The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1966
A word fr m your new Editor B . Do,, Id Moffat " ll ::1· tlltl l,lll l11,c11ts 1rc t,1.,1.l' s t'11., l lc111L'11t : · 11 ,, 1.:· lilt Ill l l ~ltl' ' l' tl11 t, l l' trtl \.'. ,, c ,, )til i 11t'\ l'r 11 :1, l ' l " .. )t l l, til l' c t l1.'1 t t tl1c C l1ic /11 - le1 11 I 111 l'n1 ,, , , . It t, ,, itl1 fear ,l[l\l trt' , ,11 1 ,n tl1at ,, c ., ·~c11t thc"c ll t.' \ ' p1. t \ it,11 IIC . \\ C ,1,k. tlr11\ 1l1it l ' lli r c,ltic1, t,c,,r ,,1th lt\ n11tl .,, J , r tt \it1r1ng till { tl,1~ " · \ , \., l r n c,, l.,i 1 t ) r . ,, c ,, J 11 t I t t I r1- \ t' l t '"'Lt tl1,11 t'1, .... 111attc1 t t.:li1t1ng a 111.t !!,lL. nc " t)n1ct hi ng nc,, to ti . "-' . Rt 111c111hcr .. 11, , . th .. 1t \\ c arc doing th1, t)n .. 1 ..part-ti111c· · ha 1. The ideal ,, )ttlJ he to ~<.1n1e int ti h a po ·ition ,, 1th .1 tated 1n n1e uffi tent to 11cct ~tir n d . h \\C\er. in our ca e. t li ·, 1 n t In rder to get by f1 nan tall~. ,, e n1u t gi,·e our e1ve t a h a,, tra\eling mini try which - ,, ill tak u \ er a \\ 1de pread area hoth ,, 1thin and \,\ ithout th tate of Ohi It \\' ill neces itate our holding rnor than unda 1 ervice . In order to gain a alar,· omparable to that ,, hich ,,,e received a pa tor in Ced·ar– \ ille. \\'e mu t rai e better than 450. p r month through offering . Thi~ i no imple task! Looking to the lord \, 1 e are looking to the Lord to cau ' e ome of the churche of our :·\ o iation to place u on their church budget. If thi were done, 1t \\.Ould free U5 for more time to \\ ork on the magazine. In the mean– tin1e. \\e hall do what we can with the little we may ha,·e by way of tin1e and money. Thi particular ection of our mag– azine 1n pa t month has been given O\'er to the Chairman of our Council of Ten and ha been called . . . THE CHAIRMA 'S COR ER. Ra– ther than a es one man with thi re pon ibili ty month following month . \\ e ha\'e felt \l.,e hould hear from Editor, A. Donald Moffat each n1en1ber of otrr Council of Ten. For the want of a better heading, we hall call it . . . K OW YOUR O CIL OF TE A editor and a one who wi ll be . peaking in our churches I would welcome any ugge tion or bi ts of con tructive critici m. T oo, if the Lord has given you the abili ty to write, then let us hear from you. Keep your article... hort. Send them in typewritten form on 81h x 11 paper and doub le paced. I t i wel l to end a carbon copy along with the original and a picture either of yo11r - elf or one that ha ojmething to do concerning the article you have written. The larger the picture ent, the better it will be reproduced in the magazine. All picture ~ hould be gJor.- y print in black and wh ite. Above all e] e. we covet your prayer . Our God is able to do the exceeding abundantl)' above all we can a k or think. Frankly I can t plea e everyone and neither do I ex– pect to. I shall try however, to al– way please H im who aved u and who h,as called u into thi~ field of endeavor. Editor Moffat's Schedule of Meetings Februar )' 12-1 3 - F aith Baptist, Perr) , Ohio February 20-27 - Bethel Bapti t Church, Warren, Ohio ~f arch 6- 13 - Ca lv ary Bapti t Church Ecor e. Michigan t\farch 20-23 - Emmanuel Bapti t Church. Toledo. Ohio 1iarch 27-Apr il 3 - orth Adam Bap. Church. orth Adam Mich . ..~pril 6- 10 - ~ orthfield Bapti·') t Church. orthfie]d, Ohio April J l-12 - Attend Cot1 nc1l of Ten feeting. Ctiyahoga Fall . Ohio .1\ pril I 7-~fa) J - Ea t 1dc Bapti t Cht1rch. Crawford ville. Indiana The Ohio Independent B ptist ..• Publi1hed Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xeni•, Ohio . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mrs . Charles Cunningham 602 W. George Street Arcanum, Ohio Ed i tor ia l Off ice: Cedarvi ll e, Ohio Box 7 Deadline f or News: 10th o f each mon th State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl 0. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor A. Donalcl :i\lc>ffat Box 7, Cedar,,ille, Ohio Circulation Manager . ..M rs. C harles Cunningham 602 W . George St., Arcanum, Ohio Women's Editor Mrs . Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd . C levelan d H eights, Ohio 4411 8 Yau-fh Editors Mr . & Mr<i. S. L. Ch affe Cedarville. Ohin Christian Education Editor . ........ ...... .. .. ...... Mrs. Earl D . Umhaugh Council and Officers Chair1nan . V eme L. Du11ha111 1326 Euclid A, 1 e., Lorain, Ohio Secretary .. ..... Darrell Bice 511 H errick Ave. E ., \ ¥ellington, 0. Treasitrer .. H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio A1issionary Chr. · B. C. Jenning 223 P ierce Ave., Cu) 1 ahoga Falls, 0. Y 011th Director Lynn Rogers 7854 _ . Boyden Rd., orthfield, 0. Editcation. Chr. Woodrow 1cCaleb First Baptist Church, El}rria, Ohio Council of Ten . . . . . . ..... . ecretarJ' .. . . . John Ball·o \ 1 ernon Billington 1 orman H oag B. . Jennings \\loodro\.\' i\ lc aleb L)·nn Rogers Donald e,,,ell Earl \ \ 1 illetts Verne Dunham, Darrell Bice
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