The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1966
25th Anniversary of Christian Service Rev. and Mrs. G. Smelser By Lida F. Imhoff, Sec'y. Twenty-five year ago the Rev. and Mr . Gerald V. Smelser left the pa torate of the Ca1vary Baptist hurch (GARBC) at Mannington , W. Ya. to join the taff of the leveland Hebrew Miss ion. It is fitting and proper that at this time Supt. and Mr . Smelser be recognized for having completed 25 vears of ~ervice with The Cleve!and ., Hebrew Mi ss ion, December 5, 1965. Providentially, the call to the work among Israel came to the e servant at a most opportune time, for after onl y one year with the Mi s ion it pl eased the Lord to take unto Him- elf Mr . Smelser' predeces or , Fred– erick C. Imhof. whereupon the mantle of th a t " Iijah' ' wa taken up by thi .. li·3ha.:: o table during the pa t 25 years ha been the cxpan ion of the work of the M ission to harl eston , W. Va. and then to Brazil where fi ve ta ff 111en1ber labor and -seven r adi o \ ta– t ion carry the gospe l mes age to l rael. he testimony in Cleveland and it nvi ron ha·:; also been · strengthene{J through add itiona l pcr– orinel and a radio 111ini try. Be'iides 1r. 111clscr's ad1 1ini tra tive capabil– itie~, t1e J1a bccon1e vlelJ-k nown and is in de111a,1d a a Leacher o f Old 1 e tar11ernt ar1d ar1 e pone11t of pro– J)hetic trut11 . J n t1i v,ide Lravel he flab intere l d core and cort: f od' rp opJe i11 J "'i l1 cv,11 geli 111, and 1rn ttl v. 1 o rk f 1l1e M is io11 ,vl1ile per1enc111g r "ardir1g JJ r 11al l1lt: - 111gs ,1~' Jl1h;il') r I d l1ad a larg 1>,1r1 1n r ,u 111g tl1e1r tl1re cl11~ Ir 11 anti t,t1 l,e 11 hl a "' ll Lu" to t11,l1 l<J 11, l1usl, 111d s 1r111s 111 Jll" 1 \~ l11lc lie " c n t 1 rt lil t () <:I ( I i1 t l I . h · 11 <1 ,ti~ } I c I g1 ·11 t t1c ,1,1t, lit . di\:\ ,l I Cl:J)Jtag l f I J)I l i~'-lll l \;( J LI J for the Lord' · people who pa e<l thi wa)' and frequently for ' 'the tranger·, who came within their gate . She ha com.plemented her hu band in many way and ha93 been a good hel pmeet . At thi time we alute Supt. and Mr . Smel er for 25 1fruitful year , and , we wi h for them yet many more year of happy fe! low hj p and service on behalf of I rael' cau e. Robert Domokos ordained ixty-s ix pa torr-, n1e enger , anu gue t gathered at the ca ll of the Hunt burg Bapti t 1hurch to examine Robert Domoko. a to hi fitne. -- s for the Gospel Mini try. There were 16 pa tor and 16 mes enger.-- pre ent. Al o 13 per on came from the can– didate new ,pa tor ate, ,the Bible Bap– ti,3t Church of Huntington, Indiana. The candidate read an excellent re– port •which wa not the tereotyped form from theology books, so often heard. Mr. Domoko graciou Jy an- wered all que tion . The council unanimou"' ly recommended that the church proceed with hi ordination. Brother Domoko is a graduate of Cedarville College. He tudied further at Grace Seminary where he earned hi Master in Theology degree . A new Bible from the ho t church wa pre ented to the newly ordained pa'3- tor. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION INC. Founded 1904 Witnessing to J ews in Cleveland, Ohio; Charleston, W. Va .; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The largest staff in th e history of the Mission augmented by a rad ·o m in istry a t home and abroad, and a mailing mini s try in th e Un ited States and a broad . Presenting Christ to our Lord ' s brethren by visitation , Bible classes, correspond– ence courses and literature . Staff members are happy to visit churches 1n the spirtt of Acts 15 .4 to present the work of the Mission through inspirational reports and by colored slides. " Brethren, my (our) heart' s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be )aved." Write fot your free copy of " The Trump e ter for Israel " out qua rt e rl y mag· a z ine devoted to the w o rk o f J e w ish e vangelism. Gerald V. Sme lse, , Supt , Cle \l e la nd Heb, e w Mission P. 0 . Sox I8056 Cle e fand, Oh io 44 118 Rev. W. Rooke to speak At Omaha conference - Day of b]e ing are anticipated a plan are being made for the annual Bible Conference of the Omaha Bap– ti st Bible Co1]lege, to be held thi year March 14-18 with three out- tanding gues t peaker participating. Dr . Leon Wood, profe or at the Grand Rapid Bapti t Bible College and Seminary, will be bringing me - age. on Old Te tament Expooition . New Te tament Expo ition will be handled by Dr . Paul Ta ell. pa tor of the Campu Bapti·-- t Church of Ame . Iowa. Rev. Wilbur Rooke from Cleveland Ohio, will bring devotional tudie throughout the week. The keynote me age of the con– f crence wi 11 be delivered by Pr , iden t David ettleton on the fir t ev ning. "" pec ia l n1L1 ic will b pre."' ented b) 1 th choot· n1u i department and a g u t m LI i i an. Friends o f the ~ h ol arc t)rtl ia ll, invi tcu to be pre nt f r the on– fer enc : frc ho L1·,i ng \\ i l I he pro, 1dcLf for o t1t-of-town guc"i t\ \\ ht) 'iO lie ire. Ft1r thcr inf rn1a tion an be bta1ncLl h\ \A.rit ing to 1r. Richart l len11ng. DI rcc tl1r o1 Publ ic Rel ,l t,on'i. 0 111 ,\ ha B ·1p tt'i t B 1 blc ( 'ol le ge. I ()5 2 P,tr1'. \ Ctl UC, 0111al1d. el1r,l'ik,l 681 ()" ( ( ~tJ111i1111erl frr)111 JJ(l,£.:e I ., ti\ l! ·,J1 'lkt!r \VL'J r ~t,~ 1 ge"tell, ·tr1(l lrt= l1t:ing Ll1nta ltLI . \ n l>J)f1 >rtu,1i1, l4.> se ·1, lu\,.,ati >n at I l ")Jlll' 0 ,,ill l1 1)1' >\ i It: t in t,, t int r ·sting \\ '\\ s - ,, s1 el kt=r fr )111 t t1e t llt gc, dll I d l ,, u o I t h e gr( 1 u 11 l I ~ . l)ltl' lll<tll 'i dl'l' Ill lll • lll,lklllg hl)\\ ll)l)lll ) L I ,., ' ' ''" ll \II, , e,e,, < the l11tc, ctn I 11lt111 l < <>111,
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