The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1966
art to eart Among t e omen HEART TO HEART ~he c , n1t1ch l1t',1rt tr(,ttl1lc i11 tl1c \\\ rl li l('\i,1, · 1n tl1c 111c i1c,1I rcalt11. ir1 l1t' c111l til~n,11 rc.1ln1. 111 the l)tr1l– t1al ·c.11111 . \\l ,l\ ,,e arc "'heart ... n '-.' tcJlt •• tl1c,c li,1,, .c1r1d l) \ \ C arc! \ \ , , c\.. ~ \.' , ~1 t.: r t a ll , 1 c. t he c r1 er t r c Jct t' I\ 1 l1 r l) c <..i 111 tlI u an d re– 't: ,l r~h f,r, lt1t1t)r1, to pr)hlen1. and 1 grc.1t tic1.1l t.)f the t1n1e they are h.1f.:-tlt:tl anti tinahle to n1eet the need . \\ h \? r1 G d 1, left 11 t f ot1 r 1 i f e, \\c.: are 1n trot1hle. ··F r ot1t f the he,1rt pr ceed e\ ii th tight . n1t1rder, . aJt1ltr1e . fornicati n . theft . fa) e ,vitne· . bla phemie : The e are the thing \\ hi h defile a n1an-", (Matt . 15. 19-20) God aid: "- give me thine heart. and let thine eye ob erve m,· ~a\' ". (Prov. 23:26 ). He tell . . u in Eph. 3: 17 '"That Chri t may d\\ ell in ) our heart by faith: that ye , being r ted and grounded in love". The Lord who made our bodie·,, kno\\ \\ hat it take to keep them fun-:tion ing. He al o know that to ha, e peace in thi world, we mu t ha, e Him who i our peace ruling our heart . piritually and en1otion– alJ\·. ., l ay we read together the Word of God a given by the great Apa3t]e Paul to the Philippians 4: 4-9: ··Rejoice in the Lord alway : and again I ay. REJOICE. Let your moderation ( gentlene ) be known to all men. The Lord i at hand. Be anxiou for nothing: but in everything by pra 1 ·er and upp.Jication with thank giving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God (from the God of peace ) , which pa eth all under tand– ing. hall keep (garri on) your hearts and mind.') through Christ Je u . F inally. brethren (sister ) what o– ever thing are true, whatsoever thing.. are honest. whatsoever thing·., are JU t. what oever things are pure. ~·hat oe\ er thing are lovely. what o– e\'er thing.') are of good report: if there be any virtue and if there be an}' prat e. think on the e thing . 11ho e thing which }e have both learned. and received. and heard and seen in me. do ( imitate): and the God of peace shall be with you ." FEBRUARY 1966 PAGE 8 I l'ar c..1nc , if ~ l)lt ha vc never a~kctJ Jc\tl , ( 'hrt'-it le) \JVC c1u ar1<.I tc) bc- <)t11c , ,.1ur l t)rti anti ... c1vic1ur. pJca \c t i) it right \.\ here \ ot1 arc. \ k H in1 .... c ior~i\c \ Ott }Ot1r '>in ar1tf make \ ot1 Hi chi ld. What a hl e cd c - perie ncc to ~now fro111 that n1omcnt yot1 ar eternally His ancl He i. } OU f'i. I f He i yo ti r av i o LI r an LI a1 o ) ' OtJr I...ord rejoi ce and . ing for joy th at yo t1 kn w He ha. yoL1r heart - vot1 belong to the greate t lover, the l , 1 er of your ot1 l. ..._ .. ,.. .. .... .... .... .. ... Let us keep in mind the following : March 15 - Berean Won1en's Mi - ionary Fellow·' hi p March 15 - South Bethel Women's Mi ionary Fellow hip April 19 - Spring Rally Ohio Wo- men' Mi sionary Union, Grace Bapti t C,hurch Cedarvi,lle Ohio. * ••• ... ·1· .. SHOWERS! Th ;., i not a weather report but a couple of delightifu,I events took p}a(:e which we wi h to ,te•Jl you about. On September 30th at our regular Mi ionary Luncheon, Mr . Charle Patton, (who together with her Doc– tor hu band and five children erve under Mi s ionary Aviation Fellow- hip in Brazil but are now on fur- 1ough) was our special peaker. Pre– viou to thi meeting, women in the organized clas e'3 and others in the church were contacted through li t pa ed among them, telling of the need for the family while on fur– lough and for returning to the field. Thi ' ' hower" provided them wiith a lovely ·-- upply of hou ehold and per– sonal needs. Our October meeting featured Rev. and Mrs. Richard Durham, erving under A.B.W.E. in the Philippine . What a delightful time we had with them. We likewise enjoyed the lunch– eon. We feel they belong to u too. a Ro e wa·3 clo ely knit to our chttrch dur ing her girlhood year . The tory of her conver ion and that of her family i a real thrill. Mrs. Inez Milne r, Wome n 's Editor Dccc111bcr 2ncl there was anothc1 H\howcr'' at ot1r Mi ss ionary l ... t1nch con n1ceting when Mr<;. John Wilken \Va ot1r c;pccial <; pcakcr. She. together with her ht1c;band an,J son lcphc expec t to return lo As\a n1. Indja in Ju nc Linder Bapti <; t Mi<l -Mi·')<; ions. There wa, a grand <;upply of artic,Jc for perc;onal and hou<;ekeeping t1se. How we prai e the l..,ord for Hi s cn– ablen1ent and watchcare even in the ·:, hadow of danger . edar Hill Bap– ti t Church ha<; a tren1endou <; re<; pon- ibility as well a·:) a privilege to have <;O many mi s ionarie<; in ftilJ-tin1e crvice for God. N1 r . Joh n BaIyo our ou t- going pre ident ha,:; been a graciou and competent leader together with a host of other willing women , ,thi pa t year and we are grateful. We greet our new pre ident Mrs. Paul Graeb– ner and other elected to serve with her, and look to the Lord for an– other hie ~ed year. Commentary on Ruth By Walter L. Wilson, M.D. EMPTY HA DED When aom i came back the people of Bethlehem a ked "I thi Naomi?' ' And Naomi replied, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and t,he Lord hath brought me home again empty: why tJhen call me aomi, eeing the Lord hath te tified against me and the Almighty hath afflicted me ?' ' ( l: 19-21) That i what the world doe to yoLt. It take-- away everything you have. It take away your joy, your happine , your peace, your gladnes . your zeal your energy, your earne t– ne , your intere t in othe.r3, and your de ire for the ble ing of other . When you are away from God, when you are a back- lider you lo e all . When you come back, you have to come back a~ empty a aomi did. THE EW CO VERT - in the econd chapter where we find Ruth and aomi at home, we are told that aomi had a kin man of her hu - band "a mighty man of wealth . . . and hi name wa Boaz . . . And Ruth the Moabite aid unto aomi , THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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