The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1966
Commentary on Ruth By Walter L. Wilson, M.D. Pro, 1 ide11tial Care 'And he went and can1e. and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap \\ as to light on a part of the field be– longing to Boaz." (2: 3) "Hap' i hort for "happen or "happen- stance.,. It just happened that Ruth came to Boaz, field. I want you to note that it did not "just happen." The Lord was looking after thi girl. It is wonderful when you start home– ward and turn your face heaven– \\'ard. The Lord direct your path to the right person and to the right place and to the right circumstance. God loves to do it. He wants to make you what He wants you to be. The minute you start seeking His wel– fare and His glory, He starts seeking your welfare and y-our glory. The Lord saw Ruth who had turned her back on Moab and on the world and had come to the living God, the Lord of Israel, and God planned to place her in the lineage of our Jiovely Lord, to make her part of that wonderful reality that brought the Lord J esus to us. KOOK'S KORNER Shamrock Salad Cut off tops of green peppers, re– move seeds and membrane. P ack with seasoned cream cheese tinted green. Chill. Slice across peppers. Serve on Jettuce with French Dressing. ow it is YOUR turn to send j n a recipe. Please! ! School Changes Name The Board of Trustees of the Bap– tist chool of the Bible, Cleveland, voted to change the n ame of their school to C'entral Bible College. Mr. Jame D . P arker, graduate of edar– ville 'ollege, who h as been ervi ng jn a teaching capacity, has been asked to take over the position of Acting f>resident and Dean until June of thi year. USE BIBLE TRACTS By Evangelist Paul J . Levin . Wr ite for samples needed to w in souls. Tracts are ap– pealing in color, art and print ing. Ask for " God and You," d 1rad for the deaf, " Aye., Mon, 'Tis Freel" and " Ji i Jo, What1 aya 'now?" BIBLE TRACTS, INC. Box 508·0 Wot rfoo, lo ·H OHIO r 'D PEND N BAPTIST Camp Costs Increased At :.1 r11ceting or the l "' rt1. tec, f() r Hon1e and an1p of the O .A.R .B.C. it wa decided that the fee fo r a week at Camp Patmos be increased from ixteen dollars to seventeen dollars. It vva felt such a tep was necessar y in order to meet certain impending 1naintenance cost . Although the cioto Hill Camp wa not faced with the need of add ing to their co ts, yet they agreed to increa e their rate ac– cordingly in order to keep the two camps on a par co t-wi e. Actually, in the light of what mo t camps charge the amount of $17.00 is very small! Somehow we feel this summer i going to be the be t year ever for both P atmo and Scioto Hill s ! Xenia Fellowship Meets The pastors of the Xenia Fellow– ship of Regular Bapti t Minis ters (one , ectio11 of the South Bethel Fellow– ship ) recently held a ' pa tor and their wives" fellow hip meeting. A delightful time wa had by all . Rev. Robert Gromacki of Cedarvill e Col– lege poke on the theme 'Who is the Mini ter for the Minister's Wife?" A condensed form of this message :\ppears elsewhere in thi is ue of thP O.I.B. The meeting was followed by a lovely Smorga bord dinner in one of D ayton's fine restaurants. 0.8.B.C. Receives Gift Omaha Baptist Bible College j re– joicing in the Lord's provi ion of a l 966 Chevrolet Bel Air nine-pa enger station wagon for chool deputation. The new car, which was delivered to the school la t December, will be u ed primarily by Mr. Richard Fleming, Director of Public Relation , and the 1nu ic group a nd go pel team wh accompany him in hi s travel repre- enting OBB in the churche\. Mr. Flen1ing, faculty n1en1ber , tt1- dcnt n1u 1c group anc.i g pel tea111~ are avai lab le to n11ni c:; tcr ,lt chtirche for regt1lar ervicc , yot1th n1eetings, banquet~ or o ther vent<;,. t1rther J n– forn1ation n1ay lJe bta i neti 1, 1 \vrit i ng the ollcge. DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC . Divi sion of J . L. Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Dec tu r, Illinois M nufdctur s Annec1l in9 Pots for M II ble Foundri Africa Bound • ' I • Polly Strong Mi s Polly trong, mis ionary ap– po intee t1nder Bapti t Mid-Mi sion , plans to ail for Fra nce on March 24th. he will . erve in Central Afri– can Republic after a year of l angu age , tudy. he wa accepted at the Mi :- ionary Conference in Port mo11th thi s past 11mn1er. Upon her grad11ation from Bapti t Bible Seminar y in 1960, Mi trong went to eattle Wa hington where he ha erved a Christian Education Di– rector in the Taberlacle Bapti t Church for the pa t five a nd ne-hal f year . Po 11y is known hy n1any in the Ohio churche , h avi ng erved in the dining h all at Camp Patrno dtiring the . t1n1n1er while he wa a tud nt a t Bap ti t Bible eminary. During her years in eattle. part of her n1in– i try \Va pl anning and directing the ,1ctivitie of Can1p Gi lead v\ h ich i.. lo– cate(i in the fo thilL. of the a cad Mo11nta1n . Thi. is a an1p O\\ ned and operate(l hy the Tabernc. cle Be. ptist ht1rch of ca ttle. Her 111ini "trv in r f rica \\ tll l1e i)art ict1larl) 1 ,1n1ong the ) ' ()l l th . ORPHANS ... . . . NEED YOUR HELP. International Christian Relief sponsors orphans in Korea, Brazil, India, Chile, and Africa. A new orphanage progran1 will be !>tart· ing in South Vietnanl. Won' t you help 1hose who cannot help thernselves. $10.00 per n1onth will take care of one orphan. Write: Re • Jan1e T. Shaw, Intern tional Chris1ian Relief, 201 Haddon Ave. Col I 1ng::,wood, N J . 98108. MARC , 1966 PAGE 1
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