The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1966

A Letter From I h i, 1rll,1, , ,,.. , rife n b, I irnoth) :\torr •11. the ,, ld l' ,f , ,n ,,r R, . uul :\Ir, . t,' d,,nr,t l orr,•11 . Jr. ol r, 01111111 . < hlo. I hn i, no, ,, ,tu,n d 111 1,•uuun . l-1, ,, rlh:, ou( o t 11 fu ll h,nrl t ,·1 "' ,,r ·~ t,,r nit (\\I T ,..,•r, i,·c1ncn ? tt,•r, n I, , ,·h.,ll,·11~,· h• our (y . \ .N. ll • • Hp· IH' t \ l 11 nlt,,IOU UJ!l' IIC'h.• , . By Tin,othy Morrell 1 ''-' l 'l \l 111, ,cJf l1l).ltlit11g a ,e, cl , tl tl1c _ ~, "l I Jlttlt: t1l'a i111g fl)I' a tar ,11 lan I tl1.1t I() 111, 111inLi \\ ,1, ,,11, a h.1ttlcl tel l : - an<)lhcr n1cri- \.', 1 L'r" hle 111 ,, 1tl1 i1ea~c 1n the \\ t)rld. Dt,r ing tl1e 22 tl.1) , )' agt.:!. a tlo1c11 l t1r1 t1 .. 1n , ld1er n1et dail}. t ~cep the ir 111<.1r.1le higl1 anti their Ii e i11 .... tt111e \\ ith the fa ter. t that tin1e. L he iti~a <.)f t1r be ing n1 i , i narie t ,.1 t h c \ ' 1 et na111 ... e w a f i r t r a i c<l . Then. the day da\\n d! We were IL 1 tl1ng n \ ' ietnan1e.. e oil and were fa ed \\ irh a deci i n. What to do? 1 ne . a hri "' tian young n1an in a foreign land \\ ith only a bare thread f hri tianity running throt1ghout the entire c ountrv. indeed, what to .. c.lo' ) ~t)i f 1r t top, aigon; the bu y center of outh ietnan1. Here lie a need be 1 ·ond compare! I wa""' invited b\ a fri end of another faith to vi it .. h i chtirch' ho pital in thi oriental metr poli . I wa , at the ame time. enthra lled and dumbfounded at the ight l "' a'v\' . A 40 bed ho pital wa ha ndling mt1ltiplied patients. Two doctor care for the line of Viet– n ame e who come each afternoon to the outpatient clinic. eed? Every– \\ here ! How v.,onderful it wa to meet a C hri ti an bo, who poke ' titi" (very l ittle ) Engli h. We were able to hare our Chris ti an entiment with each o ther. With great difficulty he tried to expl a in hi problem a a P . K . ( preacher' kid). I. too, poke of the identical problem. How glad I v. a to be able to hare the an1e joy and a rrow... he experienced. It w·a my privilege to attend a b ra nch unday School held in a tiny floorle hack in one corner of Saigon. There, 24 children gathered on the gra s whil e o thers crowded in the doorwa,·5 and poked their no e in the v.:i ndow to hear the story of Bab) 1 f o e in the bulrushe spoken of course. in Vietnamese. It was there I heard the chi ldren "' tng in native tongue, .. I have the joy, jO)' , joy joy d v.'n in m}' hear t:· eed? Indeed ! FEBRUARY . 1966 PAGE 10 Viet Nam ll cing t\ \t\~ll i11 a ,11i ss i<)t1ar -111in<l– l' I hc..1111c. Ill\ l1carl c.1t1ickl~ t'l""l.,<)ntlc(I lt) thl" 1111,"t<)t1ar , t1,,llcngl" 111 ... aig<)n \ 11,11 ,111 <)11i)t1rtun1t ,t v a\ t() tc,1ch lhrcc cl,1,,c, 1n l ·ng)t\h 1n a 111i~,ion– ,1rv , 11<)< I a ntl lt1 l1c a~kc<.I t lea ti in J)t,l}c.:1 in tl1c \,()ltng 1,c J)lc·~ Bibl e cl,1 , 1n 1:ngli~h. Oh \ttch a hlc-, ing! rl-,hc 111i~. ionary d ct r,5 wif C in- y itell 111 friend and 111c to lottr a ( ' atht)lic rpha11agc . H w pitiful it i'i l ee ttnwante<l c,hildrcn (one·, b rn with defect ) which pr mptcti the 111othcr to leave the children - ti nder the cover of night - on the d r tep f the orphanage. How tragic it i to hear ht1ndred of child– ren in the Catholic hurch repeating the ro ary in loud Vietname e. 1 wa•"' cat1ght unaware when I learned that not one Bapti t mi - . ionary work in Saigon and o nl y one - a ot1thern Bc1ipti t - in al] Vietnan1. But, what cou.ld I do - ju t a oldier in a trange land brought there to win a war? How .thankful I am to ay that I wcr- able to be u ed of God in the very few day I was in Saigon to bring life, love and happine to the few Vietname e I aw. However , I am here on a signment erving the U. S. Army, fightin1g a war· and ~ my orders tr an ferred me away. Could you come ,to Saigon to take the place I wi h I could fi ll ? The Vietna1nese people if they could talk to you would beg you to come. Vietnam i an open door. I 'm ure men fear the Viet Cong and the war here· but God ha een nhe few mi - ionar ies through it all. I promi.c-e you load of exciting adventure which many times will drive you to your knee in prayer pleading for God' help and protection. But, H e will be there! Mi ionarie have had iit proven to them over and over. Oh, how much more I could write on the need here; the protection of God over Hi own · the love of the people for the one ent by God to them and the Chri tian earne tne of the Vi etname e believer . Word,.. can never express the need that exi t here. Won't you ay ye to God and 'Come!' ' We (G. I.' and Vietna- mese) want you. When you come. remen1ber the job you came to do and in addition. orga nize C hri tian fellow hip and provide piritL1al growth for the n1any hri tian oldier here. We beg you to come! Contributions to Home and Camp Inc. Martin E. Holmes, Treas. Sunbury Baptist Church Box 233 Sunbury, Ohio November, 1965 Gifts to Hilltop House Immanue l Baptis t, Columbus .. $ 15.00 Wome n 's Mi ss . Un ., Faith Baptist , .. Amhe rst .. ... . ... . .. .. 5.00 Huntsburg Baptist, Middl e fi e ld 10.00 Eunice Stowell , Mi ssionary to France 5.00 Calvary Bapt ist , Massillon ... .. .. . 5 .00 Penfield Jct . Baptist , Lorain . .. ... .. 10.00 First Baptist , McDonald .. . .. .... .. . ...... S.00 Northfield Baptist .. . . . .. . 10.00 Calvary Baptist, Broadview Hts . .. 10.00 Ca lvary Baptist, Broadview Ht s. •. 10.00 Berea Baptist .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . 25 .00 North Royalton Baptist .... .... 10.00 Cedar Hill Bapt ist , Cleveland . .. . 10.00 Trinity Baptist, Lorain ... ..... ... ....... . 5 .00 Sharon Baptist .. .. .. .. ... ... . .. .. .... .. 5.00 Hinckley Ridge Baptist .... .. ..... . .. . 10.00 Calvary Baptist, Painsville ... . .. .. .. .. 15.00 Emmanuel Baptist , Toledo .. . .. . ...... . 25.00 Struthers Baptist .. .. .... .. ... ... 10.00 Memor ia l Baptist, Columbus . .... . .. 15.00 Total ...... ..... . .. .. .... .. ..... ..... .. . .. .. $ 215.00 November, 1965 Gifts to Camp Patmos Immanuel Baptist, Columbus .. ..$ Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield ... Calvary Baptist, Massillon .. ...... .. .. First Baptist, McDonald .... ...... ...... .. .. .. Northfield Baptist .... ......... .. ... .... . ...... . Berea Baptist . .. . ... .... . ... .. .... ..... . Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland .... .... .. Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland ....... .... . T . ' t B t" t L . r,n, y ap 1s , ora,n ... .. ..... .. .... .. .... .. Sharon Baptist . .. .. .. ... .... .... ..... .. .. .. Hinckley Ridge Baptist ... .. ............. .. First Baptist, Gallipolis ... .. .. .. .. ........ .. Evansville Baptist, Niles ... .. .... .. .. ... . Total .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .... . .. $ Additional Money Needed for Home • 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5 .00 10.00 5.00 5 .00 10.00 15.00 10.00 110.00 - In a note from Rev. Martin E. Holme."' trea urer for Home and Camp, we quote the following . . . 'To oper ate the H ome and Camp efficien tl y, e pecially the Home, the above contribution hould be tripled. at lea t until we get the $25,000 mort– gage on the Home paid off. Your editor made a vi it recently to the H ome. I t would do your heart good to do Jikewi e. The dear folk there greatly c\ppreciate all that i being done for them. We commend Brother and Si ter Hukill on a job well done. Let u look to God to help clear thi deficit! Thi i a tremendou mini try and warrant our upport! Pastor Resigns Rev. amuel E}liott h a concluded hi mini try as pastor of the Fir t Bap– ti t Church in Parn1a Ohio. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST