The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1966
VOL. 38, NO. 3 A New Work In A Growing City Earl Leiby ,-- - - The f 1rst Lord' Day r:-ervice of the Grand Avenue Bapti t hurch of Fairborn were conducted . The initial heginning of thi s work wa with a few families. members of the Wa h– ington Heights Bapti·st hurch of Day ton. who lived in the Fairborn area and became intere ted in tart– ing a new work. Their church re- ponded to the challenge and an ex– tension committee of tho e in the new \\fork was e tabli hed with Dr . f) aul erni cr a· chairman . The Wa h– ingto n Height hurch ha · given ex– ten ively toward the work and is help– ing wi th tl1e support o f the mi . 1on– ar y. l ~he e folk with o ther intcre')ted f r ier1d have been 1necting LhroL1gh– ou t the winter on Thur d a)' ni ghts for • pr a} 1 er 111eet1ngs. The 1:-ellow hip of BaJ)ti sl f or Ho11e M i ion \\'a con tactcd and J a tor 1: a rl 1 . 1..,ci lJ)' wa ecured a ~ 1a1i ionary and 1110\' ed into the ~ield. Jl a tor l eib}' i 11 t new t Ol1io for at 11e t irn1e he " 'a· A ocja tc t>a tor of edar ]J ill Bar, ti t l1 t1rcl1 f le e] 11d a11 c1\ 1 ecl 0 1 t l1e tat li on and 1 I) cc 1111 1i tt e. I ri ,r t 111i11g t 1~airl, rn, r . 1 ei l, I gan a n~," , r 111 ¥l11 , t 11 , 1 I. ul u1 l, f \\l a 11ingL 11 , J • • ,~, rk- 1111g 1111 th t ar a u1nd r tl ~ 11 ,v- 1' 11111) arn d su JJ J> r t d 1, t 1 i J II a Ji) l 1 t I e 11 \ 1 I r Ii l ga 11 Ill ] - I .... \ t 11 u I I I 1 111 t 11 H OHIO IND PE D r BA IST ·- The Ohio Independent Baptist Grand Ave. Baptist Church Junior H igh School. A·-- of now that work ha a new building i elf- up– porting, ha purcha ed ,a par onage. and i in the proce ~ of calling a pa tor. Fairborn i a city located on the main highway between Dayton and pringfield and i adjacent to Wright Patter on Air Force Ba e. While it 1960 cen u·3 wa li ted a 19,453 the pre ent Chamber of ommerce e ti– mate i over 3 1,400 and ha a pro– jected e timate over 40,000 by 1970. While the city ha the u Ltal churche exl'5t1ng in any city there i no Gen– eral A ociati n of Regular Bapti . t hurch and tho e intere ted in ot1r c l low hip have been going into Da 1 - ton ( "ertainl y it i\ ~ 1se to have one o t OLtr O\Vn churchc\ 111 a city of thi·.') ") t/e. l{ecentl y a D, yton ' an1p11" of 11a1111 dntl Ohio late n1vcrc.,1tie \ \.Vas 011cncu and will be c allc(l Wright ta lc ni ver stt} 'Dl1i s \vtt "i C'.')abl1 , hc tl at tl1e e<.lge of .. airl1or,1 and the) ,111- tici pale a ftill dcvclop111cnl to a tt1- c. lc: 11t l) U}' of t) r I 0,000 s ltl Jc11t s. rl l1c n~w J:::' airl1()rn w rk 11 ~,s - 7 pc: J lc: \\ ll t> l1a, 1 e for,11etl , l~ II \\ - l1i Jl. l l1 c are tak i11g ii11111e tia tt: s t fY~ l > r g' l r1 i z c i nto a f{ g l tl ar 13 a J) t i t l1t1rcl1. 111 gr LJJ) v.'a l<.>r tt111c1 t ll tir~ cl1 i r1 11 r ]'1 c: 1) t ria11 l1t1r 1 l'ltJil<l- 111g ( tl1 a1 11 t f · ,~itl1 t l1 p I b J e 11 a l> tu I t i i 11 g 111 a 11 11 , JANUARY, 1966 work face. However, the fund to pay for thi bL1ilding, a well a facil– itiep for the Sunday School are badly needed. The future for .the work i bright and every effort will be ,put forth to acquaint the con1n1unity with it min– i try. Hou e to hou e cal ling will be ~arried out with an effort to reach --oul for hri t. Pray much for thi pa tor and people as they eek to e tabli h this new work. Church burns mortgage The fir t Bapti t Church of Mc– Donald. Ohio recently burned the mortgage for an addition to their ~hurch which had been erected in 195 . Rev. Leonard Travi , who pa tor d the church at the time th,i addtion wa bt1ilt, wa present for thi ·-- pecial ervi.~e. Rev . J. Edgar Beckie . the pre ent pa tor, ha erved thir:- chttrch for the pa t i and one-half year . The church, under t1ch Godly leader hip. ha·-- through acrificial giving paid off an indebtedne of $25,535.00 in even and one-half year . Thi wa accompli hed 1 ly through tithe·3 and offering -- wh 11)' apart fr n1 fund rai ing dri\'e , building am paign r an} thing el " of th·at natt1re! Jn addition t the regt1l ar bt1i ld1ng pay111ent. . the e folk 111aintained ·111 111011thl) e pcn',e a,er·ag1ng l,255 .- 00. a·'.) ~ell " giving an th r st1111 each 111 r1th f a ln1o~t 700 00 f r the \\ rk f 111i">\ion . ..Thi 1 the L rd' lo1ng; it l"i 111,1r\cllot1"> 111 ttr e\ C''\ !" Ci ncinnati Next? [>t ans ,1re t111tle1\\ d\' t >r the \t ar t– ing t a rlt:\\ (1 RB. ( l1L1rch i11 ( 111ci11 r1 a ci, ()l11t). It \ t)tt k.11 )\\ f t a111 ilies ,vb(, 111 igh t l'lt: 1nt e1~~ te l i11 tt1 is n :.\\ \\ t)r k ,,,ill ot1 ·~ n I their 11a111 ·s t itl1 ·1 \t r . a11tl Ir~ l )nnl I \\ 1 t) l l1t=, 1\ 1 ar t 111c11t _I, l l l "" '11.,1 \)11 - <. l alc: l >a(I i11 i1111ati , ht r t) l{ , . 1 tr l 111\) tttgl1 , t.1t l i - 1 11ar , _ J -o l drl1 )f 1 Ste>,, , Iii >. 1 ltl1'- t1gl1 tl1 r ar <., 1 SO() ,<1() 0 JJ t'. l J I i 11 i 11 i 11 n t i ,, I ) 11" t 11 n, \:: d 1 • ; \ • I{ . l • 11 t Ir l 1 t h 1 " 111 }>S t 11 I t}111t 11111 \\\ '1 JANUAR 1966 PAGE
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