The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1966
• ,ow Your Council of Ten By Ve rne L. Dunham Th re are t\\ tern1 in the ew e ' tan1ent that \\ hot1ld ·~er1ou ly ~ n ider. The fir, t f th e i the term ·· ·a, ed:· It I n t diffict1l t to get ,1, ed person need only to en e h1 1nft1l condition and repent of it. ailing t1pon the Lord. The end re ult \\·ill then be hi e periencing that f \\ 1 hich Je u peak , namely, the\\ birth.' ' The apo tle Paul \\ rite in Roman 10: 9 and 10. . . ..That if thou halt confe with thy mouth the Lord Je u . and halt be– lie\ e in thine heart that God hath rai ed him from the dead thou shalt be a, ed. For with the heart man believeth unto righteou ne · and \vith the mouth confe ion i made unto ·al, ation." Verne L. Dunham Re\. \ /erne L. Dunham i the pre - ent Chairman of our Council of Ten. A :\e"' Yorker by birth, he came to know Chri·~t a hi Saviour at the age of I3 and received hi call into the mint tr\ at 18. ., Brother Dunham i a graduate of Houghton College and Seminary. He ha er\ied three churche in the State of ).;e"' York and one in Ohio. He i at pre ent pastoring the Euclid A \'enue Bap tt"t Church, Lorain, Ohio and ha mini tered among these peo– ple over 1~teen }·ear . I he ,>lhcr l~r111 ,~ ", li s,i1 le... l l1is l~l'lll is lltll I() l1e l)fl f ll S 'ti ,,,irh th' fir st. 11,c t,, ·f,,c 1\ 11t st ies \Vht1 I ·It ,111 t,c ·a n1c tl is i1,tcs t f .J ... tts . f,, f,11hc1· tis •t1 t) rt ntnrk " that frllow 11as a l1a1 ti rt' ' ' t<, h(lC ·• He n1cant tl1c J1l'l\\)n in,•t)l\l'CI \\~ts in <.liffi ttlt . 'f<.> 11~ a lr\1c tf i,l'lj lc cf .Jcst1, hr 1,t is a "11,\rll f()\\ l() ht)C ... I t1cr c ,, a tla1l, 11r1cc that <.111c n1t1,1 pav. ~-f ear the \\<.)r(.l, t1f lc,tl'i a\ f ot1n<.I 1n I tikc t-i : 2(,-~7 . Hlf anv 111,\n con1c to n,c. " an I l1atc n t hi" father. anc..l 111othcr. ~1nc..l \\ 1f c. anc..l chiltlrcn. anti lircthrcn, an ti \ 1, t cr, , \ ca. an ti h, own 1 i f c " ,11,o. he cannot lie n1 y c.Ji c1ple . Anti \\ h ocvcr ti th not bear hi crm5. .1n c..i ct1111e after 111e, cannot be my Ji ciple.'' How many people in our cht1rche are aved but are not di ci ple , (learner ) of Je u -- ? Ma ny have not left the hip, the fi h, and the H A ll " to fol low J e u . There ha to be an unconditional urrender to Chr i t. H e al·"' o demand l 00% obedience to hi will. Th1 i not an ea y 'row to hoe,, every day of our live . Abraham i a good example of one who gave up all to fo llow Chri t. He even rejoiced in Chri t. John 8: 5 6. Thi man wa vi~ited by God and a ked to leave hi country, his loved one and hi father ' ho,u e. The call that come.-- to you and me i no le important. Are you ready to become a di ciple, am I? May God grant that our churche hall be f illed with men and women who are true di ci ple in every en e of the word. I t wi ll pay big dividend . II Tim. 4:6-8. He and Mrs. Dunham have four children who are either now attend– ing, or have already graduated from College. One son is at pre ent working ing on hi·3 Ph.D. at Syracu e Uni– ver ity. The Lord i greatly ble sing hi mini try in Lorain. Tihe church build– ing there i mo t beauti,ful. Only re– cently they engaged Rev. Donald Kreuger a Director of Chri..... tirun Education. We are confident your Council of Ten cho e wi ely in se– lecting him a their chairman for thi year . COVER PICTURE Pictured are the 310 yot1ng people attending Cedarville ollege from the tate of Ohio. The e }'ou ng people help to make up a total tudent bod)' of 763 Out of 763. 674 or 8 per cent of the t~ tudent con,e fron1 Bapti t uht1rche, . The faculty an<l staff f Cedarville rejoice in the fine group of young people that God ha cntru lc<l to the111 to train both piritt1alJ) Jnd acac.Jc111icall y. The Ohio Independent Ba pt is t ..• Publ is hed Mo nt hlv bv .. THE OHIO A SSOCf A TION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p1 id 1t Xen i1 Ohio. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3 579 to Mrs. Ch arl es Cunningham 602 W. George Stree t Arcanum, Ohio Editorial Office. Box 7 Cedarville, Oh,o Deadline for News: l 0th of each monrh State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor A. Donald Ioffat Box 7, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation Manager Mrs. Charles Cunningham 602 W. George St., Arcanum, Ohio W omen'~ Editor . . Mrs. Inez Mil ner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cleveland H eights, Ohio 441 I 8 Youth Editors . 1\lf r. & l\1rs. S. f.,. Chr,ffe Cedarville, Ohio Christian Education Editor .. .. ..................... Mrs. Earl D. U 1nbaugl1 Council and Officers Chairnuin Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio Secretary . . ... .. .. .. Darrell Bice 51 1 Herrick A, 1 e. E., Wellington, 0. Treasurer . H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio l\,1issionary Chr. 4295 Ell \\rorth Rd. , Youth Director 78 54 _ J . Boyden Rd. , B. C. Jenning tow, Ohio Lynn Roger orthfield, 0. Editcation Chr. Wocxlrow McCaleb First Baptist Church, Elyria, Ohio Council of Ten Chairman ... ..... ....... .. .... Verne Dunham, S .. . Darrell Bice ecretary .... John Balyo · ernon Billington Norman Hoag B. C. Jennings W ooclro" ' 1cCaleb Lynn Rogers Donald Se,vell Earl \ \ ' illetts •
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