The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1966
Blanchester Increases Budget At a recent n1eeting of the Fir t 3aptist Church of Blanchester, Ohio, 1 )'early budget wa adopted totaling )33 454. Of this amount $9,356 has 1een de ignated for mis ions. In ,tepping out in the area of mission , he)' have gone from a monthly com- 11 i tment of $278.00 to $779.67. fhey have the joy in helping fin- 1ncially ten mi sionaries who erve n foreign land and ten others who n1inister here in the States. This in– :1 udes the mini try of our State Mis– )iunary. brother Earl Umbaugh and 'he Editor of the 0.I.B.. brother Don ~1offat. According to Rev. Wm. Rus- ell. the pastor of this church, plans are being laid for the Baptist Mid– Missions Tri-annual Conference, July 13-17. Readers of the 0.I.B. living in the Blanchester area ought to keep the e dates in mind and attend this great conference. South Bethel Women to Meet The Women's South Bethel Fel– lowship will meet March 15, 1966, 10: 15 to 3 :00 p.m. at the Newtons– ville Bapti t Church. Main speaker for the occa ion is to be Mrs. Larry Armstrong A.B.W.E. missionary to the Philippine . The theme for the day i "A Story To Tell A Message To Give, And A aviour To hare." During the "Report Hour" along with other , the Editor of the O.I.B. will peak. Thi n1eeting is to be a covered dish carry in! A fully staffed nursery will be provided. The ladies are look– ing forward to a day of rich ble ing. Beams from the Lightho,use By Mrs. W. H. Keisle r, Huntington City Mission, 1030 - Seventh Ave. Huntington, West Virginia 11 A Christian Lighthouse' ' - Romans 1: 16 "I will praise thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works." Psalm 9: 1. We have come to the end of an– other year of service for our wonder– ful Lord. Truly we can how forth many marvelous works in which He ha permitted us to have a share. This brings to my mind the scripture, I orinthian 3 :5. 6. e pecially the 6th ver e: "I have planted, Apollos \vatered; But God gave the increa e.' ' I really don't know where to begin. for we ha,,e had so many ' 'ble~sings" these past few weeks. In spite of a , 1 e ry busy season. God gave us the strength to do all we had to do. We are o glad that vle vlere able to help 489 people in a 111aterial way at hri tma time, bul be l of all, sever– al "'ere helped SJ)irituall)'· At tl1e liil)le Jub l1ri "' tn1a st=rv- ice at the 1i sio11, 9 IJO)'S a11d girls 111ade a profe io11 of faitl1 ir1 tf1e I.;()rd J e u hri t. ,. e da)' t,ei 1 ~ hri t111a we l1elcl a l1ort cr\ 1 ic in ur Youth e111cr IJef 01 \\ I ega11 l }1e di tru1,t i n of l11i t111a f d ha l i;t and t , , . t 1t1i er, ic tv. p J)l ac J)te<I 11 r i t , 111 .. 