The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1965
Gallipolis church completes revival and festival week The Fir t Bapti t hurch. Galli- .,oli . 0 .. Rev. Jo eph C. Chapman, Jaster. ha juK' t concluded a week ·e,,ival campaign with Rev. Wayne forri on of Holme , . Y., as gue t !Vangeli t. Pa tor Chapman aid · oulr- were aved. and many heart ind live were touched and revived Juring the meeting . , The city of Galli polis celebrated t I 75th birthday anniver ary from Dct. l 0-17 and many citizen wore clothe of the 18th century the 11en greVt beard . and the town had a iull week of fe tivities. In keeping with the celebration, :he choir of the church joined other community church choir for a con– cert in the city park on Sunday after– noon, and then on Sunday evening, the clo ing ervice of the revival all the people wore their old-fash– ioned costume for the old-fashioned \ervice with an old fa hioned sermon, Pa tor Chapman said. The church was lighted with kero– ene lamps~ the pipe-organ wa de– erted for an old-fa hioned "pump" organ. and throughout the church were di5played many article of the bye-gone era. There were approxi– mately 500 per on in attendance for the ervice. "It wa one of the most stirring occasions ever experienced by tho e attending, and one which will be long remembered ," Rev. Chapman aid . {Concluded from page 4 ) i11 g afiter hin1 to stone him to death. I ho111a aid : " unto hi fellow <li s– ci pie . let us a lso go. tha t we may die \\ itl1 l1im .' ' hi they evidently did ar1d J uda· v.'a with them. A 1nan like J Ltd a in hi prof ss ion was willing lo r i k dea tl1 to foll ow ' hri t . Je u· onl y had to rebuke J Lida 11cc. In J ohr1 12, when ary broke t he J)o corl tai ning the J)rvciou·~ oi nt- 111e11 t to a1noi nt the f e0t o f J csLJs, 'V\ C l1~ar JLida a)' i11g, 'Wh}' \Va " rio t 1}1i oint111e11t old for 30() pe11cc an<l 01, 1 e11 10 the I' or ?" At tt1 i JJOi nt J csu r IJ LI l' ed l)} · a y in g, " I c t }1 r 101 ; ag in 1 1)1 da) >J Jll} bL1ryi11g ha 11 e r, t t 11 i ." "'l l 1 t 1 er (J i - lJlle \\er ,1de11tl) in agrt:e111 11 1 V\ttl1 J ud, ur1til tlie I ,rel' r l,t1 l . Jud a·, " t 11 trea tJr r for t l1c > I U p ] i \ f) 0 Il j fl l i LJ S ,,1 w t 111 s J t, 11 11 t I 1 a l 11~ \" tw1 ned eJ t<l 111111 111d 11 \ '1S l!I Cdl cf lil d S lo ll d1 lllJII SCll c 11t·, llc\cJ Jo "C l1c,11 ,11 • t,ul 1Jllll1 I h1.,; I < 1 d (}I dll u1111>l,t111t I Jl1 t I c LI, 11 I ~ 1 c111 ng ll1c \'1} wa handling the money. Jt1da held thi r pected po.. ition a11d dill the job well. Hi life wa beyond re.preach in the pre ence of the other di ciple . o one complained about hi be– haviour. Thi ·was not true with ome of the di,=,ciple . You remember when Jame and John made a reque t to Je u to it on hi right hand and on hi left in the Kingdom. And when the ten heard about it, they began to be much di plea ed with Jame and John. The be t example of hi 111oral life i i]lu trated in the upper room ju t prior to Chri t' crL1cifixion. Thi i recorded in Mark 14: 17-19. "And in the evening he cometh with the 12. And a they at and did eat J e u·-- aid, Verily I ay unto yot1, one of you which eateth with me hall be– tray me. And they began to be or– rowful , and to say unto him one by one · I it I? and another aid, I.,. it I?" Thi i ab olutely remarkable when you realize that from the time of their calling until thi pre ent mo– ment they had been together continu– ally. They had worked together , play– ed together, lept together and preached together and yet at our Lord announcement that one of them would betray him, not one of them had the slightest idea that it wa to be Juda . That thi i o i clear from their word , "I it I?" The third reason we believe that J e u .,. called Juda wa to how 11 s the trange and miraculou thing th a t can be done by the unregenerate. We are of ten puzzled today by cer– tain Pentcco tal group who clain1 <livinc healings and often advertize their meetings a n1iracle crvicc-, ha t miracJe and healing take pl a e no one ca n tl cn} . But the thing tha t J t1da\ prove here i~ that thC\C tl111g, an be done by tha,e \.