The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1965
11 bttr. ft1lt1 By Mrs. Earl Umbaugh, 2150 Marhofer Ave. Stow, Ohio l .1st Jll\'lltl1 ,, ' t. lkt'<l al,\ ttl tilt' l)l'J.!n11izatt()ll ( I \ ' Oltr . , ) lllll ll' 'llJ . l llis Ill 'lllll \\t' \\ 1,11 l) 111t',Cl1( !l l"lfllll f ') ffl~l'J"s !\ll\l \ )\II' \ 'lll11 l1t()\tr' l ff t) a g {)ti 1 1 ;\ II 1~ n alt1rti,1, l.lll' in t:11tl111l)cr ( 1arcl1) i1111, '\ i,ttcl, at ll't tl1' ~IL' 'tt )11 f \ 1t11 (1ff.iccr,. l1c 1 c>li .\c i ,11.tll 11.\\ l' till Rt'l( l lll Ht// /J/(1/llle(/ ' that ever) 111i11t ll' c.,t tl1e "t ..,, 1, "l1ellt1ll'll. k. ccJJ lh1, retreat ,n1all. l'>t1I, tl1\.' \.'It "'t\.'-1 t)tftt"l'r, • 11tl tl1t grotti) lea icr arc to ~ l ( '11\.i. Bl l1l \\ 7 1 H l1rcak.f.. l t c k.ctl ,er an pen fire. 11.111 .1 g 1t1ti hc~1rt, l1r(!.1k.t a"t tit f ti )r~ ( in cpte111hcr) . ... l"l1 , ,, ell rl i:-e1, cd C\ en b) <.1 ieter . II clean Lt p the "I l1e l c ..1cl1 ~1~r') n h,\\ ing brot1ght hi. wn plate, gln . . ttp. "n1fc. t'- r ,\nc.i ,p n anti keep in hi wn knap- ack). FR hrcalf,l l ha\ e a tin1c f pirittial preparation. Rc .. 1~i1ng of .. cr1ptt1rc and an pen di ct1 ion of their o,wn 1'1r1 tt1al \\ c 11 bc-i ng. fitting of one elf for thi in1 port- an t 111attcr f lea<ler hip in the con1ing month,:,. hen tl1e pa~t r .. hall challenge the group a to what he e'\pe t.. and need fron1 thi group in the coming 1111nth..·. En1pha ize and re-en1pha ize to ,them that thi i nt1t a trival thing to .. erve a an officer in 1 the youth gr up. \\' ITH a blackboard or written po ter the pon or hall la) ut before the group ome objective and ug- ge-"ted plan '" for the coming i month . Have two calen– Jar · of the ne t i month mimeographed off for each p3rticipant. One in \vhich you ( the pon or) have a ug– ge ted and prepared plan for action and bles ing . . . ( thi .. i .. of cour e ubject to change). The other i blank to be filled in in final form in a latter e ion. Allow time for the di cu ion of thi propo ed ..,Janned program a a whole by the group. Pencil in any ugge ted change on calendar o. l. At the evening e ion the o. 2 calendar ( the adopted plan) hall be filled in. (Thi i then pre ented to the whole youth group for approval.) Thi give the re t of the day to think.. O'.er. di cu informally and pray about the final plan. LC CH i very imple. Each per on having brought a prepared "ack ]unch to be eaten at ·thi time. The \pon or having arranged for the beverages. o dishes! RECREATIO hall be enjoyed for the major part of the afternoon. Thi will be planned according to the f acilitie and the \~.reather at hand. Hiking swimming • • ::==~==--ij ~:sati~~i • • MRS. EARL UMBAUGH vollcyha lJ, ha cball, etc. })Ong, parlor game.. , etc. quired to rneet indoor . if the weather n1ay he cnjoyctl permit,. J>ing– if yot1 arc re- FOUR O' LO K i the time ct aside for the final work on the planning calendar. At thi time yot1 houlcl know pretty well what the ubject. and plan:) are for the weekly pr·ogram and what yoLtr soc ial activitie\ will be for the coming six month . THE SPONSOR wilJ have the material ( Lich as quarterlies, book , etc.) with him to use a guides and ource material . Let the group know ,that the fun time i over and thi i the time for erious and definite plannin1g. If you are u ing adult co- ponsors to as i t each Grou 1 p leader with his program you might plan a session when each co- pon or take hi:s group leader aside and they make definite review of their materials and come to definite plan for the Sunday evening meeting for which they will be re pon ible. COOK OUT is the plan for the evening meal. Bach pon or having brought his quota of hamburger pattie , bt1n and potato chips. The Spon or will ;provide a cooler in which to keep the meat and furni h the oatsup, mur:-.– tard, reli h, etc. Al o arrange for the driink and ct1p- cake for de ert. o di he ! CAMPFIRE ervice will then be held around the fire with the Pa tor bringing an in pirational mes age. A good Jively ong ervice and te timony time will preceed the me age. Clo e with a circle of prayer. Wioh each per on standing, joining hand , lead in pr.ayer in turn around the circle prai ing God for the good day and asking Hi ble ing in the coming months of service. .. . - .. • • • • • I Baptist Mid-Missions' new office building is located on Chester Ave. at E. 40th Street a few blocks from the innerbelt freeway with direct access to the airport and turn– pikes. The scheduled demolition of their present office building has forced the mis· sion to look for new quarters. This new building after remodeling will cost a total of $125,000, has a modern air conditioned office and off street parking for 25 cars. It also has room for expansion . • -- - --- --- -- - · --· DECEMBER, 1965 PAGE 10 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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