11 a i ur a 11 d t \\ t I 1 r a 111 1, ac 1 1 11 I J • ~ l1 a Ii d girJs o fill a11d g, I 11 lJ I J ( f 1I p ,l 11 I J l I t ] cn t I) '" 11 1s I d , 1 s ~-. c I I 1( 11 I } ' c" I I <.I g 11 I ' I J1 ) 11 \\ 1ll g is part of a letter from her. ' 'Dear Mammy and Pappy: Ju t a few lines to let you know that I am just fine. I have been attending the church in our town (I didn,t get to go today becau e of a funeral in the family ) but, oh, how I wi h there wa some place like the Mi ion here at home. It seen1ed like I learned o much there. I learned that there wa ' omeone who loved me more than anyone el e in the world. H e l ved me so much that He died for 1ne. The only thing I can do i live for Hin1 and do the thing He would have n1e do. I al o learned that H e v.1ot1ld help so1neone like n1e. I le,1rncd ho,\, to pra >. T1 ti 1)' the ~ervicc\ at the 11 \\io11 r11eant a lot lo n1e I wt h th~1t I hacl l)~c11 born into ~1 hristi~tn fa111il,. , Datl<.i y says he·~ go111g t chttrch ~ 1tl1 111e. If l1e docs. tl1is ,i. 1 ilJ l)c the 1trst ti,11 I kno\v of that Dad(f)' l1a~ l)ccn to cht1rch. He t11c'\ not to offcntl 111c ,,vitt1 0111 of his la11gt1ag , l)tll 11 sl iJJs 0111cti111l;s. ] vc 111i ell ~ > 111t1 11 I> n t 1,ei11g rai eel in ct l1ri tia11 11 111 . ] tl1ot1gl1t l ,,as t1a,i11g fu11 J, 111 i111g nnd 11la) i11g ttr t111d , l1t1t I ', Jar11LI tl1at >111, tl1 l lrl ' l1ili . \\l r it >11. I , c '." PI fl e r - 111c111IJ r tl1i girl ir J 1 ·1 r. I 11 I it t I • r t" 1 d I g i I I ,, t l I ,, ,ti l)llt ill tl1 l,lS( HI ll ·I > l1tt I f I ll S dllll 11&1"' I ct:n J)i,t l!ll 111 lhc I ll llll: t Avon Pastor Ordained David McClain R~v. David McClain wa recently ordained at the Avon Bapti t Church where he erve a pa tor. Tho e pre - ent at hi examination were impre - ed with hi fine pre entation of doc– trinal truth. Pa tor McClain has con1e to Avon from the Troy Bapti t Cht1rch in Garrett ville. He ha been ·erving in Avon ince 1965. a Chri tian widow not far fr n1 th Mi ion. She ha been over to ee u . We all ent her a mall gift for hri ln1a and he wa o thrilled. \Ve are prai ing the Lord for an– wered prayer for thi girl. T,, o year ago, a 19 y ar old girl wa brought to t1 , \ h \,\ a in trouble \\ ith the la\\ a 'v\ell a being an tin- ._ , cd n1other. he kne\\ that he hc.1d tt) an\\.\ er to the charge~ again~t her ,, hc11 \h left here. H \\ c, er. ,he c,1r11c to kno\\ ("hrt. t as her ,1, iot1r \:\r h1 le here. \O ~he has hc.1d H 1111 tl) 'ill tain her throt1gh tht\ 11, ,ng ti111c he titd n t k.eci, in I t: tl)lICh ,, 1th tt\ ttntil rece11tl ' . anti Ol \\ ,vc hc1, l)ccn t(1ltl "he 1, ,crv1ng ~.lttt her \Cl1tt:nC\; 1 \ 1 \\ 01 k.i11g 111 <l ,t,lt\: itl- . '"' \ltttlll()l1. flcrc 1\ J)art of a 1cccnt lcttl:t frt)ll\ ht:r . ·· t)t.:,lr 11,, l)k.. (lltt1 n1.1tr'l,11 , It ,,,1, u )ll t l1t:ar frl)lll \l)tt . I a111 get t 111g al )Ilg fi11 • ) ' t ti ,l,k~Li 111e ,vl1 11 l ,, ill g "t t ttt. l a111 tll)J)l)s I t 111~1.: l l 11 ]Jar )l l) ' ' lr t in ~1.:: I)tc 111- l er, t t > if l a111 g ) I. l · ,111 tr, ir1g 11 arll l > l>~ g >, I. I 11, , ~ t l ic l " r I ls 111 ,, i Lir c\11 I a111 s gl cJ I ~i" . JI ll l11i11g 111 tl1r" t1gh tllc i \\ . 11 Ii d f r 11 • an l 1 t c1s 111 I I S( r1al s l\ 1, lll " \\ ,, 111 )11 111 UC (ll ' ' 11( \\ lll t t1 ] f 1r,.. llldl \ ell LIS ,, 1 ks' ,lllll kl'el I c n1~n1l1l!1111g \I llt I I 1, 1,
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