The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1966
VOL. 38, NO. S The Ohio MARCH, 1966 Independent Baptist To Minist·er' s • 1ves By Robert Gromacki ' 'Being a pa tor wife i the n10 t hazardous and dangerous occupation a woman can have," aid Dr. Martin elson, Christian psychiatrist and author of Why Christians Crack Up. He believed that only the best ad– justed emotionally those who have had full love and security in child– hood and who are thick-skinned will ever come through the experience emotionalJy and mentally unscarred. Why i this so? Is it because the pastor's wife is taken for granted? Or, is she regarded as super– human with no personal needs that need fulfillment? But she is hu– man: she does have piritual, mental , emotional, ocial, and recreational needs. Wise are the pastors and the church lay people who recognize the e facts. What can be done to meet the e ba ic need ? A urvey of everal pa tors' wives ha issued in these uggestions. Spiritual eeds. Expo itory ser- rnons, whether heard in church, col– lege chapel. or regional church meet– ings were listed as mo t helpful. An active church mini try (Mis ion– ary ociety, Young People, unday School teaching) timulated perc;onal Bible stud}'· House visitation united the wife t her hu band ministry and produced an intelligent prayer life. I""adie of the church cared for the children so that the wife could vi it with her hu band. A trong devotion– al life ( alone, with hu band with family) was recommended. Personal conversations with other mini ter ' wives and godly, elderly church wo– men provided counsel and release from tension. R eading ( commentaries, helps, e.g. The Pastor' Wife and the Church by D. H. Penteco t) was craved, but limited due to the lack of time a nd finances. Christian radio tations bro11gh t edifying programs into the home. Mental Needs. The fulfillment of spiritual needs naturally affects the mental aspect of the per onality. H ,owever, ome wive lamented the lack of outside reading; they felt out of touch with th e world and deficient in normal c·onver ation. U age of all available librarie was ugge ted. Formal edt1cation through regular enrollment at a Chri tian college or corre pondence cour e , wa de ired. Many mini ter ' wive had little or no formal training for their role in the pa torate. If thi training can not be be gained before entrance into the pa torate, it mu ·t be obtained dur– ing the pa torate experience. Social Needs. Some wive confe ed that they had no vital ocial life. What can be done to eliminate thi short– coming? Have area monthly lt1nch– eon or dinner for mini ters' \\ ive Robert Gromacki only (let the mini ter baby- it!). Pa - tor et a ide an evening and take your wife out for dinner and a con– cert. Critici m inevitably come if the pa tor and hi wife entertain church member in their home: therefore, establish an open hou e at the par on– age once a year. The need for home entertainment can al o be met through reciprocal dinner engage– ment with other pa tor and their wives. Church and unday hool Cla partie al o help. Other need and po ible olution.. could be cited, but the e h tild uf– fice to how that the n1ini ter' wife ha been a neglected per n in the local cht1rch. eed are not a ign of per onal weakne : th v are the re u1t of a God-gi\ en per onalit . \ hat i being done b) u and b\ \'Otlr cht1rch t enc uragc th mini- ~ tcr' .. wife to gr \\ "'in \\ i "d n1 and in tatt1r and ic1 f a,·or \Vith 1 )d ,1nd n1an?" ometh1ng New Has Been Added J1i month ,,,e introduce two featt1res which we tru t ha11 appear mo11thly in the cars ahead. "fhe fir t f these i " ]imi, e of rtith fro111 the 1reek eY.' ~e tan1ent' '. 11 author o tl e articl i Dr. eorge awlor, Pro- f, or o v,.., ta111ent 1reek at edar,lille 11 ge. \"le are ure 1l1at th tudie " ' ill pri ,,e a ble sing t ot1r r ad r . cond • ' hri tian n' '. ature 1 ( )], th art i l v.,11 dra,\' th..: • ' 1 I I ar, ill 11 g . I I Ji, ct th 1 l I rn Ill tl } ). n1an , , ar 111 tJ J Rt1 I I .H OHIO INDEP EN BAP IST had the c cart n~ c1p1Jcaring in the t1nda) 1 ·h l 1"'in1es. \Ve ar'-= happy that n \ thl\ ar a, 1 ,tilabl t th~ 0. T .B. nt·1ined el t,;\\ her in this in ll i a11 nrti le \\' ritt 11 h , r. l{ t1 ·sell ,vhi h () ak f his 111i11istr ' i11 th field l1f tele,,i i n. In c n\' r , ti n \\ 1 ith thi l~, r 111 'l 11 f , )Cl, he said. . . ' l1 'tt \Vhi h 1 de ir )f tl1 l rd' i1 JJl , 111 r\; tl1an an) 1 tl1i11g ls i that tlt~)' 1 ra\' fr tl1is ,,, rk." ,\Jr , d ot1I 11 ,, l) 11 l1allt 11g l ,\nd " 111 l 1t1r t1gl1 tl1 JJr gr,111 . \\f \\ t1Jd Jik ll> kill\\ , lll I ,\ ti( Il • 111 • n <. \' Hl l 11 • M RCH 1966 P GE
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