The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1966

Pastor Fran Odor along with Mrs Odor and their two sons standing by food stuff. A step into· the Unknow,n By Frank R. Chittock \\ 'c are Ii\ ing in a da) when \.\C ,1re e ing change take place on C\ er, hand. fen, in general. are in .. l "' tate of unre t. It i •"' ad, but true. c, en n1en of od are finding them– el, e ent\.\ ined in thi evil. ··1 want to mo,e!' ' . ..o\\.. it i one thing for a pa tor t \\ ant to move becau e he i·3 ex– periencing ome problem which he fa k the patience to overcome. But. prai. e be to God when a man move becau e the Almighty God move h1n1. God never take away. even if ,, e :all it gi, ing. but what He doe not re tore abundantl\ . ., Li ten to thi tor 1· ! It \\ a on a Sundav afternoon in ., Jul,,. A man of God had been a ked ., to candidate in a wornout tent for a church. There were no member There wa no church. There was no con titut1on. There ""'a"" no trea ury. There \.\ a not even a name. What a v..·a)' to candidate! Have you ever been in a tent with 150 people on a da~, when God decide to open the curtain of hea \. en to allow ( eem- i ngf,, all the water in everv cloud ._, ., ... that e\ er \.\ a to con1e do\.\ 1 n? In a leak\ tent? In rain o loud that \ ou - J couldn't e\'en hear the preacher preach? V/e.l thi \.\ ~ the ca e of the peopfe and friend \.\ ho \.\ ere 1n– tere teu in tepp1ng out into the LJn- Thi n1an of God had a c hurc h! He, hi. wife and family had jur-- t n1oved into a new par onage and re– cently a rai e in ,pay. Thi man had folk who loved him. They po e ed a mind to work. He l1 ad no rea on to leave thi·-- church for any call . onetheles , de pi te the rain and all the other rea on he could think of why the e people would not call hin1, vet God beckoned! . ., \\ hen l)asllll' 1'4ra nk )t_l r ace I tc I h c H 11 l l l I ll Ill l h c \ / i cn fl H IJ a r• l j < ' h u r c h t l f \ Ii ct 111 a. h i c >. hc s t "1 I c lJUl in l tl the u11kno\v11 \Vi lh a giHn ·, t 11 c I fiai th . Jl1tl 111ct hi111 thcrt.: ( l i e n1ccl s cvcrv nc there). ~ V h a t 11 cgan \.Vi t h f i vc fa 111 i I i cs h a ,tH.ltlcn l)' gr wn le) ten . ·r·he tc111pln ar}' 111ceting place \Vas crowtlccl t>u th is 11a~t I ~orcl 's r ay wi l h 74 person· in at tentl ancc. Of tl1csc. five fount C J1ri,t anti confc sctl l-Ii111 so pttl11icly '"fih1\ lJrings lo J f thu'i far th ose wh( have rcccivccJ J c·,tt\ ( hri t as aviour - ~incc cpt 15 'fhc bless ings arc too 1nany for li \ ti ng. Howeve r. h,·, people, the Vic11na Ba1Jti \ l ' ht1rch. wantcc.J lt) shov., in ,o n1c tangihl c wa}. their love ·a nc.l apprcciation to their new pa\ lor. They pJanncc.J ,l Pa tor' Recepti on. It wa helc.f at the loca l High chool. In1 ag– ine the ~urge of thankfulnes~, which flooded the heart~ of the c that hatl tepped out into the unknown. when members and friend of thi newly– organized church fi11ed the meeting place. A food hower was planned and all the guest re ponded in suc h a way th at hundreds of items of food were brought! The State Mi ionary Earl D. Umbaugh ·-- poke with added vigor, a· he experien.ced afresh what God can do. The Bethany Fellow hip of Bap– ti st churche wa again reminded of God' faithfulness a they ex– perienced their fourth new church jn Jc ,., than three year . (Continued on page 9) nov. n concerning the beginning of a ne,i. prop ctl Bupti l hLtrch for \ Ii nn a. Ohio. • Refreshrnents served by the Berean Bible Class of Niles, Ohio. JANUkP.Y 1966 PA~E 4 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BA PTIST