The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1965

VOL . 38, NO. 2 I • pirit- e ' compete By James R. Johnson One of the n10 t pirit-filled. Bible centered n1eeting wa completed by the Ohio As ociation of R egular Bap– ti t Churche at Fir·-- t Bapti t hurch, Ile . 0 .. Oct. 18-21. Each me age, each mi sionary peaker, each pecial n1u ic number thrilled our hearts and brought us into a clo er relation hip with our Lord and Saviour J e u hr1 t. Pa tor John Weyant welcomed the group into the church and of– fered the ho pi tality of hi congrega– tion . There wa uch a continuity in the n1e ·sage although peaker were not given a pecific text nor a pecific topic to peak upon that the Holy Spirit certainl) 1 guided each per on in hi · ·special preparation. Monda)' evening Rev. &Jward forrell. Jr as chairn1an of the meet– ings and Rev. orman Hoag as n1usic chairman 1nitiated the pro– gran1 to begin the week of activit1e~. 1""11e ouncil of en, however. met al l O a.,n. Monday to begin their bu )' week of meeting and to clear 0111e of tl1e work before the evening • e 1011. 1 l1erc \\'ere ni11e 11e\.\.' churches ar1d Jla l r ,e]con1ed into tl1c OAR BC a " 'e n1e11tio11ed i11 the ovc111ber i ue of tJ~i 111ag-.. 11ne. rttl} it i a A. on I · Moff t T OHIO I D D BAP I I The Ohio Independent Baptist e centere • I ssociation joy to experience the te timony of the e pa tor and to wel come into our fel low hip the c churche of like faith. A mi ionary challenge wa given by Rev. David T oto ABWE mi ion– ary to hile and another highlight of the evening wa an inspiring me"-"'- age by Dr . H t1gh Horner, pa tor of ,alvary Bapti t Church, San– du ky, 0 . on 'The Great, I Am," peaking on the per on o.f the Lord J e Ll hri·.. t. I f any n1e age wa geared to et the tone of the meet– ing to come it certainly was thi one by a per on dedicated to the ervice of God. Good to be there One could take each diay, hour by hour, and tell of the guiding of the Holy pirit, but .pace here doc not permit . All we can ... ay i~ " I t wa<; good to have been there ." DLtring bu ine oonducted. ne,v ('ouncil of Ten men1ber were ccrti– tied by the certification co111 111ittee headed by Jifford Lone-~ of Marana– tl1a Baptt \t ( 'ht1rch, pr1ngfielti. C\i\ counc11 111c111ber arc John Bal\ o, erno11 B1ll1ngton. B. Jen111ng'°', L.) nr1 Roger\ and Donald ewell. ernc DL1nha111 \\ J .. elected cha1rn1a11 f tl1c cot1ncil: Dari ell 131ce ..,ccr e– tar} · ar1<.I WooLirO\\' l e( dlcl1. etlttcd- • , , V ,n DunJ1 n1 DECEMBER, 1965 meetings at • I es tion cha irman: with orn1an Hoag and Earl Willett al o remaining on the cou ncil. Mr . Jenning wa elected mi ionary chai rman. Mr. H . R . D avi on will continL1e a trea urer of the a ociation, and Lynn Roger will remain a chair– man of young people' work. ince I had handed in my re ig– na tion a editor of the Ohio Inde– pendent Bapti t magazine, the coun– cil had to take action a to the futL1re of the publication. The magazi ne throL1gh the year althoL1gh erving a certain need in the organization, had not been paying for it elf. The ounci1 of Ten, therefore, took ac– tion to di contint1e it publication and brought thi n1atter b fore the a ociation for con id ration . H ,,,._ ever, after ome length} talk, the a ociation voted to c nt1nt1e it ~ pub– lication and ent the n1atter back to the OLtn ii. ftcr n1t1ch pra} er, the coun ii ap- pointeli Re,'. . D nald 1offat a editor. c;; \\ie noteti in th o,, n1- bcr .I .B. he \\.ill f\' C a\ edit r, d c, ~1 ngcl1 tic \\ orl antl 1110, c an1ong the chttr~he') a\ the l rd dire t\ . JJ c r \O na11 \ . 1 hcl 1 c\'c th 1 ~ i\ ,l t r- \,\'ar ti \ t e I) tor t h c O R 8 r c1 t ""l kt: ~l r1 ll (Continued on page 12) D rr II Bic DECEMBER 1965 PAG