\ ho havc never been born again . In 11 ' I hc,·')al oni a c1\ 2: 9, ,1,caking o f Ant i- hr t~t, we rc aJ . .. c , 1 c n \.\ ht),e co111 ing is aft er tl1 1.! \.\ Orki11g t1f a ta1 \ \ 1 itl1 ,,// pO\.\'Cr ,l nll sig r1 s ancl l) 1 ing \\'Otltlc r s. ' J u la·~ l,c.:0111 ..:s a n exa 11,11l • c>f tl1is \'cry tl1 i11g \-vl1 t n \\' lot1k at the r e ortt gi ,, 11 o f hi111 i11 1a tt h \.\ 1( >. I 11 ,, r c l. t) f ha 11 t \;; r l O \\' r , t I, " ntl \\ hc11 ht: 11 ·\ I nll ell t111t hi 111 11 i I _ (Ii i J) Jc~ 1-l ga, e t 11 111 J , ,.. r a g a i r1 st l t n I ca 11 p i r i t s , t , , t t l1 111 lt t an I to l1e·d ·di 111 ·,nn l:!1 f ~I k11ess dn{I 111 111, 1111cr f di s ·1 " { ll C Jll \ 1 e 7-8, ••llllf cl~ LI g ,,, ,l 11 , s&:1 1ng, tl1c K ing I >Ill f I le,, n 1 "'t h'1nll 11 ,11 the s1l: k <.:lc,111 c th ~ I fl, ~. 1 ,1i s~ the ti dtl \,.; ,lS( u t I J)', f I cc I 11 l ) I c ceived. freel 1· give." ow what doe!", thi mean? It mean that Juda went forth with the other and preached the Word of God, and ca t ot1t de– mon , healed all manner of ickne and all manner of di ea:-e and rai ed the dead. But omeone will ay. Je u gave them the power to do thi . That i true but all power come from God. When Je u wa~ tanding before Pontiu Pilate. Pilate aid un– to him. 'Knowe t thou not that 1 have power to crucify thee. and have power to relea e thee?'' J e u an- wered, "Thou cot1ld t have no power at all again t me , except it were given thee from above.·· Even the power that Anti- hri t will have will be given to him by od. Thu · we ee that Juda wa able to do all the thing the other di cipl could do. yet he had never been born again! What marvelot1 le on ur Lord ha hown u in the life and ac- ti vi tie. of Juda I cariot. He become. a perfect exampie of the likene ,.., of the wheat and the tare . lt al o illt1- . trate Matthew 7: 21 where we read. " ot everyone that aith Llnto n1e. Lord. Lord, hall enter the Kingdon1 of Heaven ." If we wil1 only ren1en1- ber thi man , we will never be puzzled by the trange activitie f religiou~ men and their organization . CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 62nd Year A taff of eighteen full--tin1e or part-time worker witne ing to our Lord' , "brethren" in Ohio, W t irginia, Brazil; and other area b) radio and the n1ail1ng mini tf)' . Our poltc} to co perate \'ith local ew Te tan1ent chur he in the accer,tcd 111ethod~ of piritural cv angeli~n1, and the pla 1ng of ne\\' con\ crts. c c prC'l") t1r appre 'i,1tion t\ the {),1, tor, ,int.i ft 1 nd i11 <.lllf Ol1 io \ ~Oc1at1on ht1rch \\ ho 1n the 11a'il ) ' C, r ha\ he lp ~d 111ake th is 111111is t r)' p stblc. .. taff n1~n1bcr ~ are l1 app)' t ,,isi t 11 ur l1cs i11 1 ht: spirit of t 1 :4 t sl1~r r r><.1r l s , ntl i11s11i rati nal 111t ss, ge on t:rr1ir1g t il t.: 111 ini~ tr . \Vri t for fr Oll - • C'\ru1tl(>t t- r J r I sr I" a qtt 1rt rl) I \ ted l J \\' i 11 )l r r, }1 i ' rr nt 1 , , s , l, u t t 11 1 , , 11d t }1rilli11g • • • r p rt ro111 1111s I n r1 . , r I I \ . 111 I tlJ) t. l . . ll I ,I \ J cl 11 l J, }1 i l 4 I ) ,
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