The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1965

eart to eart mong t e omen 1 1 ·1 , 1111 r' - · ··r'h(' r ct l • l' t 11 l' I l)r t l11n1,t'lt ,11.111 g1, l' , l)ll .1 ,ign. l~ t l, .. 't.J a , 1rg1 1 ,114111 Cl)tlCL't\ c anti ... c.11 .1 ''-'n. atl l ,11.dl "l1 ll H t~ n.1n1t: I 111n1ant1cl .. ( l ,.11a}1 7: l 4) ·· \ n'-1 l1c hrt t1gl1t f )rtl1 her f 1r'\t- l1 rn 111 •• lnli \\r.111~1cli H in1 in \\\alll - 1n\' 'l'-1tl1c, . an l l..11d H in1 i11 a 111an- :::- gcr . l1ec.1t1 c tl1erc ,,,1 no r n1 f r - tl1cn1 in tl1e in11 .. ( t1kc 2:7) ··- \\ h, tanJ , t= gazing up int Hc J, cn·) 111 , "a 111e J e ti·~ which i \ t.1k~r1 tip fr r11 )-Ott into Heave n. hall ~ on1c in lik.e n1anner a ye h.1\e "een H i111 go into Heaven.· (The . t 1: I 1) . l a) the reality· f the e truth fill Ltr h art-.; and h me with HI PE at thi Chri tma -time. and the ew Year be pro perot1 with Hi ble ing. Commentary on Ruth By Walte r L. Wilson, M.D. (Cont ' d . from last month) 0 , E RET R - One of the ad th ing about thi ~tory i that the three did not continue to go to– gether. In my own mini try T have often een two i ter tart together to go back to God. You ee them come down the aisle together or you ee them itti ng, weeping together. ou ee them coming to the pa - tor together. aying ·we want to come into the fellow hip of thj~ church. We want to know the Lord J e u .' ' One goe all the way and the other turn back. Wh,at a traged)'. what a ad thing it i when \ OU ee It. ., You remember Thoma , that i called Did 1 mu ? The word didy– mu ., means twin. Thoma wa a twin. Where i the other twin? What happened to him? Why does not the Bible tell uc; omething about what became of him or her? Every time I read about Thomas called Didymus, my heart hurt a little. I wonder where that other tvv in i . Wa the other twin a girl or bo 1 ·? Did they tart together to li ten to the Lord and then did one turn back? We do not kno"'. But we do know that often one tru t and the other doe not. Both Ruth and Orpah had the ame de ire. And they \\.ent together. DECEMBER, 1965 PAGE 8 1\ , tl1c\ a1)1)r0,1cl1c<.I tl1 c 11 rc1cr Janel t)f I al'). thc,c gir l I okc<.I hack ancl tl1c, co til cJ "cc the n1i \ t n the hill·.;. 1 h c hill were facling in the di ' l– ar1 e. anu tl1c \Ot1nd f 111t1 ic ancl the clancing \\a~ ge tting m re ancl n1 re faint. Orpha was Ii tening clo' c- 1} to i t. and o \ a · R ti th. b Lt t l{ uit h wa~ thinking of aon1i, wh had won l1er heart . n1eti1ne. lhe Lortl doe ti c back lid er to win people. A. the three womem drew near •the herder. Orpah kept looking back at the fading hill , thinking of all the wonderfLtl thing of Moab . She turned to her mother-in-law and k i ed her good-by. BAD ADVICE - lit i a stran·ge thing that ao111i, although he wa"" on her way to Jeru alem, told her daughter , 'Go, return each to her mother hou e: the Lord deal kind– ly with you a ye have dealt with the dead, and with me, ( 1: 8). Think of the Lord dealing kindly with them in Moab! I it not frightening when you get advice from a ba k lider? I it not tragic? The bask ]ider ay , "Go on back to your god . ' That j wh at aomi ay in effect. "Go on back to your mother, go back to your hou e go back to your way." Never take advice or coun el of a back- lider. He never tells you to go on to God . He will call you to come hi way, u'3ually. But this 1 woman i tell– ing the two girl to go back. Do not, ho,wever, imitate her. If you start back home, bring someone with yot1. Reporting Activities We t Moriah Women s Mi ionary Fellow hip - The Fall meeting wa~ held in the Fir t Christian Bapti t Church , Co hocton with Mrs. John l ..1awhead a acting ·president. Ap– ,proximately 35 women attended. The meeting opened with prayer by Mr . Dori Thomp on. We then enjoyed a duet, 'My Ta k" by Mrs. Ralph Meadors and Mr . Bob Edwards of Sunbury. Mr . Clinton Frye gave the welcome and we were led in our devotion by Mrs. Virginia Field , her text from Gene i 11 :31 and 12: 5. The busine s session consi ted of reading the minute and trea urer' report which were approved. The Mrs. Inez Milner, Wome n's Editor r>lacc for Oltr next 111ccti11g was not known a~ ye t. he Hu <i inc~·.; Meeting wa ~ acl j Ltr nc<.I. We then enjoyed a \Olo. ' 'l ~hc J{ ugge I r s on Yoncler H ii J'" hy l rs. Al ice Darr . Our peaker for the day wa Mis Helen Wellma n, rcprc<;c nting Baptist Mid-Mi sion anc.1 on f urlot1gh fron1 l ... iberia. W. Africa. he read to us fron1 I aiah 44: 8, I0, 12 followed by prayer and an enlightening and in– formative me ·age concerning '~The Liberian Women." Following her me age the n1eeting was adjot1rned and we enjoyed a time of fellow hip and refre hments.-Re– ported by Mrs . Ktatie Hitchcock, Secretary. ... ... . .. . .. • •• . .. The Berean Women' Mi ionary Fellow h1ip We gathered for our Fall Meeting in ithe Euclid-- ottingham Bapti t Church Cleveland, the Theme being ' 'H ave Your Eye Caught The V.i ion . After the opening hymn w1th Mi Agne Zalokar a~ ong Iea.der and Mrs. Loi Hammill , pi– an1 t ; Mr . Inez Milner, pre ident, led in prayer. We were welcomed on behalf of the entertaining ""Ociety by Mr . Marge Cutcher. Our devotion~ were given by Mr . Carol Moo ey who by request >told of the experience which he and her hu band have had while pastoring their recent church. Her Scripture portions were Mark 8: 18, P . 119: 18, Col. 3: 2, 1 Pet. 5: 7. God has become even more .precious to this dear couple. Her me age ble ed our hearts . During the bu ine es ion Mr . Wilma Fink read the Minute and oalled the roll. Eight churche were . represented with 83 "''omen regi - tered. The offering amounted to $73. l 0. Our project for thi time was Metro– politan Mis ion Bible Club mini try o $52.68 wa ent in to Bapti t Mid– Mi ions for thi work to be divided among four club . Our mi ionary peaker received $25.00. Another project during the Lunch period wa a t1rpri e baby hower for Mr . Eaton who e little son was born in Augu t. Into the Co co Play Pen wa THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST