The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1966

ristia:n 1.Ecluratinn By Mrs. Earl Umbaugh, 2150 Marhofer Ave. Stow, Ohio Below you will find three consecutive at– tenda nce builders and promotional ideas to be used for the months of February, March and April. These were used successfully by the Wadsworth Baptist Temple and Pastor Al Rudolph graciously shared them with us to pass on to you. For the month of February we made a large heart approximately · three b) four feet in diameter . Thi ~ a:., placed on the front lawn of the .;hurch and it aid "'February i Heart Month" in our Sunday School. Then on our printing pre we ran a couple nundred more duplicate heart only n1uch smaller which were placed in the :ar window and in the door of the home and throughout our Sunday School which alt"O aid "February i Heart Mo nth in our Sunday chool." BL1t in addition we al o had the :late of the pec ial Sunday'~ Ji . t on hese mall heart . February 6 - ' The Hidden H eart" February 13 - ·'The H eart of Wad - worth" (your city) February 20 - "The Big Heart' February 27 - 'The Golden Hear,t' On February 6, we ~tre sed the 'Hidden Heart" and it wa here that A'e took 25 <imall hearts and hid hem throughout the Sunday School , ;1nd when a student found one jn a ,ong book or under a table or behind he d or he brought it to the office 1nd we gave him a little red Bible 11 arker for a reward. On Febru ar y Twenty-Six Lead Soldiers W. W. King llenjar11i1l l .. ra11k]i11 011cc saicJ. ' i \'e 111e 26 lead sold icrs, a.nd I htll cor1qL1er the: " 'orl,J." Her ftrred, l cour e, to the J) wer oJ tl1c r>rin1ccf ,age. \ e l1a 1 }1e 11ece ary · oldic:rs 1l1e lpl1al,et) "1tl1 "'l1icJ1 to \vir1 th )attle f r J d and trL1tl1. J1a • , di c n11l1ur1i 111 . ·-i l1e R t1 11s 111 1 r n t ) ar r a Id t 11 a ll t I l>- I I ed 29, 0 I , JO l> ~ n 70 I Ii tJ . t\ gre t r nu111l1e1 , J>t1l,li 11 d I> f O on 11u1 1 t pul>lm h r i11 8 Ltier I ~ c 11 1111 un i· t } 1 a, e a 00 p r 11 l 111 1 a f J 1 l t}11 ]1( r tlJI JS I ,tJ1 111 t r1 l1 ti . H OHIO I D P t OEN1' BAPTIST 13 we invited the Mayor the head of City ouncil, the Chief of Police, Chief of Fire Department, and ome of the Judges of our town to be our honored gue t in our I I :00 Wo~hip Service . Here we had the oppor– tunity to te tify a to what the Lord had done in our church and al o the people were ab le to meet the public official whom many did not know. On the 20th, the Big Heart Sunday. we gave a large corduroy heart to the one who had done the be. t job in their Sunday School clas from October to February. On the 27th we gave the 'Golden Heart' ' box of candy to one of the dear t".' ou1 whom the pa tor had the privilege to c,hoo e. We tre ed the idea of wh at the Bible ay on the matter of gold and gave thi away to a very dear lady. Each S L1nd ay ithe me ,_.; age wa related to the ubjects cho en. In the Month of March we have called it 'Open Hand" month. We made another large ign for our front lawn in the hape of a four leaf clover. There wa a ign drawn on thi wel– come to SL1nday School with an open hand of reception. During thi~ month empha ize the matter of baking hand and being extra- pecial ' friend – ly''. Each Sunday wa a pecial SL1n– day. U e award a yoLt see would uit your si tL1 a tion. March 6 - 'Open Hand' ' t Old Members. l~ecentl y I pent a few hot1r in the cnormoLts intern,1ti nal airport in M1an1i. la. I pent part of that Litll e hr W\ing throt1gh n1e ot the r11anv elabora te new <", lanll, in the ~ tcrn1inal bt11lding. In the fro11t ()J each of the:)c \ tore\ v., a\ a largt: re () l ving c)isplay case, place<.I in the 111os t cc>n JJict1ot1s r>lacc po\~tblt.:, each t)f \.\)1ic l1 conta111etl '->cvc1al t l 0Ler1 differ 111 titles of pock t c lition t} fll! of book·,. I di sco\crcd that alJL)Lll t (> J)er cc n t of these l) oks \Vt: re ll) J{ L>111an a tl1olic writers 't 11cl pt1blisl1- rs ' 1 nd for l he: 111os t J)af l \V~r l1 l ks f r athoJic 11r >i)aga11d ,.t JJt1rp > s. I here arc: n1illil>T1''.'.'I ol tl1 s inc: - J> nsi\ 1 c, c n lens~(), ,,~ - t >- r '1 I I> > ,~ l) i11g r , d l > la . I l1i ort t tl1i11g 111t1 t J)H) fl r I tl1 JJt1l, - l1 l1e1 ,, >Lil I n t gc, i11t tl1is l,t1 i- 11 111 ti I a I, 1 g 1 I c . J ,._ nd 1 , 11 \\ as 111 ist 1ans • MRS. EARL UMBAUGH March 13 - ··Open Hand" to Vi - itor . March 20 - "Open H and" U nen li·-- ted. March 27 - ' 'Open hand " t one. to the Ever\·- ., For the Month of April we have ..Shower of Ble ing " . T n thi . n1onth we had OLtr vangeli tic Mee ting . we set the Sunday as: April 3 - "Ble ing f Pa lr11 t1n- day" April IO Ble ing of Ea ter" April 17 - 'Ble,., ing of Revival'' April 24 - 'BJe ing of Youth" On the la t Sunday the ervice were filled with the activitie of Y ung People. Youth Choir . Youth Te timonie . Youth Mu ic Leader~. Youth pecia l mt1 ic. Y uth her". etc. ven a y uth preacher c ttld be Ll e<l if yot1 ha c n eligible. (Of cour e the bt1lk f the aJ\ erti~ing. ... poster;; . etc. \i\ ere t1pon thl: I: \ angel- i ti c Mee ting.) t fo not ta~e 111ore !\Criot1 l, the J)O\\Cf of the printed page Wh) do \\C 11ot pt1t to grcdtcr tl\t.: th1, ar111, of "le,1tl , ltl1er\ ···> J t ,cc111\ to 111t: that \.\C ( ' hr1\ti4,1n'\ 111,1, hL' ·•fill ll111g ... \\htlc J{on1c ht1rn ·· P,,1ln1 ()8 11 1, \Cl\' apJ11t)J)riate at tl11s ~)01nt: " I hl! l l)fli g.1\e thl' \\t)tti g1c,1t " .. 1, tllt <.:'t)IllJ)atl)' l)f tlit)\C that J)Ul)lt'iht'll 11. •• he l.t,t 11art l)f tt1i ver e 11cclt~ lt lit: t.1~e11 Ill lfC \Cll )Us}\ l ll~ - ' 'gt\;,\( \\~\ . ~ the t)lllJ)Htl t f tll()s tl1al J tit ]isht"ll . , ' I l \\ l1at 111nkt:s the J)ri11tc:ll J ag\: s ft t nt'! J .. ir~l, it dll I st t1r \I 1ntf ·~tullit I i11 sc, r t. t: >Iltl it gc:c 1111- tl1,1itlc, I att 11ti n in Jtti t l1 tlrs. 1\I it le tJJs I 1ngt1, g bc1rri r dll I r a ,, J1i 11 h 11111) r 1 rs lll - > >, 1 t t1 ·~ 1 rn ,, n 11 re t 11 n r~ r J I \\ rk I l g . FEBRUARY 1966 PAGE 11