The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1966
Hal Webb Evangelistic Team at Warren, Ohio By Kenneth T. Romig "The be t meeting in the hi tory of our church!' ' Th i was a tatement made by ome of the older member of Bethel Bapti t hurch after two ~eek of mini try by the Hal Webb \'ange)i tic Team. There were 26 profe ion•" of faith in hr i t a · Saviour, and nine Chri tian who \.\ere either re tared or who urren– dered to the Lord for Hi con1 plete ~ ill in their live . The team i compo~ed of Rev. H al Webb. an evangeli t of more than 24 year experience. Brother Webb began hi mini try a an evangeli t at the age of 15. He i a graduate of Bob Jone Univer."ity. He preache a str aight-forward, yet loving go pel me age. Al o, part of thi team i Rev. Theron Babcock , a mo t able mLt'3ician . He ha been a ooiated with Brother Webb for over JO year . A third member of their party was a teen-ager by the name of Mike Stock– ton. Mike has only recently joined the team and erve in the capacity of an apprentice. The team u e electrically ampl i– f ied instruments such as guitars, an accordion, harmonica piano and their own H ammond organ. Evangeli t Webb is most able in the field of Magic and through thi s medium is able to hold the intere t of young and old alike. H e has a ~trong appeal to teen-agers. The Lord ble ed the e meeting<; in every way. The attendance grew numerically as the meeting pro– gressed. One very intere ting feature each evening was Mr . Babcock ~5 " horLts-time.'' He wotild con1po')e a new chorus which would be ba\ed on on1e theme st1gge. .,ted by son1eone in the audience. hese n1en arc indeed able 111L1 ician. heir tale11t. are de<.li– cated to the l~ord. J>a tor Ro111ig write ... ' ' I special– ly 3Jlf)roci,ated their i11terest in for– \\ ardi11g alYr'ay th~ work of tl1c local c}iurcl,. }1ei1 d » ire was to o tis d of the I orcJ in aicli11g l1 tl1 tl1e }),1stor ''POEMS FOR PATRIOTIC AMERICANS'' By Ralph T. Nord lund 7'2 p ges with 50 po ms .and oma pr1os , mind r of the history that in p ir d or provo d th m! Be utiful bending m s ti m ttra tiv gifts . Pri 1. Di count for boo tablas . Ord r from: R. T. Nordlund, 586 Maple St . o tori , Ohio .1 r1 t l the church . Tl1C)' arc k. ccnl\' in– tcrc~tccl in 1eaving a contint1ing pir- 1tua l n1 ini try after they leave the ch11 rch. The e men give of then1·"elve~ un tintingly. T hey go where the Lord opens the door without regard to financial matter and mini ter with equal earne tne regardl ess of t:he ize of the church . Bethel Bapti, t Cht1rch ha invited them back for the Fall of 1968." Gifts to the Ohio Association H. R. Davison, Treasurer 23 Ivester Lane Arcanum, Ohio OCTOBER Central Baptist, Columbus {Hon .) $ 37.15 25.00 10.00 10.00 Vienna Baptist {Hon. ) .. . ... .. Hebron Men ' s Fellowship, Cleve . . . Calvary Baptist, Byesville .. ..... . .... ... . Subscriptions 018 . ... . .. . .. . ...... . .. , ... Firs t Baptist, Strongsville .... . .. ... .. .... . . Bethlehem Baptist, Cleve. . ... .. .. .. Bible Baptist, North Madison .... .. . .. Memorial Baptist , Columbus .. . Emmanuel Baptist, Xenia .. .. .... Euclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid Euclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid First Christian Baptist, Coshocton ... . Grace Baptist, Sunbury ... .. .. .... ... ... .. Grace Baptist, Cedarville .... ... ... ... .. . Calvary Baptist, Norwalk ... ... ... .. ... . . . Calvary Baptist, Xenia . . . . ......... . . Penfield Jct. Baptist, Lora in .... ... .. . North Royalton Baptist .... .. .. . .. Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield . . . Trinity Baptist, Lorain .. . . ... .. ..... . First Baptist, Wellington .... ..... . . . ...... . . Bible Baptist, Girard ... .. ..... . .... ... .... . Calvary Baptist, Salem .. .. ... ..... .. ... . Calvary Baptist, Findlay . .. .. , .. S.S. of Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa . Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo .. .. ... . Mogandore Baptist, Mogandore .... . Norton Baptist, Barberton . .. ... .. New Richland Baptist, Belle Ce nter Berea Baptist, Bere a .. .. .. . .......... . .. .. Union Ba ptist, Un ion .... .... ..... . .... . ..... .. Ca lva ry 8ap1ist, Tiffin .. ... . .. . ... First Ba ptis t , Stryke r .. .. . . .. .... ... . Northf ie ld Ba ptis t , Northfi e ld ..... Ce ntra l Ba ptist , Columbus ......... ... . Imma nue l Ba pt is t , Arca num . Bibl e Mission Ba pt is t , Rey n o ldsburg First Bapt ist , La n cas te r .. .. .. So uth Can aa n Ba pt is t , Ath e n s .. •••• Faith Ba ptist , Green ville .. Calvary Ba pt is t , Sandusky . .. .. First Bapt ist , Ga ll ip o l is .. .... .. .. Brookside Ba pt ist , Cleveland .. .. .. Evansville Bapt ist, Ni les .. .. .. First Baptist , Bowl ing Green .. .. Grace Bapt is t , Sunbury .. .. Huntsburg Baptis t , Huntsburg .. first Regular Bapt is t , Bellefontaine Calvary Bapt is t , Norwalk .. .. . Bible Baptist , North Mad ison .. Fir s t Bapt ist, Strongsville .. . Calvary Baptist , Massillon . . Tempie Baptist, Portsrnouth . • Temple Ba pt ist , Port mouth Ceddt' Hill Bapt is t, Clttveland Ht s . Cd lvary Baptist, Bellefontaine Bethel Bapt is t, Warren . Tot I Receipt s Ad ert ising Tot I • 208 .00 5.00 5.00 10.00 25 .00 20.00 60.00 25.00 2 .00 5.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 5 .00 20.00 3.00 30.00 5 .00 25 .00 25.00 5.00 15.00 5 .00 35.00 5 .00 15.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 10 .00 15.00 10.00 2 00 10.00 10.00 10 00 1.00 5 .00 20.00 10.00 25 .00 26.00 5.00 10.00 5 .00 10.00 50.00 'l00.00 60.00 25.00 5 .00 1270. 15 207 .48 1477 63 The new Edito~s address is: Rev. A. Donald Moffat Box 7 Cedarville, Ohio God's Blessing in our churches Evangel i t Dr. Monroe Parker of Denver Colorado wa with the Cal– vary Bapti. t Cht1rch Findlay, Ohio for an Evangeli tic Campaign and Rev. R ichard Snavely, pa tor of the church, write .. . "A record break– ing attendance in the church ~ thirty year hi tory wa et on the clo ing Ltnday with 409 in Sunday cho 1 and 429 in the morning wor hip." Hope Bapti t Church in olumbu. report great ble ing through the meeting held by Dr. Oti H Jn1e . Pa. tor at Ten1ple Baptir:- t of Port - mo uth . There wa good attendance throt1ghout. Thi church, under the ab le min i. try of Rev. orman Bo. - worth continue to n1ove forward. Recently ix per on were baptized. and nine new members added t the churc h roll. Continue to pray for thi work . They tand in n ed of further financial ~ upport. * * We cannot break the pr God by leaning on then1. • m1 e DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Div is ion of J . l . Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N . Calhoun Stre e t Decatur, Ill ino is Ma nufactures Anneal ing Pot s for Ma lleab le Fo undrie s USE BIBLE TRACTS By Evangelist Paul J. le in. Write for sarnples needed to win soul . Tracts are ap pealing in color, art nd printing , Ask for "God and You," a tract or the deaf, "Convict Transfor,ned," and " rhe Tragedy of Wasted Life." BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Bo 508-0 W terloo, lo JANUARY 1966 PAGE 11 f
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