The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1966
now Your Counci l of Ten By Darre ll R. Bice ' clti f)·1ng feature of the ' 'Belie\'e It Or t' ' item by the late Robert Rtple)' i the fact that proof would be furni bed ( on reque t) a to the truth– fulne f all tatement made. The a count ha been given that. noticing the iten1 about it requiring over 80 , ear to count to a billion an indi- - ,·idual reque ted proof of this fact and recei\·ed the following communica– tion: ..You count to 100 in one min– ute. t that rate you count to 1000 in ten minute . and count to 6.000 in one hour. In an eight-hour day you reach 4 .000 and in a forty-hour " ·eek }'our total will be 240,000. In a )rear ( 5_ \Veek ) you could count to 12.4 0.000. Therefore to count to one billion it ~ ould take 80 year 6 \,\: eek . 3 dav . and 2 hour and 40 ., n1inute . Darrell Bice Rev. Darrell Bice is the pre ent .. ecretary of the Council of Ten for the O.A.R.B.C. Brother Bice is an Ohioan b)~ birth having grown up in the Avon-Lorain area. At the age of fi"~e he received Chri t as hi own personal aviour. For many years his membership ""as in what is now the Euclid A\e. Baptist Church. Follo\\Fing High chool graduation he attended Houghton College as a pre-med tudent. It \\ a ""bile there that the Lord called him into H i er, 1 ice. He then tran ferred to Cle, e– land Bible College \\ here he met hi \\'i fe Joan. Later he tranc;ferred to B b Jone ni, 1 cr ·ity from which he !!raduated. ...... tl\\ it 8Q 4.:Ul'S S'" lll t ' ll ( IJ' .11 \ i 111 'r, 11 i 11 n I I , I t 11 1 t i 111 • j t i l t t.1 • ,tint :1 l'lillio11. 11\ ,, ' ., trt111 ·I , 11111cl1 ll>llPt r , 1 ill it ~ 't'lll t<) Ii "' )1" xi l n l1illi()tl 'ea1s' 1\ 1 ill, 11 'car. ro t1 Sl' ', 1 l'lllt Hll infi11i (CS llll a l [)el l'( f ~t ·rnit ' · anll ,c I s \\ 1 c..1rcJ t , 11 s \ts 1ha t '"" arc ere, lt1rc" I rr1 £or clcr111t, ! "l l1c c.111c,t1011 1,. vv her ,vi ii ot1r ctc1111t, l1c It, cc..l? \\'c clct r111inc ttr ,, 11 tlc~t111, 1 l1v the a ltittt<Jc we take to,, ,1r <.i the I orc.l J cstt \ hri t. I-ic. ,vl1c..1"c ' 'g ing\ fotth l1n,c been fron1 ~,crlH,ttng" ( licah 5:2) wa<; l1orn i 11t this \\ orlc.l t accon1pli h the \\ r1' \\ hich \\ ot1ld enable Him to '\il\ c ~ it h ,tn ctcrna I ' alvat ion a lJ ,, h \\Ot1ld pt1t their faith and trt15t in Hin1 a their per~onal avior. A~ tl re ltlt of Hi v irgin birth Hi a t ning death and Hi gloriou re ur– rection\ He ha ' 'obtained eternal re– demption for u ." (Heb. 9: 12) . What a gloriou outlook there is in view to all born-again believers. The preciou ne of Joh n 14: 3 will never Io e it value to our h earts, ,vhere the need for comfort and as- urance exi ts. Then, too, for the purpose of beer in piration, we would add the blessed th ought ex– pre ed by Peter as he enthralls u with the love. grace, and mercy of our Father in Heaven Who "h ath be– gotten u again unto a lively hope by the re urrection of Jesus Chri t from the dead , to an inheritance incor– ruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven fo r you. ( I Pet. 1: 3, 4) However long eternity may eem t o Ollf finite minds - it i gloriou ju t to be a ured of pending it in the pre ence of the One Who loved u and gave Him elf for us. . He ha erved in the Elim Bapti t Church of Detroit as Minister of Mu ic. Al o, in the Judson Baptist C hurcl1 of Chicago a A oc. Pastor and Youth Director. He pastored the Litchfield Baptist Church for four year and i now in his fourth year at the Fir t Baptist Church of Well– ington. The Lord ha permitted 011r brother to h old offices in the Hebron A socia– tion and i now in hi second year a a member of our Council of Ten. The Bice h ave been ble ed with r our Jove1y children. Pray for thi 111an of od ,t~ he conli nL1c~ t o ,val~ ;,, the \.\'H}\ of the r.. ord. The Ohio Independent Baptist .•• Pul,f iahed Monthly by ... THE OHIO A SSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POS1'AGE pa id a t Xenia, Ohio . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mrs. Charles Cunn ingham 602 W. George Street Arca num, Oh io Editorial Office: Box 7 Cedarvil le, Ohio Dead Iine for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl 0. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor A. Donald 1offat Box 7, Cedanrille, Ohio Circiilation Manager . . . ... Mrs. Charles Cunningham 602 W . George St., Arcanum, Ohio Women's Editor ..... Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd . Cleveland H eights, Ohio 44118 Yoiith Editors Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Christian Education Editor . ... ... ... .. .. .. .. . M rs. Earl D. U mhaugh Council and Officers Cliairman . Verne L. Dunham 1326 Euclid Ave., Lorain, Ohio Secretary .......... Darrell Bice 511 Herrick Ave. E ., Wellington, -o . Treasurer . . . .. .. H. R. Davison 23 I, 1 ester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio Missionary Chr. . . B. C. Jennings 4295 Ells,vorth Rd ., Stow, Ohio Youth Director . Lynn Roger 7854 _ . Boyden Rd., orthfield, 0 . Ediication Chr. . Woodrow McCaleb First Baptist Church, Elyria, Ohio Council of Ten Chairman ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . V eme Dunham, Secretary ..... . . .. Darrell Bice John Balyo Vernon Billington l orman Hoag B. C. Jennings ~ 7 oodrow l\1cCaleb Lynn Roger Dona]d e,vell Earl \ \ 1 illetlS • •
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