The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1965
ry Rev. Ea rl D. Umbaugh Starting of new churches is part of the answer By Ea rl D. Umbaugh The -- tart ing f new churche aero - the tate f Ohio i part of the an ,, er t finding a way to do tho e thi ng--- that \\ e want to do in our .... hio ~ o ia tion and in the General ia tion of Regular Bapti t hur he . v e need an e panded foreign n1i ionary outreach. Ot1r ap- Cover Picture: ~fr. and Mr . J. E . Ru ell recently returned from a three month trip to Europe, where they vi ited mo t of the great art gallerie of Europe in- luding those in Pari , Florence, \ 1 ienna and Am ter<lam. They vi ited eight countrie , pending five week 1n Yugo lavia. While there a tudy of the work of the modern culptor I, an l\1e tro\ ic. proved mo t valu– able. With thi-; art tudy ,program wa con1bi ned a mini try in many church– e in Belgium, France, Germany, Yugo lavia and Holland. Mr. and ~fr . Ru ell were working with Rev. J ame E. Lowden, Director of Mi - '\ionar)' Evangeli m As odiation, a n1an who has had two interivew \\ ith Tito in Yugo Iavia. In each of the ervice Mr. Rus ell drew his large tele-cartoon"' illu tr ating truth from the Bible. and Tran lating them into the different languages of the people. These wer e the ame word– p1cturec; that he u e in h i program, Tele-B ible Time. Ever}'Where the de– mon tration·"' in art ~'er e enthu~ia ti- all) received. I 11 the di~fcrc11l to\\ n i1 France and Yugo lci"Jd their ~er"ice were .... 11 Id i 11 the O I Y Ba 1Jt1,t ch urche · 111 \ 1, ·\ I s • l 1rh, t s ll l; ~ll I i 11 a 11 i : , I h c I1) t1·, l h t• \ c ,, a11l l th ·i r l,1 iliti •s tl> 1 ro– , 11. l~ 1()1' l' tt !n rg~(I slttllcnt l Ollics. '\ llltth a r111> • 11ilclrc11 ·s llllt11cs, anll hl>n1c, f ,, l he ~,ge I ncc<.I <1Ur C<111 - • lllllllllg \\IJ I' )l't . ' ' h 'l'C \\,tll 111 )tlCV C()l11C frl)l11 to 111cl't all thc,c r1cc I\ ') Part of the ,lll\\\Cl I\ fOl C\' Cf\, a 11cr c11tagc <)f tl1c11 get fc1r tl1c ,tarting in 111) htn ch tc> ~ct a 1clc 1111~ 1onc1ry ht1cl– f 11cw c h u rc he"' l ct 111c ill t 1, trat c 1 l l hi ~ \Vay . fc\'v '" cc 1', ago, 1 en t a qti ti nna ire l 1 JO hurc h~ in lnll i a11a anc.I Ohio l 11 a t \.\. crc t cn y car l ll or I e , . l tl11 ~ '"' ftling. I (J f the e ha c l1ccn rc– tt1r11cll '-" i l h enoL1gh information t c n1pilc a preliminary report. The c 16 chLtrchc. rcceiveti 47.500 in OLJt– ~ide help inclLtding Bapti t BL1ilder' I u b, help fron1 local churches and individual . The c new churche all "'Ct up a mi ionary budget of their wn and have given $48 239 to mi - ion and at the ame t ime have been ·-- upporting fu]ltime pastors ·as well a paying for their own build ing pro– gran1. Five of the e churche are le than two year old and 13 are Je than ix year old with an average (Continued on Page 11) there. In pite of re tricted Govern– ment regulation~, and per ecution the pirit of the Chri tians was trong and their fervor and love for the Word of God keen. With the excep– tion of one town in Macedonia, the police gave permi ion to ho 1 ld meet– ing-- in the citie of Yugoslavia but permis ion alway h,ad to be secured. The Rus el ls have returned to America with a new c1ippreciation for the freedom"' we have in thi Na– tion, e pecially the freedom of wor- hi p. and with the conviction that we need to be w,atchf ul and do all we can to protect the e "freedo,ms." '"For unto whom oever much i given of him hall be much required." LL1ke 12: 48. J. Erner on Ru,.. ell i Director of Art at Cedarville College, Cedarvi lle Ohio. holding the Ma ter of Art from Ohio State Univer ity. He i an ordained Bapti t mini ter. He i creator and director of Tele– Bible Time heard each unday at 10: 15 a.m. over WTV -TV hannel 6, Columbti , Ohio. He i\ a for111cr cht1rch page car- too nr,t for the ' incinnati nquirer, and ,taff cartooni s.t for the unlla) chool 1·i111c . The Ohio Independent Bapti st ... Publ ished Monthly b y .• . THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xen ia, Ohio POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mrs. Charles Cunn ingham 602 W. George Stree.t Arcanum, Ohio Editorial Office: Ceda rvil le , Ohio Box 7 Deadline for News· 10th o f each month State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 21 SO Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Edi tor . James R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarvi1le, Ohio Circulation Manager .. . . . Mrs. Charles Cunningham 602 W. George St., Arcanum, Ohio Women's Edi tor .... ... Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Mission's Editor Rev. Dona]d Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Y01-ith Editors Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville. Ohio Christian Education Editor . . ... ..... .. ... ... ... . Mrs. Earl D . Umba1igh Council and Officers Cliairtnan . . Ven1e L. Dunham 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio Secretary . . . .. . .. . . Darrell Bice 511 Herrick Ave. E ., Wellington, 0. Treas1trer H. R. Davison 23 l\ 1 Cster Lane, Arcanum, Ohio Missionary Chr. . B. C. Jenning~ 223 Pierce A,,e., C1-1) 1 ahoga Falls, 0. Y011th Director . Lynn Rogers 7854 . r. Bo)'den Rd. , 1 orthfie]d, 0 . Ed1icatiori Chr. . Fir t Bapti t \Vood.row 1cCaleb . hurch , Elyria , Ohio Council of Ten Chair1na1i . . . . . . . .. ... ..... . Verne Dunham, ecretarJ' John Balyo . . .. . .. . . .. .. Darrell Bice Ver non Billington Tcrr1r1an I-Ioag B. . Jenni11gs \ \ 7<>o<lrc>\V 1\ l c alcb L) n11 Rc>ger J)o11al<l e,vell ba rl \ i\ 7 illetts
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