears as he ~rie "The har, · t is past, the sum– n1er 1 ended and \Ve are not saved.' ' _"e, er \\ a another man born of wo- 111an \\'ith uch ensitivity of soul until the , irgin bore the ··n1an of sorrows." He \\ a al o b urdened about the har– \ e t and the alva tion of souls. Luke 10:2 and John : )'-36 let u feel ~ornething of H is burden. H is loaJ \\ as intensified because of rhe I l llb ( · 111 s { tllll c t ti ,, i1l1 l1arvcsti11g. 11 ' ti 111 ' - i 111111i 11 flt . l l1t Jal l r ' r - f \\'. l J1, fi ' Ill - grt·nt nncl \v l,itc. I 1 ' grca t 11 ss t' f t l1 c ri I' " l1ar es t t J1 ' sc,1r c1t,, f la l t rcrs a tl{f the i111- 111 i11 ·11c .. l.1f th lia r,, ·st s he t1lcl gi ve Hll il'(ilc at ' cl J1ristin11 H :1sc l)f dC ll lC ' c: t111ccrn- itis. .1-\ s ft111cl~1111cr1 ta l J11l',Ic l1cl1 ,,ir1g Bapt1 t ~ \\re , f1 t ild never l l ) \t' ,1gl1t c1f the fact that we ltvc 11 i1 ,, t)r Jd fillccf \\tth (1Cop lc headed f t)r th~ harvc t o f Jttdg11cnt . his ha1 \C\t 1, grc ~1t. 1~hrcc b,1hic ' arc l,L)r11 c, cr 1 econd omc" here in thi "'orld. \ivo n1illion were born J a t \\ eek. In a little O\ er a n1onth a crop enter thi world the izc of the popt1lation of the tate of Ohio . L a t ) ear the world population increased b1 i ty million. In the ame period church member hip increa ed twenty million. Forty mil lion ouls are lost every twelve n1onths i n the popula– tion explosion. The leth argy of the saints during this the world's greatest h arve t time is unbelievable . What is wr ong? Where is the Lord G od of E lij ah , of Paul, of purgeon and of Moody? I get ick of being a ked in almost ever y religious article the e d ays - ' 'Is God dead ?" H ow ridiculous ! He s not but I 'm not so naive as to at– tempt to p rove to the world tha t H e is alive by a group of professed Christians who never h ave won a soul to J esus Christ. God says: "H e that gathereth in summer is a wi e son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son th at cau seth shame. " (Prov. 10:5) Ben C. Jennings Our brother, Rev. Ben Jennings was born in the hills of Virginia. At the age of 24, under the able preaching of an ev angeli t named "Cyclone n1ack" (Baxter F. McLendon) he re– cei\ed Je us Chri t as his own per- onal aviour. Brother Ben is a gradu– ate of the Southern West Virginia Baptist Training School in Beckley, \\·. \ Ta. He preached his f irst sermon a t the age of 33. He h as p astored churches in West Vir ginia and Ohio for o er 25 , ears. H e and Mrs. .; Jenning are the proud parents of f ive chi ldren. Their t\)y'O daugh ters both attended Bob J ones Univer sity. Their son Bill is a graduate of Ced arvi lle College. J ames is a graduate of Whea– ton College. At the p resent moment, J arnes is D irector of D evelopment at the Akron Bible Institute. Their son Don graduated from the Piedmont Bible College and is pre ently serving the First Baptist Church in Fenton, Michigan. This work is growing rapid ly. Brother J ennings serves as the Mis- ionary Ch airman of our Council of Ten. He bas been pastoring at the Graham Road Baptist Church , Cuya– hoga Falls for the pas t six years. The Lord is richly blessing his ministry there . COVER PICTURE \ ' or101i Bapti::,t Clzt,rc/1 , 4239 Cleve-A,1 ass R ocicl, Barbertot1 , U/1i<> ( Villtt''e of 'orto11 ) . I t is here tlzat o ur State O.A .R .B .C. 111eeting 11 ill be l1eld tl1 is 111o nt/1. Oct. 17-20. R ev. H erbert T . Wliite, l1ost pc1s1<>r, is seet1 i 11 1/1e i 11ser . Tl1is pa\tor and his people extencl a 1va r11z 1vell·o111e to all of uttr f el/o ..,vsl1iµ . Plan 0 11 attending.' The Ohio Independent Baptist .. . Published Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION Of REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p1id at Xenia, Ohio . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mr. S1uart L. Chaffe Box No. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Editorial Office: Box 7 Cedarvi lle, Ohio Deadli ne f or News : 10th of each monrh State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio 44224 STAFF Editor A. Donald Moffa t Box o. 7 Cedarville, Ohio 453 14 Circu lation Manager . .. . ... . . . . . Mr. Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 7, Cedarville, Ohio 453 14 W omen's Editor . . .. Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterh1:11)1 Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 4411 8 Christian Education Editor .. .. ......... ........... .. Mrs. Earl D. Umbaugh Council and Officers Chairman . .... Verne L. D11nham 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, 0. 44052 - S ecretary ... . . . Darrell Bice 511 H errick Ave. E., W ellington, Ohio 44090 Treasurer .. .. . ... .. . H. R. Davison 23 ! ,,ester Lane, Arcanum, 0. 45304 M issionary Chr. . B. C. Jennings 4295 Ells\vorth Rd ., Sto,v, 0. 44224 Y outh Director ..... . . Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden Rd ., Northfield, Ohio 44067 Education Chr. Woodrow McCa1eb First Baptist Church, Elyria, Ohio 44035 Council of Ten Chairman Secretary ... ... ... .... ......... . Verne 1)11o ham, ................... ..... Darrell Bice John Balyo Vernon Billington John tr ong B. C . Jennings Woodrow McCaleb Lynn Rogers D onald Sewell Earl Willetts